#include #include "Sodaq_RN2483.h" #define loraSerial Serial1 #define beePin ENABLE_PIN_IO #ifdef LORA_ABP void setupLoRaABP(){ if (LoRaBee.initABP(loraSerial, devAddr, appSKey, nwkSKey, true)) { debugSerial.println("Lora: ABP setup ok"); } else { debugSerial.println("Lora: ABP setup failed"); } } #endif #ifdef LORA_OTAA void setupLoRaOTAA(){ if (LoRaBee.initOTA(loraSerial, DevEUI, AppEUI, AppKey, true)) { debugSerial.println("Lora: OTAA setup ok"); } else { debugSerial.println("Lora: OTAA Setup failed!"); } } #endif void loraSetup() { pinMode(ENABLE_PIN_IO, OUTPUT); // ONE digitalWrite(beePin, HIGH); // Lorawan loraSerial.begin(LoRaBee.getDefaultBaudRate()); #ifdef LORA_OTAA setupLoRaOTAA(); #endif #ifdef LORA_ABP setupLoRaABP(); #endif } void loraSend(String packet){ switch (LoRaBee.sendReqAck(1, (uint8_t*)packet.c_str(), packet.length(), 8)) { case NoError: debugSerial.println("Successful transmission."); break; case NoResponse: debugSerial.println("There was no response from the device."); loraSetup(); break; case Timeout: debugSerial.println("Connection timed-out. Check your serial connection to the device! Sleeping for 20sec."); delay(20000); break; case PayloadSizeError: debugSerial.println("The size of the payload is greater than allowed. Transmission failed!"); break; case InternalError: debugSerial.println("Oh No! This shouldn't happen. Something is really wrong! Try restarting the device!\r\nThe network connection will reset."); loraSetup(); break; case Busy: debugSerial.println("The device is busy. Sleeping for 10 extra seconds."); delay(10000); break; case NetworkFatalError: debugSerial.println("There is a non-recoverable error with the network connection. You should re-connect.\r\nThe network connection will reset."); loraSetup(); break; case NotConnected: debugSerial.println("The device is not connected to the network. Please connect to the network before attempting to send data.\r\nThe network connection will reset."); loraSetup(); break; case NoAcknowledgment: debugSerial.println("There was no acknowledgment sent back!"); // When you this message you are probaly out of range of the network. break; default: break; } /* Delay some time to give avoid keeping the device busy */ delay(2000); }