# Ungleich Account Management Webapp This service runs on [account.ungleich.ch](https://account.ungleich.ch/) and allows customers manage their ungleich account (register, edit mail & password, ...). ## Status v2 * See below ungleichuser/ * register view created * Not solved: * email verification *before* user is created * Solved * Finding highest uid, increasing by 1 ## Todos for v2: * Rewrite/create new app Django 4.0 based (ungleichuser) * Do not use django-auth-ldap, because it uses python-ldap * Update the template HTML to bootstrap5 * Use ldap3 * Check/verify the ldap registration * Ensure multiple ldap servers are supported * Cleanup this readme * Use the following "captcha" for all forms: * Extra form field named "random" * Present the user the following text: * Create Dockerfile / ensure it works in kubernetes ## Next steps * Override/use custom form to allow captcha ## Development Setup ``` python3 -m venv venv . ./venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt `` ## Functionality x Allow user to register in a specific subtree x Verify that user does not exist in another subtree x Assign an id - Allow password reset [via Mail?] - DB usage: for password reset? ## Parameters Via environment variables: * LDAPSERVERS=".." -- White space separated list of LDAP-Servers * ADMIN_DN="" -- we use this DN to connect to LDAP * ADMIN_PASSWORD="" -- we use this password to connect to LDAP * SECRET_KEY * DEBUG * ALLOWED_HOSTS ## Views ### Register view Form: [get] * username * password1 * password2 Post receiver: [post] * E-Mail verification E-Mail verify: [get] * Create user ### Password reset view * captcha * username or email