title: Announcing IPv6 networks without becoming the default router --- pub_date: 2020-01-31 --- author: ungleich network team --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: You can also announce prefixes without becoming the default router --- body: ## TL;DR Use **AdvDefaultLifetime 0** in your radvd.conf if you don't want the router to become a default router. ## Background Sometimes you have multiple routers in a network and you don't want a router to become the default router for clients, but it should still announce an IPv6 prefix. ## radvd Luckily radvd supports an option to notify the clients of this. From the manpage of radvd.conf(5): ``` AdvDefaultLifetime seconds The lifetime associated with the default router in units of seconds. The maximum value corresponds to 18.2 hours. A lifetime of 0 indicates that the router is not a default router and should not appear on the default router list. The router lifetime applies only to the router's usefulness as a default router; it does not apply to information contained in other message fields or options. Options that need time limits for their inforā€ mation include their own lifetime fields. Must be either zero or between MaxRtrAdvInterval and 9000 seconds. Default: 3 * MaxRtrAdvInterval (Minimum 1 second). ``` ## Sample configuration A configuration from one of our test sites looks as follows: ``` interface eth0 { AdvSendAdvert on; MinRtrAdvInterval 3; MaxRtrAdvInterval 5; AdvDefaultLifetime 0; prefix 2a0a:e5c1:111:10c::/64 { }; }; ``` Client in this test network assign themselves an additional IPv6 address from this prefix.