== Userservice using LDAP == === What is it? === The userservice is just using LDAP to authenticate, create, delete, and change data for users\. With it, you can easily create a user in the LDAP, change some data (for now: firstname, lastname, email) for your user, change your password, or delete the useraccount\. The request for a password reset is still WIP\. === Installation === In the requirements\.txt are the python modules it uses\. Install with a virtualenv with python3\. Be aware that django-auth-ldap uses python-ldap and thus wants some system libraries\. Also, since it's using nameko, you should provide a rabbitmq for it to use\. Also django-nameko has a typo and you should edit the $virtualenv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django\_nameko/\_\_init\_\_\.py from ``` from rpc import ``` to ``` from .rpc import ``` till it's fixed\. Config options are in nameko\.conf and of course the dal/dal/settings\.py Don't forget to do python manage\.py makemigrations dal and then migrate The standard settings there work fine with a LDAP server set up with the information on our wiki\. Except the manager password, set that to what you choose\.