title: Open Source --- subtitle: Open Source literally created ungleich --- content: ## History of Open Source at ungleich Open Source at ungleich is deeply rooted. It is actually Open Source that started ungleich in 2013: You might now that I am one of the two original authors of [cdist](https://cdi.st), an Open Source configuration management system (Steven Armstrong being the other crazy person). In 2013 a company from France requested commercial support for cdist and soon after other Swiss companies were asking for Open Source Software consultancy. This is how ungleich was originally born. Whenever possible, we ask our customers to make the code that we create for them also Open Source and some of our customers very much welcome this approach. In 2017 we started the [Data Center Light project](../data-center-light), which turns old buildings (like factory halls) into data centers. We realised that many problems that we solve are repeating infrastructure problems. For that reason we created the [Open Infrastructure project](https://redmine.ungleich.ch/projects/open-infrastructure). in 2018 to open source our infrastructure and have others profit from our experiences. We also released the [ungleich-tools](https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/ungleich-tools) that we use to manage or support the infrastructure. ## Open Source at ungleich today Almost all of our products are based on Open Source Software, which is why we contribute back to projects that we use. While we still have [our github account](https://github.com/orgs/ungleich/), most of our public code can be found on [code.ungleich.ch](https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/). We also think that **Open Communication** is important and for that reason we allow [free access to our company chat](../open-chat) via Mattermost and Matrix. ## SEE ALSO * [Open Chat](../open-chat) * [Open Infrastructure](https://redmine.ungleich.ch/projects/open-infrastructure) * [Public ungleich git repositories](https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/) * [uncloud repository](https://code.ungleich.ch/uncloud/uncloud) * [ungleich-tools](https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/ungleich-tools)