## Missing - db secret generation (sops?) - done via mittwald - SMTP settings / secrets (ungleich mail + sops?) - Exposing sizes in value.yaml (db, gitea) - Maybe reducing to 1 PVC? ## TODOs - Maybe move postgres into own service -> stays running by default ## Reset What I want: - Easy access to latest matrix version - Based on the official container makes sense - Being able to inject postgres secret - Postgres not restarting if synapse is getting updated - 2nd service could nicely solve that ## input / image /data SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR: where additional config files are stored. Defaults to /data. SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH: path to the config file. Defaults to /homeserver.yaml TZ: the timezone the container will run with. Defaults to UTC. docker run -d --name synapse \ --mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \ -p 8008:8008 \ matrixdotorg/synapse:latest run \ -m synapse.app.generic_worker \ --config-path=/data/homeserver.yaml \ --config-path=/data/generic_worker.yaml # admin user docker exec -it synapse register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -c /data/homeserver.yaml --help