--- # If the find-task throws an error on /usr/bin/X11 like "File system loop detected" # the other files inside /usr/bin (and all other directories) are # still getting found and the permissions minimized in the next task. # This is also the reason why there's ignore_errors: true on the task. # also see: https://github.com/dev-sec/ansible-os-hardening/issues/219 - name: find files with write-permissions for group shell: "find -L {{ item }} -perm /go+w -type f" # noqa 305 with_flattened: - '/usr/local/sbin' - '/usr/local/bin' - '/usr/sbin' - '/usr/bin' - '/sbin' - '/bin' - "{{ os_env_extra_user_paths }}" # noqa 104 register: minimize_access_directories ignore_errors: true changed_when: false - name: minimize access on found files file: path: '{{ item.1 }}' mode: 'go-w' state: file with_subelements: - "{{ minimize_access_directories.results }}" - stdout_lines - name: change shadow ownership to root and mode to 0600 | os-02 file: dest: '/etc/shadow' owner: '{{ os_shadow_perms.owner }}' group: '{{ os_shadow_perms.group }}' mode: '{{ os_shadow_perms.mode }}' - name: change passwd ownership to root and mode to 0644 | os-03 file: dest: '/etc/passwd' owner: '{{ os_passwd_perms.owner }}' group: '{{ os_passwd_perms.group }}' mode: '{{ os_passwd_perms.mode }}' - name: change su-binary to only be accessible to user and group root file: dest: '/bin/su' owner: 'root' group: 'root' mode: '0750' when: '"change_user" not in os_security_users_allow' - name: set option hidepid for proc filesystem mount: path: /proc src: proc fstype: proc opts: '{{ proc_mnt_options }}' state: present