
180 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @fileoverview This file only declares the public portions of the API.
* It should not define internal pieces such as utils or modifier details.
* Original definitions by: edcarroll <https://github.com/edcarroll>, ggray <https://github.com/giladgray>, rhysd <https://rhysd.github.io>, joscha <https://github.com/joscha>, seckardt <https://github.com/seckardt>, marcfallows <https://github.com/marcfallows>
* This kind of namespace declaration is not necessary, but is kept here for backwards-compatibility with
* popper.js 1.x. It can be removed in 2.x so that the default export is simply the Popper class
* and all the types / interfaces are top-level named exports.
declare namespace Popper {
export type Position = 'top' | 'right' | 'bottom' | 'left';
export type Placement = 'auto-start'
| 'auto'
| 'auto-end'
| 'top-start'
| 'top'
| 'top-end'
| 'right-start'
| 'right'
| 'right-end'
| 'bottom-end'
| 'bottom'
| 'bottom-start'
| 'left-end'
| 'left'
| 'left-start';
export type Boundary = 'scrollParent' | 'viewport' | 'window';
export type Behavior = 'flip' | 'clockwise' | 'counterclockwise';
export type ModifierFn = (data: Data, options: Object) => Data;
export interface Attributes {
'x-out-of-boundaries': '' | false;
'x-placement': Placement;
export interface Padding {
top?: number,
bottom?: number,
left?: number,
right?: number,
export interface BaseModifier {
order?: number;
enabled?: boolean;
fn?: ModifierFn;
export interface Modifiers {
shift?: BaseModifier;
offset?: BaseModifier & {
offset?: number | string,
preventOverflow?: BaseModifier & {
priority?: Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
escapeWithReference?: boolean
keepTogether?: BaseModifier;
arrow?: BaseModifier & {
element?: string | Element,
flip?: BaseModifier & {
behavior?: Behavior | Position[],
padding?: number | Padding,
boundariesElement?: Boundary | Element,
flipVariations?: boolean,
flipVariationsByContent?: boolean,
inner?: BaseModifier;
hide?: BaseModifier;
applyStyle?: BaseModifier & {
onLoad?: Function,
gpuAcceleration?: boolean,
computeStyle?: BaseModifier & {
gpuAcceleration?: boolean;
x?: 'bottom' | 'top',
y?: 'left' | 'right'
[name: string]: (BaseModifier & Record<string, any>) | undefined;
export interface Offset {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
export interface Data {
instance: Popper;
placement: Placement;
originalPlacement: Placement;
flipped: boolean;
hide: boolean;
arrowElement: Element;
styles: CSSStyleDeclaration;
arrowStyles: CSSStyleDeclaration;
attributes: Attributes;
boundaries: Object;
offsets: {
popper: Offset,
reference: Offset,
arrow: {
top: number,
left: number,
export interface PopperOptions {
placement?: Placement;
positionFixed?: boolean;
eventsEnabled?: boolean;
modifiers?: Modifiers;
removeOnDestroy?: boolean;
onCreate?(data: Data): void;
onUpdate?(data: Data): void;
export interface ReferenceObject {
clientHeight: number;
clientWidth: number;
referenceNode?: Node;
getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect;
// Re-export types in the Popper namespace so that they can be accessed as top-level named exports.
// These re-exports should be removed in 2.x when the "declare namespace Popper" syntax is removed.
export type Padding = Popper.Padding;
export type Position = Popper.Position;
export type Placement = Popper.Placement;
export type Boundary = Popper.Boundary;
export type Behavior = Popper.Behavior;
export type ModifierFn = Popper.ModifierFn;
export type BaseModifier = Popper.BaseModifier;
export type Modifiers = Popper.Modifiers;
export type Offset = Popper.Offset;
export type Data = Popper.Data;
export type PopperOptions = Popper.PopperOptions;
export type ReferenceObject = Popper.ReferenceObject;
declare class Popper {
static modifiers: (BaseModifier & { name: string })[];
static placements: Placement[];
static Defaults: PopperOptions;
options: PopperOptions;
popper: Element;
reference: Element | ReferenceObject;
constructor(reference: Element | ReferenceObject, popper: Element, options?: PopperOptions);
destroy(): void;
update(): void;
scheduleUpdate(): void;
enableEventListeners(): void;
disableEventListeners(): void;
export default Popper;