{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static i18n wagtailcore_tags wagtailimages_tags puput_tags %} {% block body_class %}template-{{ self.get_verbose_name|slugify }}{% endblock %} {% block title %}{% if search_term %}{{ search_term }} | {{ blog_page.title }}{% else %}{{ block.super }}{% endif %}{% endblock title %} {% block meta_title %}{% if search_term %}{% trans 'Entries for' %} {{ search_type }} {{ search_term }}{% else %}{{ block.super }}{% endif %}{% endblock meta_title %} {% block meta_description %}{% if search_term %}{% trans 'Entries for' %} {{ search_type }} {{ search_term }}{% else %}{{ block.super }}{% endif %}{% endblock meta_description %} {% block social_share %} {% image blog_page.header_image fill-800x450 as share_image %} {% if blog_page.header_image %} {% endif %} {% endblock social_share %} {% block content %}
{% with per_page=blog_page.num_entries_page %} {# 'paginate' tag cannot render dotted variables, so we need to create a context var #} {% paginate per_page entries %} {% if search_term %}
{% trans 'Entries for' %} {{ search_type }} "{{ search_term }}"
{% endif %} {% for entry in entries %}
{% include 'puput/entry_page_header.html' %} {% if entry.header_image %} {% image entry.header_image fill-800x240 as header_image %} {{ entry.header_image.title }} {% endif %}
{% if entry.excerpt %} {{ entry.excerpt|richtext }} {% else %} {{ entry.body|richtext|truncatewords_html:70 }} {% endif %} {% trans 'Continue reading' %} »
{% empty %} {% trans 'No results found.' %} {% endfor %} {% endwith %}
RSS Feed {% endblock content %}