_discoverable: yes --- _hidden: no --- title: ungleich spam and scam fees v0.1 --- subtitle: Unsolicited, Fake, Spam or Scam request fees --- description1: ## Introduction Sending unsolicited emails to any @ungleich.ch or related email address causes costs for our staff. For this reason we charge the following fees, if you send us either * Unsolicited emails for marketing or advertisement purposes * Unsolicited emails impersonating other people or organisations * Unsolicited emails with vague or unclear payment requests Explicitly *not* part of this fee are **all regular communications**. See below for details.
Fee type 1st encounter 2nd encounter Every further encounter
Rate 2220 CHF 5500 CHF 10000 CHF/email
Payment due within 3 business days 2 business days 1 business days
Late payment fee 20% per late day 40% per late day 80% per late day
If not otherwise stated, fees accumulate and are not deductable. ## Am I a scammer/spammer / am I sending unsolicited emails? The following examples show typical cases that we are charging with this fee. ### Unsolicited marketing or advertisement In case you are advertising your product to us without prior explicit request from our side, you are spamming and subject to the ### Impersonation If you claim to be somebody else than you really are, you are subject to the fee. Typical impersonation claims are pretending to be a government entity, a company or (weathly) private person. Note: we do respect anyone who needs or wants to stay anonymous. We do not consider using an imaginary name as impersonating, especially if it is for safety issues. ### Vague or unclear payment requests If you are sending us payment requests for whatever service, product or tax and do not specify what product, service or consumption this refers to, you are subject to our spam fee. This includes general payment requests ("fake bills"), unspecific payment requests ("money requested for an undefined product/service") as well as specific unidentifiable payment requests ("requests that reference IDs or references that are not known to us"). ## Fee reasoning As the research of the actual sender as well as verifying the (il-)legitimate cause of the request require significant resources, our fees are reflecting the need of those resources. ## Versions ### 0.1 This version is in effect from 2022-01-12.