#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "$0 disk ssh-keyfile [efi|bios|efinvram]" echo " disk: which disk to install to" echo " ssh-keyfile: ssh keys to add into the image" echo " use efi or bios partitioning" echo "post install in OS: apk add hdparm sudo wget efibootmgr git" exit 1 fi set -e set -x DISK=$1; shift SSH_KEYS=$1; shift BOOT_VIA=$1; shift MAJOR_VERSION=3.18 MINOR_VERSION=4 IMAGE=alpine-minirootfs-$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION-x86_64.tar.gz RESOLVCONF=/etc/resolv.conf working_directory=$(pwd -P) rootfs_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) rootfs_url="http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v$MAJOR_VERSION/releases/x86_64/$IMAGE" case $DISK in /dev/sd*) partition1=${DISK}1 partition2=${DISK}2 ;; /dev/mmcblk*|/dev/nvme*) partition1=${DISK}p1 partition2=${DISK}p2 ;; *) echo "Unsupported disk - edit this script" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac run_root () { sudo chroot $rootfs_tmpdir /usr/bin/env \ PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin \ /bin/sh -c "$*" } wget -c "$rootfs_url" -O "$IMAGE" # Clean the first 2M - getting rid of old things # in the gap and also the paritition table dd if=/dev/zero of=${DISK} bs=1M count=2 case "$BOOT_VIA" in bios) sudo sfdisk "$DISK" <&2 exit ;; esac # keep right permissions, use sudo sudo tar xf $IMAGE -C $rootfs_tmpdir # These are required by grub-install # And also for generating grub config that contains rootfstype for dir in dev proc sys; do sudo mount --bind /${dir} ${rootfs_tmpdir}/${dir} done # Add SSH keys run_root mkdir -p root/.ssh sudo cp $SSH_KEYS $rootfs_tmpdir/root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chown root:root /root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chmod 0600 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chmod 0700 /root/.ssh # Import local resolv.conf. sudo cp "$RESOLVCONF" $rootfs_tmpdir/etc/resolv.conf # Generate fstab which is later included in the initramfs # Add filesystem to fstab, because busybox mount does not work # without -t ext4 for mounting and returns "No such file or directory" # nb2:~# blkid| grep ^${DISK}1 | awk '{ print $2 }' # UUID="fecf4182-f6dd-4d2c-9af7-8f36444ee25c" eval $(blkid | grep ^${DISK}1 | awk '{ print $2 }') UUID_1=$UUID run_root apk update run_root apk add linux-lts openrc udev openssh e2fsprogs run_root rc-update add udev run_root rc-update add udev-trigger run_root rc-update add sshd run_root rc-update add networking run_root rc-update add hostname run_root rc-update add sysctl run_root rc-update add modules run_root sed -i 's/root:!::0:::::/root:*::0:::::/' /etc/shadow sudo tee "$rootfs_tmpdir/etc/network/interfaces" <> ${rootfs_tmpdir}/etc/default/grub run_root grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg case "$BOOT_VIA" in bios) run_root grub-install --target=i386-pc ${DISK} echo "UUID=$UUID_1 / ext4 defaults 0 1" >> ${rootfs_tmpdir}/etc/fstab ;; efi*) eval $(blkid | grep ^${DISK}2 | awk '{ print $2 }') UUID_2=$UUID echo "UUID=$UUID_2 / ext4 defaults 0 1" >> ${rootfs_tmpdir}/etc/fstab echo "UUID=$UUID_1 /boot vfat defaults 0 2" >> ${rootfs_tmpdir}/etc/fstab run_root grub-install --efi-directory=/boot --no-nvram run_root mkdir /boot/EFI/boot run_root cp /boot/EFI/alpine/grubx64.efi /boot/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi run_root cp /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/EFI/boot/ sudo umount ${rootfs_tmpdir}/boot ;; esac # Actually do add us to the bios if [ $BOOT_VIA = "efinvram" ]; then dir=/sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ sudo mount --bind ${dir} ${rootfs_tmpdir}${dir} run_root apk add efibootmgr run_root grub-install --efi-directory=/boot fi # Debug run_root cat /etc/fstab # Cleanup run_root rm -f /etc/resolv.conf for dir in dev proc sys; do sudo umount ${rootfs_tmpdir}/${dir} done sudo umount $rootfs_tmpdir sync rmdir ${rootfs_tmpdir} echo "${DISK} has been setup with Alpine Linux" exit 0