title: Public release of the ungleich container registries --- pub_date: 2021-12-11 --- author: ungleich --- twitter_handle: ungleich --- _hidden: no --- _discoverable: yes --- abstract: Today we published our container registries. --- body: ## TL;DR Today we opened up two public container registries from ungleich. You can use them to pull container images released by ungleich or to utilise the container registry caches. ## Overview * You can pull public ungleich container releases from https://harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/ungleich-public * You can use the hub.docker.com cache on https://harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/dockerhub * You can use the quay.io cache on https://harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/quayio * You can use the hub.docker.com cache on https://harbor.ungleich.svc.c2.k8s.ooo/dockerhub (development cluster) * You can use the quay.io cache on https://harbor.ungleich.svc.c2.k8s.ooo/quayio (development cluster) All registries are **IPv6 only** and the caches are intended to be used by [Data Center Light customers](/u/projects/data-center-light) to avoid the IPv4 throttling that one encounters when pulling images from IPv6 only VM. You can test the ungleich-public repository as follows: ``` docker pull harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/ungleich-public/ungleich-certbot:0.3.3 ``` ## Usage If you are using [cri-o](https://cri-o.io/) you can use a registries.conf as follows: ``` unqualified-search-registries = ["docker.io"] [[registry]] prefix = "docker.io" location = "harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/dockerhub" [[registry]] prefix = "quay.io" location = "harbor.ungleich.svc.p10.k8s.ooo/quayio" [[registry.mirror]] location = "harbor.ungleich.svc.c2.k8s.ooo/dockerhub" [[registry.mirror]] location = "harbor.ungleich.svc.c2.k8s.ooo/quayio" ``` ## Next steps and more of it More caches are to follow and we will add a list of publicly available images in the future. We do not plan to make the registries IPv4 accessible, as all workload inside Data Center Light is IPv6 reachable and we think there is no need for IPv4 connectivity anymore. You can read more about [the ungleich kubernetes infrastructure](https://redmine.ungleich.ch/projects/open-infrastructure/wiki/The_ungleich_kubernetes_infrastructure) or join the [#kubernetes:ungleich.ch Matrix chat](/u/projects/open-chat/).