title: How to run your browser in the cloud --- pub_date: 2019-11-18 --- author: Nico Schottelius --- twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: Finally, freeing my notebook from memory and CPU pressure --- body: So I have this problem: no matter which notebook I buy, some applications are always to "heavy" for it. Notably running two browsers has so far exhausted the available RAM on my notebook. ## The Pros and Cons of the cloud For many years I have the strict policy to be able to work autonomously with my notebook. So moving parts of what I use to the cloud was rarely an option, to be able to work offline. However this comes with a drawback that switching the notebook can be a bit cumbersome, so I migrated to a git + nextcloud + imap based setup in which all "small files" (notes, source code, etc.) reside in git repositories and "big files" (photos, videos, etc.) reside in Nextcloud. One thing I always want to have locally, are my emails, which I read in [emacs](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) (using [mu4e](https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/mu4e.html)). Using mbsync / isync this problem has also been solved - my mails are local and remote. ## The browser While you can make a joke about emacs consuming all my memory (it stands for "[Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping](https://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/gnuemacs.acro.exp.html)", doesn't it?), the real problem are actually browsers. It was a problem on my 256MB RAM notebook in 1998 with Netscape Navigator, it is still a problem with firefox and chromium and 16GB RAM in 2019. Even if you are crazy and upgrade to a 32GB RAM notebook, like I did, you finally become CPU bound! Yes, indeed, the tabs of my browser consume all CPU cores - while it is idling. There is an important discussion around whether and why browsers use so many resources, however this is not the focus of this post... ## The browser in the cloud Working at [ungleich](https://ungleich.ch), literally less than 50 meters away from the [Data Center Light](https://datacenterlight.ch), I was wondering whether or not I can actually use one of our VMs to outsource my browser. First check: does it make sense? I use the browser, to browse the web and it is rarely of use in an offline scenario. So it is a possible candidate for moving out of my notebook. Second check: how would I access it? I potentially want to be able to access it from anywhere, even without my notebook. Luckily we have recently gained some knowledge about [Apache Guacamole](https://guacamole.apache.org/), which lets me access VNC, RDP and even SSH via the web. Guacamole also supports 2FA, which is a nice add-on. Sanity check: So... I can use a browser (!) to access my browser (!) in the cloud. Does that actually make sense? And the answer for me is "yes", because instead of running many tabs, I only have to run 1 tab locally and can outsource the rest. ## More in the cloud Actually, what happens behind the scenes is that the VM is running VNC, so I have actually full access to a remote Linux desktop via browser and can even run applications like libreoffice. Because I think it's a cool thing to have, our team at ungleich added it as an offer to our [Black IPv6 Friday Crowdfunding](https://swiss-crowdfunder.com/campaigns/black-ipv6-friday?locale=en).