title: IPv6 for you --- subtitle: IPv6 consultancy by ungleich --- image: /u/image/cards/ipv6consultancy.jpg --- description1: ## TL;DR If you need to have IPv6 and don't have the fitting resources, we can help you to get your network and services IPv6 ready. ## Introduction We have been in the IPv6 world for a while and seen companies struggling with their first or intermediate steps towards IPv6. Many times we have witnessed that customers and users request IPv6 from their service providers and the answers were * We have it on a plan * We do not have it on the plan at all We understand that adding a new technology stack to your infrastructure is not always easy, especially if you don't have the resources in-house. ## IPv6 consultancy from ungleich For this reason we offer our knowledge with running data centers and IPv6 only networks in terms on consultancy for you. Below you find a list of typical services we offer. ## Services ### Network, Application and Requirement Analysis One of the first steps towards IPv6 enabled networks is to find out what the needs are and how the current situation looks like. Whether it is implementing IPv6 in your network or in the software stack, a thorough analysis can save resources at a later stage. ### Cost comparison Going IPv6 cannot only help your organisation to stay up-to-date, but it can also reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO). We help you analysing the current cost and create a comparison of the resources required with IPv6. Often running **IPv6 only networks** can save resources, because the degree of complexity is reduced and less IPv4 addresses are required. In fact, many networks can operate completely without IPv4, only requiring an NAT64 service. ### Implementation and migration plans Once you know where youw want to go it is important to keep an eye on the migration paths. Are there downtimes necessary? When should they happen? Which equipment needs to be replaced or updated? Each organisation has different needs and each organisation should take the path that is best in their situation. We help you finding the best path in your situation. ### Network setup Apart from preparing the migration towards IPv6, we can also aid or even fully implement the IPv6 migration for you. ### IPv6 education Our [education](/u/projects/education/) program features a variety of topics including IPv6 courses. If your or your staff is interested in knowing how to setup, design and maintain IPv6 services and infrastructures, we can provide courses in Glarus, Switzerland or on-site. ### IPv6 Security Analysis IPv6, like IPv4, needs to be deployed in a secure way. We help you finding out which security policies are adequate for your situation. Together with you we create a policy and, if you wish, also detailed firewall rules. ### Network maintenance If your daily business is not running networks, we can also manage your networks. Whether it is an office network, a data center network or a large scale university network - we can aid in choosing the right components maintaining your infrastructure so that you can concentrate on your daily business. ### IPv6 Progress Communication If you are implementing IPv6 based on customer or user requests, communication with your customers is a key element. Providing more details than just "IPv6 is planned" gives your customers confidence in the process and can help to keep your users, even if IPv6 cannot be implemented right away. In our experience customers are more likely to stay with your product, when you can update about IPv6 progress in a regular manner. ## Request a quote If you are interested in IPv6 consultancy, you can [contact](/contact) us and reach out for a quote.