--- - name: remove unused repositories file: name: '/etc/yum.repos.d/{{ item }}.repo' state: 'absent' with_items: - 'CentOS-Debuginfo' - 'CentOS-Media' - 'CentOS-Vault' when: os_security_packages_clean | bool - name: get yum-repository-files shell: 'find /etc/yum.repos.d/ -type f -name *.repo' changed_when: False register: yum_repos # for the 'default([])' see here: # https://github.com/dev-sec/ansible-os-hardening/issues/99 and # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37067827/ansible-deprecation-warning-for-undefined-variable-despite-when-clause # # failed_when is needed because by default replace module will fail if the file doesn't exists. # status.rc is only defined if an error accrued and only error code (rc) 257 will be ignored. # All other errors will still be raised. - name: activate gpg-check for config files replace: dest: '{{ item }}' regexp: '^\s*gpgcheck: 0' replace: 'gpgcheck: 1' register: status failed_when: status.rc is defined and status.rc != 257 with_flattened: - '/etc/yum.conf' - '/etc/dnf/dnf.conf' - '{{ yum_repos.stdout_lines| default([]) }}' # noqa 104 - '/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/rhnplugin.conf' - name: remove deprecated or insecure packages | package-01 - package-09 yum: name: '{{ os_security_packages_list }}' state: 'absent' when: os_security_packages_clean | bool