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2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
import psycopg2 as pg2
from config import config
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('/var/log/desktop.log')
2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
db_name = config['db']['db_name']
db_user = config['db']['db_user']
db_password = config['db']['db_password']
db_port = config['db']['db_port']
def setconn(u_id, vm_num, vm_port,vm_host):
conn = pg2.connect("host = localhost dbname={} user={} password={} port={}".format(db_name,db_user,db_password,db_port))
conn.autocommit = True
cur = conn.cursor()
2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
cur.execute("SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = '{}'".format(u_id))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row == None:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_entity (name, type) VALUES ('{}','USER')".format(u_id))
2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
cur.execute("SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = '{}'".format(u_id))
row = cur.fetchone()
en_id = row[0]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_user(entity_id, password_hash, password_date) VALUES ('{}', '\x74657374', now())".format(en_id))
2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
print("create user : " , u_id)
en_id = row[0]
cur.execute("SELECT password_hash FROM guacamole_user WHERE entity_id = '{}'".format(en_id))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row == None:
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_user(entity_id, password_hash, password_date) VALUES ('{}', '\x74657374', now())".format(en_id))
print("user exsit")
cn = "{}{}".format(u_id,vm_num)
cur.execute("SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '{}'".format(cn))
row = cur.fetchone()
if row == None:
#create connection
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_connection (connection_name, protocol) VALUES ('{}', 'vnc')".format(cn))
cur.execute("SELECT MAX(connection_id) FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '{}' AND parent_id IS NULL".format(cn))
temp_cn_id = cur.fetchone()
cn_id = temp_cn_id[0]
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_parameter VALUES ('{}','hostname','{}')".format(cn_id, vm_host))
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_parameter VALUES ('{}','port','{}')".format(cn_id,vm_port))
#connection permission
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_permission(entity_id, connection_id, permission) VALUES ('{}', '{}', 'READ')".format(en_id,cn_id))
cur.execute("INSERT INTO guacamole_connection_parameter VALUES ('{}','clipboard-encoding','UTF-8')".format(cn_id))
print("create connection")
log = "create connection : " + cn
2020-03-03 08:55:30 +01:00
cur.execute("SELECT MAX(connection_id) FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '{}' AND parent_id IS NULL".format(cn))
temp_cn_id = cur.fetchone()
cn_id = temp_cn_id[0]
cur.execute("UPDATE guacamole_connection_parameter SET parameter_value='{}' where connection_id='{}' and parameter_name='hostname'".format(vm_host,cn_id))
cur.execute("UPDATE guacamole_connection_parameter SET parameter_value='{}' where connection_id='{}' and parameter_name='port'".format(vm_port,cn_id))
#cur.execute("UPDATE guacamole_connection_parameter SET parameter_value='UTF-8' where connection_id='{}' and parameter_name='clipboard-encoding'".format(cn_id))
print("no connection")
return None
def delconn(u_id, vm_num):
conn2 = pg2.connect("host = localhost dbname={} user={} password={} port={}".format(db_name,db_user,db_password,db_port))
conn2.autocommit = True
cur2 = conn2.cursor()
cur2.execute("SELECT entity_id FROM guacamole_entity WHERE name = '{}'".format(u_id))
row2 = cur2.fetchone()
if row2 == None:
print("no user : " , u_id)
cn2 = "{}{}".format(u_id,vm_num)
cur2.execute("SELECT connection_id FROM guacamole_connection WHERE connection_name = '{}'".format(cn2))
row2 = cur2.fetchone()
if row2 != None:
print("cn_id : ", row2[0])
#delete connection
cur2.execute("SELECT connection_id from guacamole_connection_permission where connection_id = '{}'".format(row2[0]))
row2 = cur2.fetchone()
if row2 != None:
print("delete connection : ",row2[0])
cur2.execute("delete from guacamole_connection_permission where connection_id = '{}'".format(row2[0]))
log = "delete connection : " + cn2