clusterDomain: email: letsencryptStaging: "yes" # This is how the service and the data volumes are named - i.e. the # persistent thing identifier: "{{ .Release.Name }}" fqdn: "{{ .Release.Name }}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc.{{ .Values.clusterDomain }}" # This needs delegation / configuration on server_name: "" # Full URL -- for later, when external domains are supported # web_client_location: "https://TBD" enable_registration: false # Maximum size of one particular file max_filesize_in_mb: 100 elementVersion: "1.7.32" synapseVersion: "1.38.0" #synapse_config: # --- # apiVersion: v1 # kind: ConfigMap # metadata: # name: {{ tpl .Values.identifier . }}-matrixconfig # data: # {{ tpl (.Files.Glob "matrix/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}