--- - name: install modprobe to disable filesystems | os-10 package: name: '{{ modprobe_package }}' state: 'present' - name: check if efi is installed stat: path: "/sys/firmware/efi" register: efi_installed - name: remove vfat from fs-list if efi is used set_fact: os_unused_filesystems: "{{ os_unused_filesystems | difference('vfat') }}" when: - efi_installed.stat.isdir is defined - efi_installed.stat.isdir - name: remove used filesystems from fs-list set_fact: os_unused_filesystems: "{{ os_unused_filesystems | difference(ansible_mounts | map(attribute='fstype') | list) }}" # we cannot do this on el6 and below, because these systems don't support the map function when: not ((ansible_facts.os_family in ['Oracle Linux', 'RedHat']) and ansible_facts.distribution_major_version < '7') - name: disable unused filesystems | os-10 template: src: 'etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.j2' dest: '/etc/modprobe.d/dev-sec.conf' owner: 'root' group: 'root' mode: '0644'