* 2020-05-22 ** note - ex15.py - The argument method is better than using stdin. becouse bash-completion could be used. - python3.8 shell - >>> filename=input() - ex15_sample.txt - >>> txt = open(filename) - >>> txt_script = txt.read() - >>> print(txt_script) - This is stuff I typed into a file. - It is really cool stuff. - Lots and lots of fun to have in here - ex16.py - 'w' is to open a file on write mode. - If a file is openned with 'w', target.truncate() should not be need. the 'w' mode always overwrite a file. - ex17.py - cat is concatenate files to stdout - If file.close() is not called, the file which is openned by python chould not be modified on orther programs. - ex18.py - none - ex19.py - none - ex20.py - file.seek is to move to new file posotion - ex21.py - - ex22.py - * 2020-05-20 ** note - ex8.py - none - ex9.py - none - ex10.py - none - ex11.py - none - ex12.py - pydoc input - describe input on python. It looks like man commnad on linux shell. - ex13.py - none - ex14.py - none * 2020-05-18 ** note - ex1.py - # is commnet. - ex2.py - I do't find mistakes. - ex3.py - none - ex4.py - car_pool_capacity is not defined. - ex5.py - none - ex6.py - + is to add two string array. - ex7.py - none