_discoverable: yes --- _hidden: no --- title: Django Hosting --- subtitle: Hassle free Django hosting --- headline1:Zero Carbon --- headline2: Hassle free --- headline3: Django Hosting --- header_background_color: #13410B --- header_text_color: text-light --- nav_classes: navbar-dark --- image:/u/image/cards/django-hosting.jpg --- feature1_title: Proven over years --- feature1_text: Here at ungleich we do not only provide django hosting as a service, but we also run Django instances and we provide customers with Django based services. --- feature2_title: Scalable --- feature2_text: With our django hosting you can grow as needed. You can start with a small sites, including development, testing or staging systems and later grow to full production systems including backup. --- feature3_title: Sustainable & Carbon free --- feature3_text: Because our Django hosting runs inside [Data Center Light](/u/projects/data-center-light), you can run your application with a good conscience and without emitting extra carbon. --- content1_text: ## Development flow The diagram gives an overview of a typical development flow with our Django hosting. We strongly recommend you to develop Django (like any other application) with a version control system, even if you are just a single developer. You can even use the [ungleich code repository](https://code.ungleich.ch) for free (you only need to [register an account](https://account.ungleich.ch)). ## Components Depending on your stage of development, a Django hosting may contain 1 virtual machine (production), 2 virtual machines (staging + production) and optionally a backup. ## Pricing Our Django hosting is consisted with two parts of pricing. First part is a one-time, initial setup fee of 30 CHF, and the second part is a monthly payment for the managed VM at Data Center Light. For the latter you can calculate a standard VM price with 25 CHF monthly maintenance fee. ## Getting started Below offers can get you started with your Django hosting. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as we receive the order. --- content1_image: djangohosting.svg --- offer1_title: Django Hosting S 42.5 CHF/month --- offer1_text: * [One time setup fee 30 CHF](https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-setup/) * VM with 1 Core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD, 100 GB HDD * Suitable for a development use * Can be extended with extra HDD space (2 CHF/month per 100 GB) --- offer1_link: https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-s/ --- offer2_title: Django Hosting M 59 CHF/month --- offer2_text: * [One time setup fee 30 CHF](https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-setup/) * VM with 2 Core, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB SSD, 200 GB HDD * Suitable for a small production use * Can be extended with extra HDD space (2 CHF/month per 100 GB) --- offer2_link: https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-m --- offer3_title: Django Hosting L 97.5CHF/month --- offer3_text: * [One time setup fee 30 CHF](https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-setup/) * VM with 4 Core, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD, 500 GB HDD * Suitable for a standard production use * Can be extended with extra HDD space (2 CHF/month per 100 GB) --- offer3_link: https://datacenterlight.ch/product/django-hosting-l --- content2_text: ## Get a free quote No Django project is exactly the same. It can be very helpful to have a chat with our team when you want to find the suitable setting for your new Django hosting. We invite you to reach out to **support -at- ungleich.ch**. For technical details you can check the [Django Hosting article in the Open Infrastructure project](https://redmine.ungleich.ch/projects/open-infrastructure/wiki/Django-Hosting). ## Related products * [Webhosting for static files](../zerocarbon-webhosting-with-ipv6/)