--- - name: remove suid/sgid bit from binaries in blacklist file: path='{{item}}' mode='a-s' state=file follow=yes failed_when: false with_items: - '{{ os_security_suid_sgid_system_blacklist }}' - '{{ os_security_suid_sgid_blacklist }}' - name: find binaries with suid/sgid set shell: find / -xdev \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type f ! -path '/proc/*' -print 2>/dev/null register: sbit_binaries when: os_security_suid_sgid_remove_from_unknown changed_when: False - name: gather files from which to remove suids/sgids and remove system white-listed files set_fact: suid: '{{ sbit_binaries.stdout_lines | difference(os_security_suid_sgid_system_whitelist) }}' when: os_security_suid_sgid_remove_from_unknown - name: remove suid/sgid bit from all binaries except in system and user whitelist file: path='{{item}}' mode='a-s' state=file follow=yes with_items: - '{{ suid | default(omit) | difference(os_security_suid_sgid_whitelist) }}' when: os_security_suid_sgid_remove_from_unknown