--- - name: wrapper playbook for kitchen testing "ansible-ssh-hardening" with custom settings hosts: localhost pre_tasks: - package: name="{{item}}" state=installed with_items: - "openssh-clients" - "openssh-server" ignore_errors: true - apt: name="{{item}}" state=installed update_cache=true with_items: - "openssh-client" - "openssh-server" ignore_errors: true - file: path="/var/run/sshd" state=directory roles: - ansible-ssh-hardening vars: network_ipv6_enable: true ssh_allow_root_with_key: true ssh_client_password_login: true ssh_client_cbc_required: true ssh_server_weak_hmac: true ssh_client_weak_kex: true ssh_remote_hosts: - names: ['example.com', 'example2.com'] options: ['Port 2222', 'ForwardAgent yes'] - names: ['example3.com'] options: ['StrictHostKeyChecking no'] - name: wrapper playbook for kitchen testing "ansible-ssh-hardening" with default settings hosts: localhost roles: - ansible-ssh-hardening