{% extends "base.html" %} {% load wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags puput_tags %} {% block body_class %}template-{{ self.get_verbose_name|slugify }}{% endblock %} {% block title %}{{ self.title }} | {{ blog_page.title }}{% endblock title %} {% block meta_title %}{% if self.seo_title %}{{ self.seo_title }}{% else %}{{ self.title }}{% endif %}{% endblock meta_title %} {% block meta_description %}{% if self.search_description %}{{ self.search_description }}{% else %}{{ self.body|striptags|truncatewords:20 }}{% endif %}{% endblock meta_description %} {% block canonical %}{% canonical_url entry=self %}{% endblock canonical %} {% block social_share %} {% image self.header_image fill-800x450 as share_image %} {% if self.header_image %} {% endif %} {% endblock social_share %} {% block content %}
{% if self.header_image %}
{% image self.header_image fill-940x300 as header_image %} {{ self.header_image.title }}
{% endif %} {% include 'puput/entry_page_header.html' with entry=self %}
{{ self.body|richtext}}
{% show_comments %}
{% endblock content %} {% block extra_content %} {% if self.has_related %} {% include 'puput/related_entries.html' with entry=self %} {% endif %} {% endblock extra_content %}