# Organisation #5: Emacs refresher * Search for something forward: C-s ** Searching in emacs is incremental which means it begins searching as soon as you type the first word * Search for something backward ** C-r * Search for regular expressions instead of string (forward, backward) ** c-M-s i-search-forward-reg-exp c-M-r *** i-search-backwards-reg-exp **** incremental and nonincremental way of searching * Go to the beginning of the line ** C-a begininging of the line ** C-e end of the line * Delete a word in front (to the right of the cursor) ** C-d deletes the single word after the cursor * Delete a word in back (to the left of the cursor) ** Backspace deletes the single word before the cursor * List all "occurences" of a word in a file ** x-m grep * Search (GREP) for a word in all files in a directory RECURSIVELY ** * Save the CURRENT buffer ** C-x C-s * Save ALL open files ** Press "C-x s" and then choose "!" for saving all buffers. * Split the window/buffer vertically ** C-x 3 * Split the window/buffer horizontally ** C-x 2 * Close buffers ** C-x 0 * Switch between the different windows ** C-x o * Kill the active buffer ** C-x k buffer * Closing a buffer ** resume the same buffer after it has been closed. * killing a buffer ** we won't be a able to resume the the buffer after it has been killed. * Switch between buffers that are not shown ** C-x Left-key (in the same window) * Switch between buffers that are not shown 2 ** c-x 4 b switch to a buffer in other window