## OpenNebula Chart ## Containers to do - oned: main api - also needs ssh files - scheduler - mysql for data - sunstone - novnc - nginx on 443 Storage: - mysql pvc (prod: 65G!) DB upgrade to be run when upgrading opennebula: ``` sh-4.4# onedb upgrade -S -P 3306 -u root -d opennebula ``` ## Tests / Migration ## Containers done ### Scheduler Needs /etc/one/sched.conf. [root@opennebula-opennebula-6cbb864798-txfhf one]# /usr/bin/mm_sched Could not open file /root/.one/one_auth ``` [root@opennebula-opennebula-6cbb864798-txfhf one]# mkdir /root/.one [root@opennebula-opennebula-6cbb864798-txfhf one]# vi /root/.one/one_auth [root@opennebula-opennebula-6cbb864798-txfhf one]# /usr/bin/mm_sched ``` ## DB cleanup - via cronjob - maybe 1/month ``` ALTER TABLE vm_pool DROP INDEX ftidx; ALTER TABLE vm_pool ADD FULLTEXT INDEX ftidx (search_token); ``` ## Oned - Needs SSH keys - Define secret and provide out-of-band? ## certbot for nginx ## nginx for sunstone ## Sunstone templates: sunstone-server - needs ssl certificates access files: - /var/lib/one/.one/one_auth - /var/lib/one/.one/sunstone_auth Maybe via latent / hanging secret? cmd: ``` mkdir -p /run/lock/one mkdir -p /run/one ruby /usr/lib/one/sunstone/sunstone-server.rb ``` `` [root@opennebula-opennebula-574c564b76-h6skt /]# sunstone-server start Error, check /var/log/one/novnc.log Could not start novnc server touch: cannot touch '/var/lock/one/.sunstone.lock': No such file or directory Error creating lock file VNC server is not running [root@opennebula-opennebula-574c564b76-h6skt /]# mkdir -p /run/lock/one [root@opennebula-opennebula-574c564b76-h6skt /]# sunstone-server start VNC proxy started /usr/bin/sunstone-server: line 104: /var/run/one/sunstone.pid: No such file or directory sunstone-server started [root@opennebula-opennebula-574c564b76-h6skt /]# ``` ``` SUNSTONE_CONF=/etc/one/sunstone-server.conf `` - Starting novnc - ruby $SUNSTONE_SERVER > $SUNSTONE_LOG 2>$SUNSTONE_LOG_ERROR & SUNSTONE_PID=/var/run/one/sunstone.pid SUNSTONE_SERVER=/usr/lib/one/sunstone/sunstone-server.rb SUNSTONE_LOCK_FILE=/var/lock/one/.sunstone.lock SUNSTONE_LOG=/var/log/one/sunstone.log SUNSTONE_LOG_ERROR=/var/log/one/sunstone.error SUNSTONE_CONF=/etc/one/sunstone-server.conf NOVNC_SERVER=/usr/bin/novnc-server - Memcached - SSL cert Sat Aug 07 11:54:42 2021 [E]: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - /var/lib/one/.one/sunstone_auth serveradmin:... Sat Aug 07 12:08:37 2021 [E]: Configuration of ':webauthn_origin' is missing Provide the serveradmin and oneadmin credentials in the /var/lib/one/.one/. ### File upload From the website: If you want to upload files to OpenNebula, you will have to share the uploads directory (/var/tmp by default) between Sunstone and oned. Some servers do not take into account the TMPDIR environment variable, in which case this directory must be defined in the configuration file (:tmpdir). It may also be necessary to set it in Passenger (client_body_temp_path). We can probably do without it using the hostpath ## Fireedge * Basically a guacamole viewer, which we already have ## Follow up - Find out if DB can be cleaned up (65G is huge!) - https://docs.opennebula.io/6.0/installation_and_configuration/opennebula_services/database.html