* Stuff to do ** PROGRESS Add smtp support (postfix?) ** PROGRESS Add imap support ** PROGRESS Define where/how to save mails - /data would be fitting ** PROGRESS Add db support (?) or not? - all file based could be very easy - restarts are usually fine - requires dovecot in same containerx ** TODO Define deployment requirements (such as SPF/DKIM etc) ** TODO add stdout logging Logging to stdout is useful when Postfix runs in a container, as it eliminates a syslogd dependency. Add the following line to master.cf if not already present (note: there must be no whitespace at the start of the line): postlog unix-dgram n - n - 1 postlogd Note: the service type "unix-dgram" was introduced with Postfix 3.4. Remove the above line before backing out to an older Postfix version. Configure main.cf with "maillog_file = /dev/stdout". Start Postfix with "postfix start-fg". ** TODO Check EAI support - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_email - https://www.icann.org/get-ua-ready-en