diff --git a/content/u/contact/contents.lr b/content/u/contact/contents.lr index 993acf6..8ed8d9f 100644 --- a/content/u/contact/contents.lr +++ b/content/u/contact/contents.lr @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ any of the public rooms and we will create a private room for you. There is a dedicated matrix room **#datacenterlight-status:ungleich.ch** as well as [Mattermost channel](https://chat.ungleich.ch/ungleich/channels/datacenterlight) for status announcements. -You can use any regular matrix account to connect to our Matrix. For Mattermost you need [create an account.]( https://account.ungleich.ch) +You can use any regular matrix account to connect to our Matrix. For Mattermost you need to [create an account.]( https://account.ungleich.ch) The status announcements are also shared on Twitter [**@datacenterlight**](https://twitter.com/datacenterlight) and Mastodon [**ipv6.social/@ungleich**](https://ipv6.social/@ungleich)