from import BaseCommand import datetime import csv import stripe from hosting.models import VATRates from utils.hosting_utils import get_vat_rate_for_country from django.conf import settings stripe.api_key = settings.STRIPE_API_PRIVATE_KEY class Command(BaseCommand): help = '''CH vat rate changes on 2024-01-01 from 7.7% to 8.1%. This commands makes the necessary changes''' def handle(self, *args, **options): MAKE_MODIFS=False try: country_to_change = 'CH' currency_to_change = 'CHF' new_rate = 0.081 user_country_vat_rate = get_vat_rate_for_country(country_to_change) logger.debug("Existing VATRate for %s %s " % (country_to_change, user_country_vat_rate)) vat_rate = VATRates.objects.get( territory_codes=country_to_change, start_date__isnull=False, stop_date=None ) logger.debug("VAT rate for %s is %s" % (country, vat_rate.rate)) logger.debug("vat_rate object = %s" % vat_rate) logger.debug("Create end date for the VATRate %s" % if MAKE_MODIFS: vat_rate.stop_date =, 12, 31) print("Creating a new VATRate for CH") obj, created = VATRates.objects.get_or_create(, 1, 1), stop_date=None, territory_codes=country_to_change, currency_code=currency_to_change, rate=new_rate, rate_type="standard", description="Switzerland standard VAT (added manually on %s)" % ) if created: logger.debug("Created new VAT Rate for %s with the new rate %s" % (country_to_change, new_rate)) logger.debug(obj) else: logger.debug("VAT Rate for %s already exists with the rate %s" % (country_to_change, new_rate)) logger.debug("Getting all subscriptions of %s that need a VAT Rate change") subscriptions = stripe.Subscription.list(limit=100) # Increase the limit to 100 per page (maximum) ch_subs = [] while subscriptions: for subscription in subscriptions: if len(subscription.default_tax_rates) > 0 and subscription.default_tax_rates[0].jurisdiction and subscription.default_tax_rates[0].jurisdiction.lower() == 'ch': ch_subs.append(subscription) elif len(subscription.default_tax_rates) > 0: print("subscription %s belongs to %s" % (, subscription.default_tax_rates[0].jurisdiction)) else: print("subscription %s does not have a tax rate" % if subscriptions.has_more: print("FETCHING MORE") subscriptions = stripe.Subscription.list(limit=100,[-1]) else: break logger.debug("There are %s ch subscription that need VAT rate update" % len(ch_subs)) if MAKE_MODIFS: print("Making modifications now") tax_rate_obj = stripe.TaxRate.create( display_name="VAT", description="VAT for %s" % country_to_change, jurisdiction=country_to_change, percentage=new_rate, inclusive=False, ) stripe_tax_rate = StripeTaxRate.objects.create( display_name=tax_rate_obj.display_name, description=tax_rate_obj.description, jurisdiction=tax_rate_obj.jurisdiction, percentage=tax_rate_obj.percentage, inclusive=False, ) for ch_sub in ch_subs: ch_sub.default_tax_rates = [stripe_tax_rate.tax_rate_id] logger.debug("Default tax rate updated for %s" % else: print("Not making any modifications because MAKE_MODIFS=False") except Exception as e: print(" *** Error occurred. Details {}".format(str(e)))