## Objective Allow a service to acquire a DNS name and a certificate for the DNS name. ## Potential flow * A deployment (?) with annotations domain: xyz.example.com is created * The DNS entry xyz.example.com pointing to the Service is created * The certifcatce for xyz.example.com is requested/stored * All pods get access to the certificate, serve https ## Certificate for a service [sketch] * Have one pod listening on port 80 / doing certbot from time to time * The cert is stored as a configmap (?) or other volume * The application containers read the certificate * ... and are restarted on ... ?? * Job+Cronjob could do the job * Deletion of certificate? * With the volume/configmap * Port 80 of the IP nginx with certbot webroot * webroot shared with certbot container ## DNS * Could try to reuse existing CoreDNS ** Maybe even via https://coredns.io/plugins/kubernetes/ ## Letsencrypt / Certificates for services [WIP] * Maybe using certmanager ``` kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.3.1/cert-manager.yaml ```