some further switching around

This commit is contained in:
downhill 2018-11-10 17:05:57 +01:00
parent fe265caec8
commit d80a871ca2
3 changed files with 75 additions and 5 deletions

View file

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = [
@ -133,6 +134,75 @@ TEMPLATES = [
WSGI_APPLICATION = 'dal.wsgi.application'
# Django Bootstrap - Settings
# Added Configuration for bootstrap static files to load over https.
# The URL to the jQuery JavaScript file
'jquery_url': '//',
# The Bootstrap base URL
'base_url': '//',
# The complete URL to the Bootstrap CSS file
# (None means derive it from base_url)
'css_url': None,
# The complete URL to the Bootstrap CSS file (None means no theme)
'theme_url': None,
# The complete URL to the Bootstrap JavaScript file
# (None means derive it from base_url)
'javascript_url': None,
# Put JavaScript in the HEAD section of the HTML document
# (only relevant if you use bootstrap3.html)
'javascript_in_head': False,
# Include jQuery with Bootstrap JavaScript
# (affects django-bootstrap3 template tags)
'include_jquery': False,
# Label class to use in horizontal forms
'horizontal_label_class': 'col-md-3',
# Field class to use in horizontal forms
'horizontal_field_class': 'col-md-9',
# Set HTML required attribute on required fields
'set_required': True,
# Set HTML disabled attribute on disabled fields
'set_disabled': False,
# Set placeholder attributes to label if no placeholder is provided
'set_placeholder': True,
# Class to indicate required (better to set this in your Django form)
'required_css_class': '',
# Class to indicate error (better to set this in your Django form)
'error_css_class': 'has-error',
# Class to indicate success, meaning the field has valid input
# (better to set this in your Django form)
'success_css_class': 'has-success',
# Renderers (only set these if you have studied the source and understand
# the inner workings)
'formset_renderers': {
'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FormsetRenderer',
'form_renderers': {
'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FormRenderer',
'field_renderers': {
'default': 'bootstrap3.renderers.FieldRenderer',
'inline': 'bootstrap3.renderers.InlineFieldRenderer',
# Database

View file

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
{% endblock css_extra %}
{% render_block "css" postprocessor "compressor.contrib.sekizai.compress" %}
<!-- render_block "js" postprocessor "compressor.contrib.sekizai.compress" %}-->
{% render_block "js" postprocessor "compressor.contrib.sekizai.compress" %}
<!-- Custom Fonts -->
<link href='//' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
{% endcomment %}
{% endblock js_extra %}
<!-- <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Stripe Lib -->
<!-- Proccess payment lib -->

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{% extends "base_short.html" %}
{% load staticfiles %}
{% load staticfiles bootstrap3 %}
{% block content %}
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ a:link { color: #000000 }
<div class="auth_center">
<div class="auth_content">
<div class="auth-box">
<h2 class="section-heading"> Login </h2>
<h2 class="section-heading allcaps"> Login </h2>
{% include 'includes/_messages.html' %}
<form action={% url 'index' %} method="post" class="form" nonvalidated>
{% csrf_token %}