Public Health Schweiz ===================== Website of the Swiss Society for Public Health ## Development environment The easiest way to set up your machine would be to use [Vagrant](, then in the project folder in the terminal type: ``` vagrant liverun ``` **Backend setup** After installing Python 3, from the project folder: ``` sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-dev libjpeg-dev pyvenv env . env/bin/activate pip install -U pip pip install -r requirements.txt ./ migrate ./ createsuperuser ``` You will be asked a few questions to create an administrator account. **Frontend setup** You will need to have Ruby and SASS installed on your system, e.g.: ``` sudo yum install rubygem-sass ``` Make sure a recent version of node.js, then: ``` npm install -g bower grunt-cli npm install bower install ``` If you have one installed, also start your local redis server (`service redis start`). **Starting up** Run this after completing setup: ``` ./ runserver & grunt browser-sync ``` A default browser should open pointing to the default home page. Now access the admin panel with the user account you created earlier: http://localhost:3000/admin/ ## Troubleshooting - Issues with migrating database tables in SQLite during development? Try `./ migrate --fake` ## Production notes We suggest using Docker or [Dokku]( for automated deployment. There is a Makefile to help set up and manage the instance. - Initial setup: `make setup` - Startup: `make run-detached` - Release: `make release`