#!/bin/sh if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo "$0 ssh-keyfile" echo " ssh-keyfile: ssh keys to add into the image" exit 1 fi set -e set -x SSH_KEYS=$1; shift MAJOR_VERSION=3.12 MINOR_VERSION=0 IMAGE=alpine-minirootfs-$MAJOR_VERSION.$MINOR_VERSION-x86_64.tar.gz RESOLVCONF=/etc/resolv.conf working_directory=$(pwd -P) rootfs_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) rootfs_tmpdir=alpine_${MAJOR_VERSION}-${MINOR_VERSION}-rootfs mkdir -p ${rootfs_tmpdir} rootfs_url="http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v$MAJOR_VERSION/releases/x86_64/$IMAGE" run_root () { sudo chroot $rootfs_tmpdir /usr/bin/env \ PATH=/bin:/sbin \ /bin/sh -c "$*" } wget -c "$rootfs_url" -O "$working_directory/$IMAGE" # keep right permissions, use sudo sudo tar xf $IMAGE -C $rootfs_tmpdir # Add SSH keys run_root mkdir -p root/.ssh sudo cp $SSH_KEYS $rootfs_tmpdir/root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chown root:root root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chmod 0600 root/.ssh/authorized_keys run_root chmod 0700 root/.ssh # Import local resolv.conf. sudo cp "$RESOLVCONF" $rootfs_tmpdir/etc/resolv.conf # Make sure init is found by the kernel. #run_root ln -sf /sbin/init /init # Layer atop base rootfs. run_root apk update run_root apk upgrade run_root apk add openssh linux-lts openrc udev ndisc6 run_root rc-update add udev run_root rc-update add udev-trigger run_root rc-update add sshd run_root rc-update add networking run_root rc-update add hostname run_root rc-update add rdnssd # Generate iniramfs image (cd $rootfs_tmpdir; sudo find . | sudo cpio -H newc -o | gzip -9 > "$working_directory/alpine-initramfs.gz") cp "$rootfs_tmpdir/boot/vmlinuz-lts" "$working_directory/alpine-kernel" # Servers have static addresses, disable the standard # alpine setting of using tempaddr = 2 sudo tee "$rootfs_tmpdir/etc/sysctl.d/99-ipv6.conf" <> /etc/issue EOF sudo tee "$rootfs_tmpdir/etc/hostname" <