_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: ungleich service hours
subtitle: Let us solve your challenges
headline1: ungleich
headline2: Service
headline3: Hours
header_background_color: #5996CE
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
You can hire ungleich staff for solving your infrastructure,
software development and project management tasks. Below table
summarises our standard rates. For projects exceeding the specified
standard packages, [reach out to us individually](/u/contact/).
Package/Feature |
Default rate |
Support package |
Starter package |
Collaboration package |
Hourly Rate (during business hours) |
220 CHF/h |
210 CHF/h |
200 CHF/h |
180 CHF/h |
Hours included during business hours |
0 |
2 |
10 |
20 |
Hourly Rate (outside of business hours) |
360 CHF/h |
343 CHF/h |
327 CHF/h |
295 CHF/h |
Hours included (outside of business hours) |
0 |
0 |
2 |
5 |
Package valid for |
on demand |
30 days |
30 days |
60 days |
Discount |
0% |
4.5% |
9% |
18% |
Pricing |
500 |
3'000 |
5'500 |
* Business hours are Mo-Fr, 9-17, excluding Swiss national holidays
* Hours not consumed during the given timeframe are expired.
* All packages are non-refundable
* Discounts available for Open Source and climate related projects
* For long term and bigger projects, ask for an individual quote.
## Related pages
* [ungleich Infrastructure Availability](../ungleich-infrastructure-availability)
* [ungleich SLAs](../ungleich-sla)
* [ungleich Support Packages](../ungleich-support-package)
offer1_title: Support Package 500 CHF
* 2 hours included during business hours
* Further hours during business time: 210 CHF/h
* 4.5% discount compared to default hourly rate
* Valid for 30 days
offer1_link: https://ungleich.ch/product/support-package-500
offer2_title: Starter Package 3'000 CHF
* 10 hours included during business hours
* 2 hours included outside business hours
* Further hours during business time: 210 CHF/h
* 9% discount compared to default hourly rate
* Valid for 30 days
offer2_link: https://ungleich.ch/product/starter-package-3000
offer3_title: Collaboration Package 5'500 CHF
* 20 hours included during business hours
* 5 hours included outside business hours
* Further hours during business time: 180 CHF/h
* 18% discount compared to default hourly rate
* Valid for 60 days
offer3_link: https://ungleich.ch/product/collaboration-package-5500