Compare commits


No commits in common. "master" and "refactoring" have entirely different histories.

91 changed files with 87 additions and 2440 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ stages:
- build
- deploy
BUILDDIR: "build/"

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@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ FROM debian:latest
MAINTAINER Timothée Floure <>
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y make python3-pip imagemagick openssh-client rsync git
RUN pip3 install git+
RUN apt-get install -y make lektor imagemagick openssh-client rsync

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
/* Turns specific sections into bold for all platforms
Sanghee, Nico, 2020-04-29
@font-face {
font-family: "Nimbus Sans L";
src: url("/u/static/font/NimbusSans-Bold.otf") format("opentype");
.headlinebold {
font-family: "Nimbus Sans L";

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@ -8,16 +8,3 @@ There is not much here - everything is stored below /u/.
You should actually not be able to see this page below If
you do, please let us know.

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@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ It makes perfect sense and we could have written the above criterion for ourselv
## Slack VS. Mattermost
XR is using [Mattermost](, the same as [our chat](, for mobilising and organising 475 teams of national and local branches. Unlike XR, ungleich chat moved away from Slack earlier and first went to Rocketchat, before eventually settling down[TM] to Mattermost. Rocketchat also has a user-friendly interface and is Open Source, but we decided to move due to instability caused by MongoDB.
XR is using [Mattermost](, the same as [our chat](, for mobilising and organising 475 teams of national and local branches. Unlike XR, ungleich chat moved away from Slack earlier and first went to Rocketchat, before eventually settling down[TM] to Mattermost. Rocketchat also has a user-friendly interface and is Open Source, but we decided to move due to instability caused by MongoDB.
The following points were considered by XR when moving away from Slack to Mattermost.
- UI similarity to Slack: had to get thousands off Slack, fast

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@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ for a free IPv6-VM and free IPv6-VPN.
You can get in touch with us via
* email: info at
* chat: [](
* chat: [](

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
title: Chat Francophone à propos du Coronavirus (COVID-19)
pub_date: 2020-03-22
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
## Version courte:
* Va à l'adresse et créé-toi un nouveau compte
* Vérifie ta messagerie (y.c. le spam ;-) et valide ton adresse e-mail
* Va à l'adresse et connecte-toi avec ton nouveau compte
* Dans le champ texte, copie /join
* Tu peux désormais échanger avec d'autres francophones depuis chez toi ou en isolement
## Gardons le contact malgré la distanciation sociale
En cette période de pandémie, il est important que nous gardions une
certaine distance entre personnes et que nous ne nous infections pas
mutuellement, afin de ne pas surcharger nos systèmes de santé. Afin de
maintenir le contact malgré l'isolement, nous mettons à disposition le
canal ouvert pour les échanges d'idées,
d'informations et simplement de contact social
## Pourquoi pas Whatsapp, Facebook ou similaire?
Il y a un gros problème avec Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram, Signal,
Threema, etc.: Ce sont tous des systèmes fermés. Quelqu'un qui n'est
que sur Whatsapp ne peut pas communiquer avec quelqu'un qui n'utilise
que Telegram. Le chat Matrix est construit différemment: il est
ouvert et accessible à des utilisateurs de différents systèmes
Matrix. Il est aussi possible d'intégrer des groupes d'autres systèmes
comme Telegram ou Whatsapp.
## Comment ça fonctionne?
Tu peux créer ton propre compte sur Tu
recevras un email pour vérifier et valider ton compte, que tu devras
approuver. Une fois ceci fait, tu pourras te connecter sur Pour rejoindre le groupe francophone
consacré au nouveau coronavirus, tape simplement
**/join** Il y a également un groupe germanophone:
**** avec son manuel:
Et un anglophone: **** et son manuel:
## Avoir son propre serveur de chat pour une entreprise
Ce chat est gratuit et publiquement disponible. Si tu as besoin de ton propre
système pour ton organisation, tu peux le commander à cette address: Ceci te permet de
gérer toi-même tes utilisateurs. Si tu veux simplement discuter avec
tes amis et ta famille, tu peux simplement utiliser le service gratuit
## Coronavirus
C'est à nous tous de limiter les conséquences du Coronavirus. Ceci ne
se fera que si nous faisons tous attention, que nous gardons nos
distances et que nous nous lavons les mains régulièrement. Participez
et aidez votre prochain! Merci d'avoir lu jusqu'ici!

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
title: 코로나바이러스 챗 (한국어)
pub_date: 2020-03-22
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
코로나 시대를 살아가는 경험을 공유하세요.
## 밖에 안나가고 바깥 세상과 디지털로 연결하기
* 에서 계정 만들기 (무료)
* 계정 생성 확인 이메일 받기
* 로 가서 새로 만든 계정으로 로그인하기
* **/join** 바이러스와 관련된 얘기하기
* 사람들과 소통하세요. 당신은 혼자가 아닙니다.
* 원하면 새로운 챗방을 만들수 있습니다
* 계속 집에 계세요.
## 코로나바이러스, 재택근무, 정신줄 챙기기
코로나는 많은 사람들의 생각과 행동, 근무방식을 바꾸고 있습니다. 자발적으로든 강제적으로든 재택근무하게되신 여러분, 그래도 세상과 소통하고 싶으실거예요. 동료들 또는 다른 나라에서 같은 처치에 처한 분들과요.
집에 계세요. 하지만 우리는 연결되어 있죠.

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
title: List of Coronavirus (COVID19) Chats
pub_date: 2020-03-22
author: Nico Schottelius
twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
List of coronavirus chats
Instead of meeting in person, you can chat with others about your
coronavirus thoughts. It is available in the following languages:
* [Auf Deutsch](/u/blog/deutschsprachiger-coronavirus-chat/) ****
* [In English](/u/blog/work-from-home-work-remote-with-matrix/) ****
* [En Français](/u/blog/coronavirus-chat-francais/) ****
* [한국어](/u/blog/coronavirus-chat-korean-hangul/) ****
All channels are available via the open Matrix chat and can be joined
with an account from any Matrix server. Details can be found in the links.

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
title: Deutschsprachiger Coronavirus (COVID19) Chat
pub_date: 2020-03-22
author: Nico Schottelius
twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Wo man sich über den Virus austauschen kann
## Wie es funktioniert in Kürze
* Gehe auf und erzeuge einen neuen Account
* Schaue in Deine Inbox, verifiziere Deine E-Mail
* Gehe auf und melde Dich mit Deinem
Benutzernamen an
* In dem Textfeld gib **/join** ein
* Nun kannst Du Dich mit anderen austauschen, auch wenn Du zuhause
oder isoliert bist
## Kontakt trotz sozialer Distanz
In Zeiten des Coronavirus ist es wichtig, dass wir Abstand zueinander
halten und uns nicht gegenseitig infizieren, damit unser
Gesundheitssystem nicht überlastet.
Damit wir in der Isolation trotzdem Kontakt miteinander haben können,
stellen den offenen Kanal **** zum Austausch
zur Verfügung.
## Warum nicht Whatsapp, Facebook oder ähnliches?
Es gibt 1 grosses Probleme bei Whatsapp, Facebook, Telegram, Signal,
Threema und co.:
Es sind alles geschlossene Systeme. Jemand der nur auf Whatsapp ist,
kann nicht mit jemanden von Telegram kommunizieren.
Der Matrix-Chat ist anders: er ist offen und man kann sich mit
Teilnehmern von verschiedenen Matrix-Systemen unterhalten. Und man
kann Gruppen von anderen Systemen wie Telegram oder Whatsapp einbinden.
## Wie es funktioniert
Du kannst Dir einen Account auf
anlegen. Danach bekommst Du eine E-Mail, die Du bestätigen musst.
Nachdem der Account erstellt ist, kannst Du Dich auf anmelden. Um dann mit anderen zum Thema
Coronavirus zu sprechen, tippe **/join**
Für Englischsprachige Personen gibt es bereits den internationalen
Chat ****, mit einer [englischen
## Eigene Chat-Server für Firmen
Der Chat ist kostenlos und öffentlich verfügbar. Wenn Du einen eigenen
Chat brauchst für Deine Organisation,
kannst Du diesen auf der [Hosted Matrix
Chat](/u/products/hosted-matrix-chat/) Webseite bestellen. Dies
ermöglicht Dir, selber Deine Benutzer zu verwalten.
Falls Du jedoch nur mit Deinen Freunden und Familie Dich unterhalten
willst, kannst Du einfach kostenlos den Dienst auf benutzen.
## Coronavirus
Es liegt an uns allen, die Folgen des Coronavirus zu begrenzen. Dies
passiert nur, wenn wir alle Vorsicht walten lassen und Abstand zu
anderen halten und die Hände häufig waschen.
Macht mit und helft allen anderen. Danke fürs Lesen!

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
title: Emacs server the fun way
pub_date: 2020-04-23
author: Nico Schottelius
twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Let's dive into a very nice emacs feature
Today I want to talk about how amazing emacs is. Not because it is the
most feature complete operating system out there or because
[it fully emulates vi/vim](
No, because emacs has a very nice feature called **emacs server**.
## What's an emacs server?
If emacs is not an operating system, at least emacs stands for
"**e**ight **m**egabytes **a**nd **c**onstantly **s**wapping", doesn't
it? (This is actually from times where 8 megabytes were quite a lot of
So why do people make fun of emacs and how is it related to the emacs
Emacs, like any other operating system, loads a lot of things at
startup. In my case this is initialising
[org-mode](, starting my mail client, calculating
my agenda view to tell me what to do today.
An emacs server creates a special emacs process that listens on a
socket for connecting to it. This way the initialisation is already
done before you connect to it and all
configurations are already loaded. This is the actual "slow" part of
emacs. And is a bit similar to starting python, which also needs to
load its libraries at start.
With the emacs server running, you can connect to it using the
**emacsclient** program.
As a matter of fact,
[rxvt-unicode]( also
knows about a server mode (checkout the manpage, look for
**urxvtd -q -f -o**). For rxvt-unicode, you'd use **urxvtc** to
connect to it. So quite simlar.
## What is so cool about the emacs server?
Saving a lot of response time and making working with emacs **feel**
much faster is the obvious advantage. However, there is a much bigger
With the emacs server, you can connect to it from the terminal **and** X
Window. Because the emacs server also manages the buffers ("open
files" for non-emacs users), you can view the same open file from the
terminal or an x window.
## Turning the notebook into a server
As you might know, we at ungleich are pretty much into IPv6. So all of
our devices are generally speaking world-wide reachable. Our work
notebooks are no exception from that. In fact, most notebooks even
have their own [/48 IPv6 network assigned via
So if I am away from my notebook, but need to check my open (and
potentially unsaved) notes or view my emails, I can use any other
computer, ssh to my notebook and type **emacslient -nw** in the
While my regular emacs is running as an X11 window, I can select,
display and work in all buffers that I have previously opened in the
emacs server. In the terminal, on a remote computer.
## How to configure your system to use the emacs server
In my case I start the emacs server when I start X11 in my .xinitrc:
eval $(ssh-agent)
urxvtd -q -f -o
emacs --daemon
Instead of running emacs --daemon, you can also use **M-x
server-start** in a running emacs process.
And because I always want to have my mail client open, just after I start
i3, I have i3 launch the following command:
ssh-add </dev/null && emacsclient -c -e '(mu4e)'
The connection to my mailserver is tunneled via SSH to prevent
security issues from using SSL/TLS. Thus I need to add all my ssh keys
to the ssh-agent, before starting my mail client.
To actually open a new emacs windown (aka "frame" in emacs speech), I
use the following configuration in my **~/.i3/config**:
bindsym $mod+Tab exec emacsclient -c
## How does this look like?
Below you find a screenshot of my writing this article. The upper
window is the X11 window, the lower window is a terminal window (they
happen to be configured to have the same nice background colour).
## Updates
### 2020-04-23, 17:23
[MutoShack]( pointed
out on
that using
emacsclient -a "" -c
is actually smarter than just using
emacsclient -c
because it will start the daemon if it is not already running. No day
that you don't learn something!

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@ -167,4 +167,4 @@ station is **Diesbach-Betschwanden**.
You can get in touch with us via
* email: info at
* chat: [](
* chat: [](

View file

@ -193,5 +193,5 @@ the above functions to get more and more nearby to provide a fully
usable OpenStack alternative.
If you are interested in this topic, you can join us on the [ungleich
chat](, the full development of our
chat](, the full development of our
alternative is open source.

View file

@ -146,6 +146,6 @@ is very similar to what we already use in the
If you want to join the discussion about this, I invite you to our
open chat on [](
open chat on [](
And next in this blog: how to use it ;-)

View file

@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ which has *up to 50% discount on the products*.
If you have any questions or comemnts, you can reach us at
**sustainability at** or in the [ungleich

View file

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ encourage distributing the Internet more to different places.
Put all the fun stuff on it. Put your development on it. Don't forget
to backup your stuff to somewhere else, though.
We even invite you to [join our chat]( to ask
We even invite you to [join our chat]( to ask
about how to build a data center and we are more than happy to share
our experiences.
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ If you want to learn more about this topic,
you can always get in touch with us as follows:
* email: info at
* open chat: [](
* open chat: [](
<!-- LocalWords: SSDs

View file

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ It is very easy to create a static website on an IPv6 only webserver
and have it reachable from IPv6 and the legacy Internet:
you can either [create an IPv6 only virtual
machine](../../products/ipv6-only-hosting/), setup a webserver on it and use the
[IPv4 to IPv6 proxy](../../products/ipv4-to-ipv6-proxy/).
[IPv4 to IPv6 proyx](../../products/ipv4-to-ipv6-proxy/).
Or, if you want to have it much easier, you could go with
[IPv6 enabled webhosting](../../products/zerocarbon-webhosting-with-ipv6/)

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@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
title: Remote Working with Open Source
pub_date: 2020-03-16
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Remote working infrastructure at team ungleich
## Working at the time of Covid19
So looks like 2020 is the year of remote working for a whole lot of people. Hey, welcome to the club! Our team has been working remotely since 2013, and now we are distributed in 5 different time zones. For us remote working has been a lot of fun, all you need is the right setup that enables everybody to be connected and be productive.
We obviously couldn't do it without the digital infrastructure. Lately we've been getting a lot of requests for sharing tips for which tool or software to use for remote working, and we thought it'd be a good idea to share a practical list of tech stack we use in our daily business. So, here we go: remote working stack chez ungleich.
## How we decide what to use
Before we continue, an important disclaimer: were an open-source, sustainability- focused IT company. So we decide which tools to use by these criteria.
- open-source
- sustainablility
- state of the art
- usability for people with all backgrounds
## 1. Chat: Zero carbon chat - Mattermost and Matrix
You need a chat system when working remotely with your
team, and you need it to be secure and hassle-free. We used to be on
Slack at the very beginning, but we did not like the fact that Slack
is hosted with AWS: from our point of view AWS datacenters are not
sustainable compared to [our own renewable energy datacenter in
Switzerland,]( so we moved away from Slack into hosting our own chat.
Now we have two chat systems, [Mattermost]( and [Matrix.](
Mattermost offers an extremely easy and smooth team communication for
people with all kinds of backgrounds. Most of our team talk happens on
this platform. [Our chat]( is open for the public
and anybody can join with their email and have a conversation with
[Zero Carbon
Matrix](, on the
other hand, offers end-to-end encryption and federation, which makes
it very attractive for people with high sensitivity for privacy and
security. It also allows us to be more open. Matrix works nicely with
video and audio calls as well, suitable for the secure conference call
with different teams.
## 2. Cloud storage - Nextcloud
We are using hosted [Nextcloud]( for data storage and sharing. It supports cloud storage, file sharing between teams and real-time collaboration for document editing. It's pretty easy and we like to save data in Switzerland and not somewhere we don't trust how the authorities operate.
## 3. Project management - Redmine
[Redmine]( is our longest standing project management tool since the beginning of our company. It supports calendar, ticket creating, issue tracking, wiki, roadmap and more.
Redmine is just very handy for managing multiple projects and subprojects, and giving access to different people can be done on a role basis. Our whole [data center infrastructure]( is actually in redmine & we open it for the public, so you can take a look to get an impression.
## 4. Code hosting - Gitlab
We used GitHub before, but [we decided to move to our own Gitlab in 2018]( due to GitHub's lack of #IPv6 support and some other issues. We are very happy with our new home, and that's why we're hosting Gitlab for our customers too.
## A decision with sustainability goes a long way
As we disclosed at the beginning, sustainability is an important factor for us so we run all of the above on our servers with renewable energy.
Many of you who are new to remote working might have to make decisions in a hurry, but try to remember that decisions with sustainability in mind saves a lot of pain in the long run, and also saves our environment.
## Questions?
It can be overwhelming when you need to decide what to use for a new style of work: you'll have to use it every day and you want to make the right decision. Our approach is that we know where are values stand such as decentralisation, open-source, sustainability, and we try to make our decisions aligned to our values. For us working remotely with open source is fun and exciting, it gives so much freedom to everybody involved.
If you have any questions on the above stack, our remote-working team is around to give you answers. ;) Stay healthy, and happy remote working to you all!

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
_hidden: yes
_discoverable: no

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
title: South Pole meets ungleich
pub_date: 2020-06-09
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Penguins push sustainability forward together
## Where penguins meet
Do you know where penguins live? Probably all of us assume that they
live at the South Pole. That is correct. And it is [a really
fascinating story how penguins
meet]( If you
haven't seen the movie, we can highly recommend it!
But did you know that penguins also live and meet at other places? For
instance [in Africa](
Or in the case of the penguin companies [South
Pole]( and [ungleich](
in Switzerland.
This blog post is about how penguins and ethical values brought South
Pole and ungleich together.
## Who is South Pole?
South Pole is a 350-people team of passionate climate experts with its headquarters in Zürich. It provides global climate solutions and develops projects for companies and organizations embarking on their Climate Journey, which includes assessing their carbon footprint and climate risks, green investments, carbon neutrality, and renewable energy.
Started as a handful of people with great ideas back in 2006, now their offices are spread over 18 countries, including Singapore, London, Amsterdam, Sydney, Stockholm, and more. And most importantly: their mascot is a penguin, and the team calls themselves the Penguins.
Sustainability, Switzerland, penguins?! Instant love for us.
We recommend that you take a look at [the South Pole
blog]( that covers inspiring
projects such as forest conservation, wild animal protection, clean
water project for local communities, and many more.
## Sustainability at ungleich
A few years ago ungleich started building data centers in
[the Canton of Glarus in Switzerland](
This valley does not only offer a gorgeous view, but was the home of
the weaving industry for more than a century. And it's our luck and
privilege to build on top of this heritage.
Our focus is on re-using and re-modeling buildings from this
time. Many factory halls in Glarus also come with on-site hydropower
plants, which allows us to run servers on 100% renewable, locally
produced power.
Not only do we re-use old buildings, but with recycled hardware,
we were all in for creating a data center that is
as sustainable as possible.
When we started this project it was not 100% clear for us what kind of
people would be interested in this kind of hosting.
More and more we are realising that how we started and continued our
journey has actually brought us the best kind of people. The kind
who shares our visions of sustainable technology and understands the
value of what we do. So such was the case for team ungleich and team
South Pole. We love that those whom we provide our services to have
the same mission as we do. Enabling and supporting like-minded people
with what we have built has been a really exciting journey for our
## Continuing our work on sustainability together
South Pole is offering a variety of
Solutions]( in all
kinds of areas. At ungleich we focus on sustainable hosting in the
[Data Center Light](, the renewable
energy-powered data center in the Alps. And we are proud to say that
South Pole hosts data in the Data Center Light.
Together we can make a change for a better world.
## Join the discussion
If you like to discuss sustainability topics, we invite you to get in
touch with us:
* [Get in touch with South Pole](
* [Get in touch with ungleich](/u/contact/)
* [Join the online chat for sustainability](

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
title: something i want to talk about
pub_date: 2020-04-11
author: Sanghee Kim
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: yes
_discoverable: no
this is test post
This is test post

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
title: ungleich adds a bounty program
pub_date: 2020-04-29
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Hack on Free and Open Source Software and get money for it
## TL;DR
At ungleich we love [FOSS](/u/projects/opensource). If you want to
contribute to selected Free and Open Source Software and even get paid
for it, checkout the [ungleich bounty
## Introduction
At ungleich we have something like an "infinite task queue". While we
do contribute to Free and Open Source Software on daily basis, there
are a variety of things we can't do during daily work.
## It's Open Source
So because everything we use is Open Source and we live the Open
Source spirit, chances are high that somebody will scratch the itch
that we have found some time in the future. Because it is Open Source,
anyone with the technical skills can actually fix it.
## It's about values
Many bounty items will actually list support for IPv6 or fixing things
that are necessary for having "good" or clean software. With
volunteers contributing to Open Source Software, everyone profits from
the changes that you make.
## The bounty list
The list of bounties can be found on our
[Jobs, Hacks and Bounties page](/u/projects/jobs-hacks-bounties/). It
will be updated regularly with the progress.
If you think you have a project that fits very much the ungleich
project, you can also suggest a bounty by writing an email to **support
You are also invited to join our [open chat](/u/projects/open-chat/),
to hang out or to discuss the bounty idea.

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@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
title: Free Video Conference Call For All
pub_date: 2020-04-26
author: ungleich
twitter_handle: ungleich
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Now we offer free, Open Source video conference
## A Sustainable Video Conference System
For many people who can work remotely, now is the time to stay home and to move meetings from in person to (video) conference. We have published [our remote working stack]( for those who look for a sustainable solution for digitally continuing their work.
Good news, one more nice thing is added to this list of remote working stack: a free and open source [video conference system.]( Powered by [100% renewable energy,]( running on a VM at our Swiss data center.
You can try now at
## Deciding what to use
An important note: were an open-source, sustainability- focused IT company. We decide which tools to use by these criteria.
- open-source
- sustainablility
- state of the art
- usability for people with all backgrounds
## Cool thing about Jitsi
The underlying technology for our free video conference call is Jitsi. We love that Jitsi has a really cool architecture - it does not encode or decode the video streams, but only forwards video streams so the client does the encoding and decoding. This means the virtual machine that runs Jitsi doesn't need to be much powerful and can stay fairly small.
## Go ahead, use it for free
You can have a video call with multiple parties, you can share screen, and you can share video over it. You can use have a conference call with or without video. No signup is needed, you can just use it on the go. We don't track any of your information: we want to enable people to work from home and stay safe, with open source and renewable energy.
## Useful things to know
Our free video conference call is rolled out on March 20th and since then we have collected some feedbacks. Here are some useful infos we got from using it first-hand and from the inputs of our users.
- Could show mixed result with video call when used on Firefox. We heard that the great developers of Jitsi are working on this right now and the fix is on its way.
- Users have reported that when one call has more than 12 active videos the quality degrades. In such case turning off the video solves the issue.
- The video quality varies greatly depending on the cleint computer. Computers with more graphic capability shows better performance.
## Call as much as you need, and stay home
Use our free video conference to call the ones you need to talk to. We hope this helps your communication in this extraordinary time we're living in.
If you have any thoughts to share, feel free to get in touch with us at our [Twitter]( or [Matrix.](
Wherever you are, stay safe.

View file

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ like wasting a lot of resources, then why don't you even stay with us
and work or relax?
We can provide you with a place to sleep and stay over in the
[Hacking Villa](/u/projects/hacking-villa/) or the
[Hacking Hotel](/u/projects/hacking-hotel/) or the
[Digital Chalet](/u/projects/digital-chalet/), where you can work with
a 10 Gbit/s connection that goes directly to the data center.
@ -68,6 +68,6 @@ fairy tale, just in reality.
## How to visit
Just reach out to us by email (info at,
[chat]( or
[chat]( or
[twitter]( and we will share information
of how and when to best reach us with you.

View file

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
title: Remote Working with Matrix in covid-19 times
pub_date: 2020-03-15
author: Nico Schottelius
twitter_handle: NicoSchottelius
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
Workin from home or remote and using the Internet to stay in touch
## TL;DR
Stay isolated in real life, stay connected digitally.
* Go to, create an account, it's free
* Verify your account by email
* Go to, login with your new account
* Type **/join** if you want to talk about
topics related to the virus.
* Talk to people. You are not alone.
* Create your own rooms as needed (as in above channel if you need help)
* Stay home
## Coronavirus, remote working and how to not go crazy
The covid-19 virus forces a lot of us to think differently, behave
differently and work differently. Whether you have to work from home
or whether you do it voluntarily, you might want to stay in touch with
other people. With your teammates, colleagues or other people.
## Isolate in real life, stay connected digitally
One of the most important things to do at the moment is to not further
spread the virus. Here in Switzerland, we try to reduce the risk by
social distancing. No shaking hands, coughing and sneezing into your
elbow and in general to stay away from other people.
If you are not used to staying alone or being isolated, this can be a
thing to do. Luckily, we do have the Internet that allows us to talk
with each other, without causing a danger to each other.
While there are a variety of tools out there to stay in touch with
each other, we propose to use the **Matrix** chat for a variety of
## Matrix is federated. Federated = open to talk to others
Matrix is federated. As opposed to Whatsapp, Telegram, Hangouts,
Skype or Slack, Matrix is open to connect to others. Let me guide you through
how it differs to other systems:
If you create an account on and then go to afterwards, you can talk to anyone in the
world, who is also using Matrix. Not the one from ungleich, but maybe
the one from Or from somebody completely
Matrix is not a closed system. If you decide that you want to write to
somebody on a different server, you can do so.
Matrix also allows you to **call** other people or have **video
## A Matrix channel dedicated to COVID-19
So coronavirus. Social distancing. We created a channel dedicated to
the coronavirus to discuss the topic. If you created an account above
and joined, you can join the channel by
typing **/join** or use the
[]( service.
The covid-19 channel is open for everyone. You can discuss how you
feel, whether you are affected, infected, bored or ask questions about
how to behave. Beware though, we are **not** a medical team. This is
more the type of alcoholics anonymous style, not a digital hospital.
There is now also a [German speaking
channel](/u/blog/deutschsprachiger-coronavirus-chat/) available.
## Your own Matrix server
If you are newly into remote work and you want or need your
own Matrix server,
this is something that we provide. You can checkout the
[Hosted Matrix Chat](/u/products/hosted-matrix-chat/) for details. It
allows you to manage your own chat rooms and to control whom to invite
to what.
If you just need a place to talk with your friends, you can
do so freely on
## Future of the coronavirus
No one of us knows at the moment how things will continue with the
covid-19 virus, but we wish everyone to stay safe. And hopefully above
chat helps some of us to not stay too alone, even if we are alone at
Stay safe!

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@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
title: Contact ungleich
_model: page-2020
## General inquiries
You can send an email to **info at**.
## Support requests
You can send an email to **support at**.
## Chat
Feel free to join our [Open Community
Chat](/u/projects/open-chat/). For support requests you can ping us in
any of the public rooms and we will create a private room for you.
## Post
* **ungleich glarus ag** Bahnhofstrasse 1, 8783 Linthal
* **ungleich GmbH** Hauptstrasse 14, 8775 Luchsingen
## Telephone
* +41 55 505 62 66
## Coworking Space / Education Center
* Co-Working & Co-Living: [Digital Chalet
Schwanden](/u/projects/digital-chalet/) In der Au 7, 8762 Schwanden
* Co-Working & Co-Living & Education: [Hacking Villa Diesbach](/u/projects/hacking-villa/) Hauptstrasse 28, 8777 Diesbach

View file

@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
title: Stay home and get a month for free
subtitle: Proof that you stay home and get a month for free
_model: product
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
headline1: Stay home
headline2: Protect Others
headline3: Get 1 month for free
header_background_color: #071f2e
header_text_color: text-light
image: /u/image/cards/stayhomesale.jpg
## Let's trick the Coronavirus!
It's important to stay home to protect yourself and others from the
Coronavirus. To motivate you to stay home, we give away one month for
free, if you send us a picture that
* shows you working at home
* or shows your home office work place
(you can render it anonymous or blur sensitive parts,
but you must be convincing that the picture is indeed from you and
that you are indeed staying home).
We will use the pictures on social media to encourage others to stay
home and work from home.
## How it works
Order a VM at either or Send your picture and the order number to
**support at** or contact us via the
[Open Chat](../../projects/open-chat/).
As soon as our team checks your message, we will apply the 100%
discount coupon for your next month's payment. You only pay for 1
month but get 2 months.
This offer is valid from 2020-03-25 to 2020-04-25.
## I don't need a VM, but still want to participate
That's great! Just send us a picture as described above and we will
repost it!

View file

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
title: Time sale 13:00-15:00
subtitle: Order a VM and get the next month for free
_model: product
_hidden: no
_discoverable: yes
headline1: 1 Month Free
headline2: Every day
headline3: 13:00-15:00 CET
header_background_color: #2A8FD0
header_text_color: text-light
image: /u/image/cards/timesale-2020-03.jpg
Order a new VM and get one month free every day between 13:00 - 15:00 CET. Starting 2020/03/20.
## Pay for 1 month, get the next month free.
You get 100% discount for your next month invoice when you order a VM at []( between 13:00 - 15:00 CET for 9 days. VMs with the following OS will get the discount each day.
* Alpine Linux: 2020/03/20
* Ubuntu: 2020/03/21
* ArchLinux: 2020/03/22
* OpenBSD: 2020/03/23
* CentOS: 2020/03/24
* FreeBSD: 2020/03/25
* Fedora: 2020/03/26
* Debian: 2020/03/27
* Devuan: 2020/03/28
We announce which OS will get discount beforehand on this page and on our [Twitter.](
## How to get one month for free
Order a monthly or yearly plan on [Data Center Light]( and go through the checkout, and send us the following message to or Twitter @ungleich
"I want the next month free for my Debian VM."
As soon as our team checks your message, we will apply the 100% discount coupon for your next month's payment. You only pay for 1 month but get 2 months.

View file

@ -1,114 +1,12 @@
_discoverable: yes
_discoverable: no
_hidden: no
title: Backup
subtitle: Backup your data safely in Switzerland
subtitle: Your insurance in Switzerland
image: /u/image/cards/backup.jpg
headline1: Safely Backup
headline2: Your VM
headline3: Your Data
header_background_color: #5273C2
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
## Managed Backup
For Managed Backup, we use our existing backup server. It requires SSH access to your server and makes the data available via web (nextcloud). We recommend Managed Backup service when you don't want to be involved too much into the backup logic and want to focus on something else.
We keep 4 daily backups, 4 weekly and 12 monthly. With our solution you usually need about 5x the original VM space to keep the total of 20 (4+4+12) backups.
content1_image: /u/image/managed-backup.jpg
## Pricing
You can start to backup your VM with below plans. The cost is made of two parts, a one-time initial setup fee and the monthly plan you choose. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as we receive the order and will give you the access to the backup in 1 business day. Growing your storage after starting a plan is very easy and can be done anytime, 100 GB HDD is 1.5 CHF per month.
offer1_title: ungleich Managed Backup (S) 30 CHF/Month
* 1 TB space
* 4 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly backups
* [30 CHF Setup fee](
offer2_title: ungleich Managed Backup (M) 90 CHF/Month
* 5 TB space
* 4 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly backups
* [30 CHF Setup fee](
offer3_title: ungleich Managed Backup (L) 165 CHF/Month
* 10 TB space
* 4 daily, 4 weekly, 12 monthly backups
* [30 CHF Setup fee](
## DIY Backup
You can manage your own backup with a VM in our 2nd data center, so
the backup is safely stored in case of physical disasters. You can add
HDD storage on top as you want. The following offers are samples based
on typical usage of backup servers customers take.
content2_image: /u/image/diy-backup.jpg
offer4_title: DIY Backup (S) 40.5 CHF/Month
* 1 TB HDD space
* 2 Cores, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD VM
* HDD storage can be added with 1.5 CHF for 100 GB per month.
offer5_title: DIY Backup (M) 100.5 CHF/Month
* 5 TB HDD space
* 2 Cores, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD VM
* HDD storage can be added with 1.5 CHF for 100 GB per month.
offer6_title: DIY Backup (L) 175.5 CHF/Month
* 10 TB HDD space
* 2 Cores, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD VM
* HDD storage can be added with 1.5 CHF for 100 GB per month.
"VM" (IP?)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
_discoverable: yes
_discoverable: no
_hidden: no
@ -6,48 +6,3 @@ title: BGP Peering
subtitle: Manage your own address space
headline1: BGP Peering
headline2: Your own IP Space
headline3: At Data Center Light
header_background_color: #6298CB
header_text_color: text-light
## For whom is BGP peering?
If you have your own ASN with IPv6 or IPv4 address space, you can
announce it in our data centers.
## What is required for BGP peering
To be able to peer with us, you will need to have IP addresses in our
data center. This is the case if you have one of these products:
* [A Data Center Light VM](../virtual-machine-hosting/)
* [An IPv6 Only VM](../ipv6-only-hosting/)
* [Physical co-located hardware](../colocation/)
## How to setup BGP peering
Send a mail to support -at- containing the following
* Your ASN and the list of networks you intend to announce
* Your local IP addresses
Before we can peer, ensure that all objects in the RIPE database are
setup correctly. Specifically ensure that you have
* route6 / route objects
* inet6num / inetnum objects
* ROA / RPKI configured
## Pricing
Setting up peering has a 42 CHF one time fee.

View file

@ -5,47 +5,6 @@ _hidden: no
title: Demo product
subtitle: Using all possible fields
## This is the first markdown description block
Description content
## This is the second markdown description block
Description content
## This is the third markdown description block
Description content
## This is the fourth markdown description block
Description content
## This is the 5. markdown description block
Description content
## This is the 6. markdown description block
Description content
@ -87,24 +46,6 @@ offer3_text: The text for the third offer
offer4_title: Title of 4. offer
offer4_text: The text for the third offer
offer5_title: Title of 5. offer
offer5_text: The text for the third offer
offer6_title: Title of 6. offer
offer6_text: The text for the third offer
The real field [Nico]( wants to use!

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
_discoverable: yes
_discoverable: no
_hidden: no
@ -6,20 +6,6 @@ title: Django Hosting
subtitle: Hassle free Django hosting
headline1:Zero Carbon
headline2: Hassle free
headeline3: Django Hosting
header_background_color: #6298CB
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
feature1_title: Proven over years
feature1_text: Here at ungleich we do not only provide django hosting
@ -41,13 +27,12 @@ application with a good conscience and without emitting extra carbon.
## Development flow
The diagram gives an overview of a typical development flow with
our Django hosting.
We strongly recommend you to develop Django (like any other application)
We strongly recommend to develop Django (like any other application)
with a version control system, even if you are just a single
developer. You can even use the [ungleich code
repository]( for free
@ -70,26 +55,9 @@ production) and optionally a backup.
## Pricing
* Setup fee is 30 CHF
* Monthly fee is 25 CHF + price of the VM
* Setup fee is 35 CHF
* Monthly fee is 20 CHF + price of the VM
* Typical development VM: 1 cores, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD
* Typical small prod VM: 2 cores, 4 GB RAM, 20 GB SSD
* Typical default prod VM: 4 cores, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD
* All VMs can be extended with extra HDD space
## How to get started
No Django project is exactly the same, so we usually have a chat with
our new Django hosting customers before starting. And we invite you to
reach out to **support -at-**.
For technical details checkout the
[Django Hosting article in the Open Infrastructure
## Related products
* [Webhosting for static files](../zerocarbon-webhosting-with-ipv6/)

View file

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: no
_hidden: no
title: Zero Carbon Webhosting
subtitle: Host your page without negative climate effects
image: /u/image/cards/zerocarbonwebhosting.jpg
#### generic-header ####
Zero Carbon
primary_color: #7B95D4
header_color: text-light
nav_link_color: navbar-dark
##Webhosting made clean
Are you looking for a climate neutral, sustainable and future-proven
static webhosting? Are you interested in serving a small website or
even huge files? Search no more, we have it.
## Zero Carbon Webhosting Plans
You can start Zero Carbon Webhosting with below plans. The cost is made of two parts, a one-time initial setup fee and the monthly plan you choose. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as we receive the order and will give you the access to the cloud in 1 business day. Growing your webhosting after starting a plan is very easy and can be done anytime.
content1_image: /u/image/zerocarbon-webhosting.jpg
## Custom Offers
Above specs don't match what you need? Get in touch with us and let us know what you need, we'll come back to you with a custom offer. Send us a mail to or you can talk to us directly at [our chat.](
content2_image: /u/image/penguin-webhosting.jpg
feature1_title: Easy
Webhosting can be so easy. That's what we think and that's what you
should get. You can login to our webhost with your
standard credentials and just upload your pages.
feature2_title: Secure
We believe that security is a first-class citizen: we take security serious from the beginning. All your data is uploaded
encrypted and uses the state-of-the art SFTP protocol.
feature3_title: Zero Carbon
The web sites are hosted in our [own
datacenter](/u/projects/data-center-light/) in Switzerland, which we believe to
be as ecologically-friendly as a datacenter can get: we reuse old factory halls,
reuse hardware, only do passive cooling and are directly plugged into a
hydroelectric power plant.
offer1_title: Webhosting-S 9 CHF/Month
* 100 GB space
* SFTP access
* IPv6 and legacy IP reachable
* Data storage replicated 3 times
* [10 CHF Setup fee](
* Suitable for starting
offer2_title: Webhosting-M 22.5 CHF/Month
* 1000 GB space
* SFTP access
* IPv6 and legacy IP reachable
* Data storage replicated 3 times
* No Setup fee
* Suitable for most websites
offer3_title: Webhosting-L 157.5 CHF/Month
* 10TB space
* SFTP access
* IPv6 and legacy IP reachable
* Data storage replicated 3 times
* No Setup fee
* Suitable for websites publishing big data

View file

@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ description1:
<h2>What is Matrix?</h2>
<p><a href="">Matrix</a> is a modern and decentralised,
open-source chat solution backed by a dynamic community. It provides advanced user-focused features such as end-to-end encryption, bridging or audio
open-source chat solution backed by a dynamic community. It provides many
advanced user-focused features such as end-to-end encryption, bridging or audio
& video calls.</a></p>
<div class="container">
@ -34,22 +35,23 @@ open-source chat solution backed by a dynamic community. It provides advanced us
<div class="col-md-9">
The strongest point of Matrix is <b>federation</b>: a Matrix homeserver allows you to manage your own community and to join the whole
The strongest point of Matrix is <b>federation</b>: a Matrix homeserver - which is
what we offer - allows to manage your own community... and to join the whole
Matrix network. You will be able to exchange with users on any other Matrix
server without any special configuration!
You can enable end-to-end encryption (E2EE): only the sender and
intended receiver(s) will be able to read the messages. Even ungleich, who
End-to-end encryption (E2EE) means that - when enabled - only the sender and
intended receiver(s) will be able to read the messages: even ungleich, who
manages the matrix server, will not be able to access the content of E2EE
Our Matrix servers are provided with a TURN server: you'll be
Our Matrix servers are provided with a TURN server, meaning that you'll be
able to use voice and video calls out of the box.
You can bridge to other networks: Mattermost instances, IRC,
We support bridging to other networks such as Mattermost instances, IRC,
Slack, Telegram and more via <a
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ feature1_text:
The evolution of Matrix is managed through an open governance process,
supervised by [The Foundation](
All the software backing the network is [Free and Open
Moreover, all the software backing the network is [Free and Open
Source](, which
guarantees quality and security.
@ -86,8 +88,8 @@ feature3_title: Zero Carbon
We host your Matrix homeserver in our [own
datacenter](/u/projects/data-center-light/) in Switzerland, which we believe to
be as ecologically-friendly as a datacenter can get: we use old factory halls,
recycled servers, passive cooling and our servers are directly plugged into a
be as ecologically-friendly as a datacenter can get: we use old buildings,
second-hand hydroelectric, passive cooling and are directly plugged into a
hydroelectric power plant.
@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ description3:
accounts, ~5.0M messages a day, ~40.000 federated servers and even <a
<p>A lot of privacy, security and usability work is going on: Matrix will get even more awesome in the coming months!</p>
<p>A lot of privacy, security and usability work is going on... which
means that Matrix will get even more awesome in the coming months!</p>
<p>You can follow the <a href="">
blog</a> to get frequent updates on Matrix's development, and chat with
@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ description3:
<div class="col-md-6">
<h2>Hosted Matrix Chat</h2>
<p>We will provide you with your own dedicated Matrix home server, as well as
<p>We will provide you with your own dedicated Matrix 'Home Server', as well as
a hosted web client. Matrix requires a domain name in order to join the global
networks, which will appear in your username (e.g.
<i></i>): you can either use a subdomain of
@ -141,32 +144,18 @@ description3:
<div class="col-md-6">
<h2>How the pricing works</h2>
<p>We try to be as transparent as possible for our Matrix pricing. The pricing is made of 2 essential parts.
a one-time set up fee for initially setting up the Matrix instance for you. We set up the Matrix and also customize* the login page with your own logo and text.
a monthly maintenance fee that includes the price of a dedicated virtual machine(VM)** and the fee for maintaining the service.
You're all set with above 2 costs for starting your own Matrix.
* Further customization such as favicon, background and more is possible at additional fee, get in touch with us to learn more.
** The number of users or size of rooms depend on the size of your VM, and you can scale them anytime you want. The extention will be done according to <a href="">our standard VM pricing.</a>
<h2>Transparent Costs</h2>
<p>The cost of our Matrix-as-a-Service offer is divided between a base maintenance
fee and the price of the dedicated Virtual Machine (VM) we deploy for you in
our <a href="/u/projects/data-center-light">own datacenter</a>. There is no artifical
restriction on the number of users or size of rooms: the only limit is the
resources we allocate to your node. We will extend them on demand, following
the pricing model (CPU, RAM, Disk) of our <a href="">VM
<div class="alert alert-info">
Your usecase doesn't fit the offers below? We do custom-sized deployment for you. Get in touch with us by
We also offer custom-sized deployment. You can discuss our offer with us by
email or even on matrix, via <a
@ -190,9 +179,9 @@ offer1_title: Matrix-S 36 CHF/Month
* VM with 1 Core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD and 100 GB HDD
* Maintenance fee 20 CHF/month included
* Application firewall included
* [Initial setup fee 30 CHF](
* Maintenance fee 20 CHF/month
@ -202,10 +191,9 @@ offer2_title: Matrix-M 63 CHF/Month
* VM with 2 Core, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD and 500 GB HDD
* Maintenance fee 30 CHF/month included
* Application firewall included
* [Initial setup fee 30 CHF](
* Maintenance fee 30 CHF/month
@ -215,77 +203,9 @@ offer3_title: Matrix-L 157 CHF/Month
* VM with 8 Core, 16 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD and 1000 GB HDD
* Maintenance fee 50 CHF/month included
* Application firewall included
* [Initial setup fee 30 CHF](
* Maintenance fee 50 CHF/month
## Additional offers
* Bridging to other networks using
[matterbridge]( is a 10 CHF
setup fee and 5 CHF/month maintenance fee. It supports the following protocols:
** Discord
** Gitter
** IRC
** Keybase
** Matrix
** Mattermost 4.x, 5.x
** Microsoft Teams
** Slack
** Ssh-chat
** Steam
** Telegram
** Twitch
** WhatsApp
** Zulip
## Matrix UI/UX development support program
On 2020-04-21 we started our new support program to specifically
enhance the UI and UX of Matrix. With this program we want to enhance
the usability of the web client and the apps.
### How the matrix support program works
If you want to support UI/UX improvements of Matrix,
you can support the work financially with 15 CHF (roughly about 15
USD) as a one time or monthly payment (below 15 CHF is costing too
much in transfer fees).
To do so, write an email with the subject "I want to support the
Matrix UI/UX improvements" to **support -at-** and include
the amount that you are willing to contribute and whether you want to
pay via credit card or wire transfer.
Also mention whether you want to be publicly listed as a supporter on
this website.
### Development and transparency
All money that comes in will only be used to finance development and
design work related to Matrix. We will continuously
update this website with contributions and which tasks we work on.
### Why is ungleich doing this?
We at ungleich think that Matrix has one really, really huge edge over
almost all other solutions: it is really decentralised and
federated. It finally solves the problems of **data silos** that
exists in many places in IT.
However we do acknowledge that Matrix can benefit a lot from UI/UX
improvements and thus we wanted to create an easy way for anyone to
contribute to it.
### List of tasks / work
* [UI/UX improvement suggestions for

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ subtitle: Make your IPv6 resources reachable from the IPv4 world
image: /u/image/cards/ipv4-ipv6-proxy.jpg
headline1: IPv4 to
headline1: IPv4 to
headline2: IPv6 Proxy
@ -49,17 +49,4 @@ customers.
* Up to 1000 domains: 100 CHF/month (0.1 CHF/domain)
* Above 1000 domains: on request
The pricing includes 15 TB traffic/month.
## Related products
If you are providing services that are only reachable by IPv4 and want
to make them accessible by IPv6, our [IPv6-to-IPv4
Proxy](../ipv6-to-ipv4-proxy/) helps you to accomplish the opposite
## Technical documentation
Technical details about the service can be found on
[the redmine
The pricing includes traffic.

View file

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: IPv6 to IPv4 Proxy
subtitle: Enable IPv4 / legacy IP services to be reachable by IPv6
image: /u/image/cards/ipv6-ipv4-proxy.jpg
headline1: IPv6 to
headline2: IPv4 Proxy
header_background_color: #66C4B0
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
## Introduction
The IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy allows existing IPv4 (also know as legacy IP)
resources to be reachable from the current IP (IPv6) Internet.
It supports the following protocols:
## When to use the IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy?
More and more clients devices like mobile phones, computers and even
whole companies network are switched to **IPv6 only** due to the
IPv4 address shortage and the maintenance overhead for dual stack
Most, but not all, of these devices can still reach the IPv4 Internet
via translation services like NAT64. However with every NAT process, a
litte bit of latency is added.
And the higher the latency is, the slower a website loads for a customer.
With our IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy you can make your IPv4 only website
accessible for clients on IPv6 only networks without a NAT service.
## Pricing
You can order the IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy in two different variants: the
**standard IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy** and the **caching IPv6-to-IPv4
If you are not sure which one to choose, you can always start with the
standard IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy and later switch to the caching IPv6-to-IPv4
The pricing includes 15 TB traffic/month.
### The standard IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy
* Up to 10 domains: 5 CHF/month (0.5 CHF/domain)
* Up to 100 domains: 30 CHF/month (0.3 CHF/domain)
* Up to 1000 domains: 100 CHF/month (0.1 CHF/domain)
* Above 1000 domains: on request
### The caching IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy
This proxy allows IPv6 only clients to access the content of your IPv4
only services even faster.
* Caching IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy S with 1 Core, 2 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD: 35.5 CHF/month
* Caching IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy M with 4 Core, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD: 82.5 CHF/month
* Caching IPv6-to-IPv4 proxy L with 8 Core, 16 GB RAM, 10 GB SSD, 1TB
HDD: 127.5 CHF/month
The price consists of a VM plus 20 CHF maintenance fee/month.
The one time setup fee is 30 CHF.
The higher the amount of RAM and SSD, the more size for caching your
website is available.
Caching objects requires to inspect the network connection. For this
reason the caching proxy uses its own SSL certificate and re-encrypts
the traffic to your backend host.
## Related products
If you are looking for a proxy that enables IPv6 only resources
(i.e. websites) to be accessible from the IPv4 only Internet, you can
use the [IPv4-to-IPv6 Proxy](../ipv4-to-ipv6-proxy/).

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@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: IPv6 VPN
subtitle: Take your IPv6 with you.
image: /u/image/cards/ipv6vpn.jpg
headline1: Get IPv6
headline2: Anywhere, anytime
headline3: IPv6 VPN
header_background_color: #1393B4
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
feature1_title: Versatile
feature1_text: You can use our IPv6 VPN to connect your office. Or
your notebook. Or to create your own VPN concentrator.
feature2_title: State of the art
feature2_text: The ungleich IPv6 is powered by Wireguard. Wireguard is
a light weight, portable and easy to use technology. And it comes with
a /48 IPv6 network routed!
feature3_title: Works anywhere
feature3_text: The VPN works in situations where you have NAT, NAT64
or other network inspection modes in place. It just requires UDP
traffic to pass.
##IPv6 VPN
At ungleich we believe that IPv6 should be available everywhere. To
help you connecting to IPv6 only resources, we offer the IPv6-VPN.
We believe that IPv6 is an enabler for many organisations, companies,
developers and freelancers. For this reason we created the
VPN, which enables you to have IPv6
connectivity from wherever you are for 120 CHF/year.
One VPN is free for all existing customers with resources on
[Data Center Light](../projects/data-center-light).
You can find more about the VPN and technical details,
on [](
content1_image /u/image/ipv6-vpn-ungleich-swiss.jpg
offer1_title: IPv6 VPN 120 CHF/Year
* IPv6 addresses registerd in Switzerland
* 80 bit of IPv6 space
* Encrypted
* with a /48 network

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
title: IPv6 VPN
_discoverable: no
_hidden: no
subtitle: We enable you with IPv6 everywhere
body: Hi, this is body

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@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: The Pro IPv6 Box (PIB)
subtitle: The PIB connects locations and offices with IPv6
content1_image: pro-ipv6-box.jpg
## The professional IPv6 router
Like the [VIIRB](../viirb-ipv6-box), the **PIB** is designed to
provide IPv6 connectivity for you. Compared to the VIIRB, the PIB is
suited for more professional use cases. It features Gigabit Ethernet
and up to 4 GB RAM at a very low energy consumption.
## How it works
The PIB is pre-configured with a Wireguard VPN. With this VPN you
will receive a /48 IPv6 prefix. The IPv6 connectivity is provided by
[Data Center Light](../projects/data-center-light/).
When you plug in the ethernet cable and power it on, it will do the
* Establish a VPN connection via IPv4 or IPv6 to Data Center Light
* Announce a pre-configured /64 network on the LAN
* Announce a pre-configured /64 network on the Wifi (optional)
By default the firewall is configured to allow outgoing connections
from LAN/Wifi towards the VPN. Incoming ICMP6, SSH, HTTP and HTTPS is
open by default.
## PIB use cases
The configuration and uses cases are the same as the
[VIIRB](../viirb-ipv6-box). Additionally the PIB is suited for bigger
scale operations with 3 gigabit ports.
content2_image: pro-ipv6-box-2.jpg
## Tech details
* Operating System: Linux
* Size: 168 mm x 157 mm x 30 mm
* CPU: AMD Embedded G series GX-412TC, 1 GHz quad Jaguar core with 64 bit and AES-NI support, 32K data + 32K instruction cache per core, shared 2MB L2 cache.
* Memory: 2 or 4 GB DDR3-1333 DRAM
* Storage: 16GB m-SATA SSD
* SD card (internal sdhci controller), or external USB. 1 SATA + power connector.
* Power 12V DC, about 6 to 12W depending on CPU load. Jack = 2.5 mm, center positive
* Ethernet: 3 Gigabit Ethernet channels (Intel i211AT on apu2b2, i210AT on apu2b4)
* Serial: DB9 serial port
* 2 USB 3.0 external
* 2 USB 2.0 internal*
* Three front panel LEDs
* Expansion: 2 miniPCI express (one with SIM socket), LPC bus, GPIO header, I2C bus, COM2 (3.3V RXD / TXD)
The PIB is based on the [apu2]( with
Linux pre-installed, pre-configured and combined with the [IPv6VPN](
## What is in the box
When you order the PIB, you will receive one pre-configured
system and a power adapter. Please let us know whether you need the
EU, US or UK plug before ordering. The following models are available:
* PIB with 2 GB RAM - 290 CHF
* PIB with 4 GB RAM - 300 CHF
The PIP can come with optional 802.11ac WiFi Support for 30 CHF.
All prices excluding VAT and shipping costs.
## Ordering
To pre-order the PIB, send a mail with your shipping address
to **support -at-**. Shipping will start from July 2020.
## More of it
If you need a more cost-effective and smaller router, we can recommend
the [VIIRB](../viirb-ipv6-box).

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@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: Project Management
subtitle: Project Management for teams
image: /u/image/cards/projectmanagement.jpg
headline1: Project Management
headline2: For Teams
header_background_color: #7BC7D4
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
##Hosted Redmine
A sustainable project management for your team, powered by 100% renewable energy. Our team at ungleich has been using this open source project management for many years, Redmine very much enabled our remote collaboration between teams and communities.
Our hosted Redmine allows decentralized team to structure their workflow and to easily coordinate tasks.
## Transparent and secure
You can get on to doocumenting your processes and knowledge with version control, and pass it on to fellow coworkers. You can interact with your team or your customer via issue tracker and forum. Redmine allows you a transparent process and progress sharing. Access control is very easy and can be done on role-basis.
## Hosted Redmine Plan
You can start hosted redmine with below plans. The cost is made of two parts, a one-time initial setup fee and the monthly plan. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as we receive the order and will give you the access in 1 business day. Growing your project management after starting a plan is very easy and can be done anytime.
content1_image: /u/image/open-infrastructure.jpg
## A virtual tour
Want to discover more how this project management works? You can check out our [Open Infrastructure Project]( which is a part of our project management page for [Data Center Light.]( All our knowledge on how to run an open-source data center is shared publicly.
## Contact
Get in touch with us! Migrating old redmine or custom offer with other services on top tailored for your team is also possible. Send us a mail to or you can talk to us directly at [our chat.](
content2_image: /u/image/open-infrastructure-overview.jpg
feature1_title: Easy management for multiple projects
Manage your projects per task and per person easily. Redmine supports role-based access control
feature2_title: Data kept in Switzerland
Your project managment data is securely hosted in the servers in our data center in Switzerland, protected by strict privacy law
feature3_title: Sustainable
Your Redmine is hosted in our [own
datacenter](/u/projects/data-center-light/) in Switzerland in a sustainable datacenter: operates in reused old factory halls, reuse hardware, only do passive cooling and are directly plugged into a
hydroelectric power plant.
offer1_title: Hosted Redmine (M) 22.5 CHF/Month
* 100 GB space + 100 GB Backup
* Data storage replicated 3 times
* [35 CHF Setup fee](
offer2_title: Hosted Redmine (L) 34.5 CHF/Month
* 1 TB space
* Data storage replicated 3 times
* [35 CHF Setup fee](

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@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: Video Conference Call
subtitle: Free, Open Source and sustainable Video Conference
image: /u/image/cards/videoconf.jpg
headline1: Secure & Free
headline2: Video Conference
header_background_color: #095fce
header_text_color: text-light
nav_classes: navbar-dark
## A Sustainable Video Conference System
Powered by [100% renewable energy,]( running on a VM at our [Swiss data center.]( It is enabled by the open source technology Jitsi: it does not encode or decode but only forwards video streams. The encoding and decoding happens on the client side.
## No signup needed
You can have a call anytime at [](
It's completely free. No signup needed, we don't collect your data. You can share screens or videos over it. The call works with or without video.
## Stayhome
Use our free video conference to call the ones you need to talk to. Wherever you are, stay safe.
content1_image: /u/image/jitsi-ungleich.jpg

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@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
_discoverable: yes
_hidden: no
title: The VPN IPv6 IoT Router Box (VIIRB)
subtitle: The VIIRB connects anything anywhere with IPv6.
content1_image: viirb-ipv6-box.png
## Our mission
We want to enable anyone, anyone with IPv6. It should be as simple as
"plug and play". We are very proud to announce that with the
**VPN IPv6 IoT Router Box** (VIIRB), we can now offer exactly this.
## How it works
The VIIRB is pre-configured with a Wireguard VPN. With this VPN you
will receive a /48 IPv6 prefix. The IPv6 connectivity is provided by
[Data Center Light](/u/projects/data-center-light/).
When you plug in the ethernet cable and power it on, it will do the
* Establish a VPN connection via IPv4 or IPv6 to Data Center Light
* Announce a pre-configured /64 network on the LAN
* Announce a pre-configured /64 network on the Wifi
By default the firewall is configured to allow outgoing connections
from LAN/Wifi towards the VPN. Incoming ICMP6, SSH, HTTP and HTTPS are
open by default.
## Fully Open
The VIIRB is running stock [OpenWRT]( We flash
the latest available version before shipping. SSH and http access to
the OpenWRT management is open. The password is randomly generated and
will be sent to you with the shipping confirmation.
## VIIRB use cases
So what can you do with the VIIRB?
### 1. IPv6 on the go
Going to a friend and the network does not have IPv6? Just bring your
VIIRB, plug it in and enjoy a fully enabled IPv6 network.
### 2. IPv6 only Wifi
Once the VIIRB is started, it will present you with the wifi network
**IPv6 everywhere**. The pre-configured WPA2 password is
**iloveipv6**. As opposed to the root password, which is random,
we intentionally set a default here, so you can just drop the box and
people who see the SSID "IPv6 everywhere" and know about the project,
can connect right away.
If you don't like this, you can turn the wifi off or change the name
and password.
### 3. IPv6 world wide reachable audio system
You can install the [music player daemon]( on
the VIIRB and allow remote control of the music from anywhere in the
world. You can either put your music locally on an SDXC card or you
can even mount your music collection or stream music to it.
Just connect the VIIRB to your audio system, configure it and enjoy
remotely controlled music!
### 4. A BGP router
[quagga]( available on
OpenWRT, you can use it directly for peering with other ASNs.
In fact, if you let us know before ordering, we can even connect your
VIIRB to a VPN endpoint that allows peering with the real Internet.
### 5. A hacking box
Thi VIIRB contains a variety of additional features like PWM, GPIO,
A/D converter, D/A converter and so on. It can also plug in a small
camera, so you can turn it into an IPv6 enabled camera. The VIIRB is
so universal, easy and hackable that it's just fun to use it.
Remote controlling your lights, your blinds, your doorbell - all
remotely via IPv6? You can do it with the VIIRB!
## Tech details
* Operating System: Linux (OpenWRT)
* Size: 28mm x 30mm x 30mm
* CPU: MT7628, 580 MHz, MIPS 24K
* Memory: 128MB, DDR2, 166MHz
* Storage: 16M NOR on board, support SDXC up to 2TB
* Wifi: 802.11n, 2T2R, speed up to 300Mbps.
* Antenna: One U.FL slot, one on board antenna.
* Ethernet: 1 port, up to 100Mbps.
* USB: Support USB 2.0, up to 480MBit/s.
* USB debugging: there is a serial console on the micro USB port
* Audio: 3.5mm jack (in/out)
* Power supply: 3.6V ~ 5.5V, 500mA
* Power Consumption: 74mA wifi standby, 230mA wifi full speed, 5V input.
The VIIRB is based on the [vocore2]( with
an up-to-date firmware, pre-configured and
combined with the [IPv6VPN](
### Local throughput
We measured throughput on a LAN, IPv6 based with iperf:
root@viirb1:~# iperf -c 2a0a:e5c0:13::42 -t 30 -V
Client connecting to 2a0a:e5c0:13::42, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 87.5 KByte (default)
[ 3] local 2a0a:e5c0:13:0:bad8:12ff:fe64:9d4d port 46452 connected with 2a0a:e5c0:13::42 port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 3] 0.0-30.0 sec 332 MBytes 92.6 Mbits/sec
## What is in the box
When you order the VIIRB, you will receive one pre-configured
system. The box **does not** contain the micro usb cable or a charger,
because we think that most people already have this and we don't want
to contribute to tech waste. **The price of the VIIRB is 55 CHF**.
If you need a power supply, we can ship it with a
[European style connector](
for 15 CHF.
All prices excluding VAT and shipping costs.
### IPv6VPN included
A free subscription for 1 year is included. This way you can plug in
the VIIRB and just get started with IPv6.
## Ordering
To pre-order the VIIRB, send an email with your shipping address and
the requested quantity to **support -at-**.
Shipping will start from July 2020.
### Pre-Order Special
All orders that arrive before 2020-06-30 will get a cool IPv6 sticker
for free. Outdoor resistant, can be put on a notebook, phone or car.
Additionally **the first 42 VIIRBs come in a limited edition**
that will carry its production number.
### Shipping costs
Below is a selection of shipping cost for various countries.
When you order we will confirm the actual shipping cost before
You can order up to 4 VIIRBs within one order. In other words:
only 1 times shipping cost for 1,2,3 or 4 VIIRBs.
* Canada: +23 CHF
* [Order 2 VIIRBs to Canada](
* [Order to Denmark: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Finnland: +14 CHF](
* [Order to France: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Germany: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Great Britain: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Rumania: +14 CHF](
* [Order to South Korea: +16 CHF](
* [Order to Spain: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Sweden: +14 CHF](
* [Order to Switzerland: +5 CHF](
* [Order to the US: +16 CHF](
* [Order 2 VIIRBs to the US](
All prices exluding VAT.
## More of it
If you need more ports, Gigabit support, more RAM and more storage,
you can checkout the [Pro IPv6 Box](../pro-ipv6-box).

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ At Zero Carbon Cloud you will have
At Zero Carbon Cloud you will not have
* Storage run by fossil fuel and other unsustainable energy sources
* Storage run by fossil fuel and other unsustainable energy sources
* Spam mails from us that use unnecessary bytes that cost all of us from our environment
* Cryptocurrency payment option
* Unnecessary frills in our web interface which again increase the
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ Recommended for medium to large organisations
headline1: zero carbon cloud
headline1: don't offset,
headline2: secure
headline2: do zero carbon.
headline3: doc collaboration
headline3: zero carbon cloud
header_background_color: #40a9e3

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ nav_classes: navbar-dark
## Webhosting made clean
##Webhosting made clean
Are you looking for a climate neutral, sustainable and future-proven
static webhosting? Are you interested in serving a small website or
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ content2_text:
## Custom Offers
Above specs don't match what you need? Get in touch with us and let us know what you need, we'll come back to you with a custom offer. Send us a mail to or you can talk to us directly at [our chat.](
Above specs don't match what you need? Get in touch with us and let us know what you need, we'll come back to you with a custom offer. Send us a mail to or you can talk to us directly at [our chat.](
content2_image: /u/image/penguin-webhosting.jpg

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@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ In the Data Center Light we offer
* [Virtual Machine Hosting](/u/products/virtual-machine-hosting)
* [IPv6 only Virtual Machine Hosting](/u/products/ipv6-only-hosting)
* [Data Storage](/u/products/data-storage/)
* [Colocation](/u/products/colocation/)
* Colocation
Our objective is to enable people world wide and locally. From easier
working to giving safety to being able to store your data sustainable.

View file

@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ meetups](
with technical and business topics.
Due to the Digital Chalet getting crowded, we opened a new location
in 2019: the [Hacking Villa](/u/projects/hacking-villa). We plan to
turn the Hacking Villa into a school and will offer first courses in
in 2019: the [Hacking Hotel](/u/projects/hacking-hotel). We plan to
turn the Hacking Hotel into a school and will offer first courses in
## How you can participate
If you are interested in joining us, you can contact us by mail (info
at, [chat]( or even by
at, [chat]( or even by
phone (+41 55 505 62 66).
It is possible to visit us for a day or two, or like many have, to

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ For this reason we support the local club "Digital Bildung ungleich",
which allows people to learn one evening per week.
The meeting happens either in the [Digital Chalet](../digital-chalet/)
or in the [Hacking Villa](../hacking-villa/).
or in the [Hacking Hotel](../hacking-hotel/).
You can read more about it in the
[Digital Bildung blog

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -14,17 +14,10 @@ answers to common IPv6 questions.
We have created a chat room dedicated to IPv6 so that anyone can
exchange their ideas about IPv6.
## How to join the chat
You can join the chat via
If you already have a matrix account, you can join
**[](** directly.
If you don't have a matrix account, you find the instructions
on [how to create a matrix account on our Open Chat
## Other chat rooms
* []( (via Mattermost)
* (via Matrix)
Note: there is also an #ipv6 channel on Freenode. We are currently
trying to figure out whether we can bridge into the IRC room

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@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
title: Jobs, Hacks and Bounties
subtitle: Doing stuff with or at ungleich
## Introduction
You might know, ungleich means "not equal" or "different" in
English. So working for, with or at ungleich is usually a bit
different from working for other companies. We practice a high degree of
remote working and our team consists of a lot of international
members from a variety of cultures.
So instead of the classical "job openings", we have three different
sections of how to get started with ungleich.
## Hacks
Hacks are easy to do, easy to learn tasks that help you understand
the way we work and the technology stacks we use. These are easy
things to do at home or anywhere you are. You can join the
[open chat room "Hacking & Learning"](/u/projects/open-chat/) for
asking questions.
### Hack 1: Get IPv6
For most stuff we do, you will need IPv6. Head over to the
[IPv6 VPN](/u/products/ipv6-vpn/) to get yourself started. Note:
the VPN is for free if you have a VM with us.
### Hack 2: Deploy ubookmark
[ubookmark](/u/projects/ubookmark/) is a simple Django app.
Deploy it on your local machine (it
is IPv6 reachable, isn't it?) and send us a shout when it's reachable
using HTTPS. If you need a domain name for your letsencrypt
certificate, checkout [](
### Hack 3: IPv6 cat
Create a micro django project that does the following:
* If you are visiting via IPv4, it will show a static page saying "Sorry, only reachable by IPv6"
* If you are visiting it via IPv6, it will show a friendly cat picture
* No other features required, design up to you
## Jobs
Currently there are no permanent job openings.
## Bounties
At ungleich we heavily depend on and contribute [Open Source
Software](/u/projects/opensource). Sometimes (often?) we have a lot of
ideas we would like to implement in Open Source Software, but daily
tasks prevent us from implementing them.
We at ungleich have created a bounty program that offers
money for fixing/hacking Open Source Software.
### Bounty 1: eboard updates
[eboard]( is a classical FICS client
for playing chess on the Internet. However, it did not have some
updates for some time, so we offer the following bounties:
* Add eboard to Alpine Linux packages (__30 CHF__)
* Bounty paid when it's in __apk add__ able from either edge/testing/community
* Add alsa support to eboard upstream (__50 CHF__)
* Enable beeping on move of the opponent without the OSS emulation
* Bounty successful when a new eboard release was made with it
* Add IPv6 support to eboard (__50 CHF__)
* FICS is basically using a telnet protocol
* Eboard does not work in NAT64 scenarios, because it does not have IPv6 support
** Bounty successful when a new eboard release was made with it
### Bounty 2: Alpine Linux installable in IPv6 only networks
Alpine Linux currently does not start rdnssd in the installer nor does
it have the ndisc package installed.
The installer in particular needs to assign itself IPv6 addresses
(SLAAC should already work), needs to accept DNS servers and search
suffix from router advertisements (requires rdnssd running) and
wget/curl need to have IPv6 support to retrieve files via IPv6.
Present a short video that successfully shows the updated upstream
installer working in an IPv6 only network to install Alpine
Linux. Bounty is __100 CHF__.
### Bounty 3: Enable IPv6 only in the Linux kernel
As you might remember, we created
[a challenge to disable
IPv4]( in
your operating system. It turns out that as of 2020-05-01, the only
operating system that truly can turn off IPv4, is FreeBSD.
If you are into hacking the Linux kernel, we offer a __300 CHF__
bounty to disable IPv4 in the Linux kernel. The bounty includes:
* Create a patch against Linux mainline that completely disables IPv4
* Ensure that make menuconfig/config can turn IPv4 off
* Preparing the patch so that it can be included
* Submission to LKML
* Polishing patch so that it can be accepted
* Patch is included in the Linux kernel source git repo
* Show a short proof of concept that there is truly no more IPv4
### Bounty 4: Enable IPv6 only in the OpenBSD kernel
Very similar to bounty 3, we offer another __300 CHF__ bounty, if you
can patch OpenBSD to fully disable IPv4. Requirements for collecting
the bounty:
* Create the necessary kernel patch
* Get it included into the OpenBSD source tree
* Show a short proof of concept that there is truly no more IPv4
### Bounty 5: Add VXLAN support to netbox
At ungleich we love
[netbox]( However at the
moment it only supports VLANs and not VXLANs. How amazing would it be,
if it also supported VXLANs? The bounty for adding this upstream is
__50 CHF__.
### Bounty 5: Allow wireguard to automatically switch the underlying IP version
If you establish a VPN connection with wireguard, it resolves the
hostname in your configuration and remembers that IP address.
This is problematic, because if you connect to the VPN server in an
IPv6 only network and then later switch to an IPv4 only network,
wireguard will never reconnect. The same problem appears if you switch
the other way round.
We offer a __150 CHF__ bounty for the person who successfully
patches/integrates/releases something (it can be a daemon, a patch)
open source that allows seamless transition between the different IP
On the wireguard mailing list it was discussed whether a peer can have
multiple IP addresses. This could be a proper solution, as it also
addresses the case when a VPN server has multiple IPv6 or IPv4

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@ -6,58 +6,13 @@ image: /u/image/cards/open-chat.jpg
You can chat with us on [](
You can chat with us either via Mattermost on
[]( or
Matrix on [](
For matrix you can find our public channels on ****.
## How to join the chat
* Create an account on
* Verify your account by email
* Go to, login with your new account
* Type **/join** to join the main channel
## IPv6 Chat
To foster IPv6 deployement, we created [](../ipv6-chat/),
which is also reachable via matrix. Follow above instructions and type
**/join** instead.
## Data Center Light
For discussion and questions about [Data Center
Light](../data-center-light/), you can **/join**. Anything about VMs, hosting,
colocation or our setup can be discussed there.
## Hacking and Learning
Specifically for learning new technologies and to exchange knowledge
we created the **Hacking & Learning channel** which can be found at
## cdist
We meet for cdist discussions about using, developing and more
on ****.
## Sustainability
We discuss topics related to sustainability in
## More channels
* The main / hangout channel is **** (also bridged
to Freenode IRC as #ungleich and
* The bi-yearly hackathon Hack4Glarus can be found in
* An unofficial bridge to the RIPE #social IRC channel:
**** (also bridged to
[discord](, thanks to
[spale]( for
providing the server)
## Bridged Channels
To foster IPv6 deployement, we created [](../ipv6-chat),
which is also reachable on both chat systems.
And some of our channels are also available on IRC, you can find them
on the [list of bridged channels](

View file

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Mattermost and Matrix.
We started the [Digital Glarus project](../digital-glarus) to
support the local community and just recently opened the [Hacking
Villa](../hacking-villa/) in Diesbach to welcome (FOSS) hackers from
Hotel](../hacking-hotel) in Diesbach to welcome (FOSS) hackers from
all around the world.
And twice per year we welcome hackers to our (strongly Open Source

View file

@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ title:
subtitle: What happens in a week with IPv6?
_discoverable: no
To be able to track what is going on in the IPv6 world, we created a

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
title: ubookmark
ubookmark is a simple link collecting website.
## Introduction
ubookmark is based on Django, Bootstrap 4
and uses LDAP authentication. It was written and designed for
running [](, but should be re-usable in
other situations.
ubookmark is FOSS and its source code can be found on
## How to install
* git clone above repository
* Setup a local postgresql database named "ubookmark"
* Copy ubookmark/ to ubookmark/
* Modify settings as needed
* Install requirements using `pip install -r requirements.txt`
## How to run
It is a standard Django app, so you can use uwsgi
or the included server for testing: `python runserver`.

View file

@ -17,7 +17,3 @@ type = markdown
label = Image
type = url
type = flow
flow_blocks = slider

View file

@ -57,10 +57,6 @@ type = markdown
label = Description 5
type = markdown
label = Description 6
type = markdown
label = Link
type = url
@ -142,42 +138,6 @@ type = markdown
label = Offer 3 Link
type = url
label = Offer 4 Title
type = string
label = Offer 4 Text
type = markdown
label = Offer 4 Link
type = url
label = Offer 5 Title
type = string
label = Offer 5 Text
type = markdown
label = Offer 5 Link
type = url
label = Offer 6 Title
type = string
label = Offer 6 Text
type = markdown
label = Offer 6 Link
type = url
label = Index Image
type = url

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
<div class="text-block text-block-{{ this.class }}">
{{ this.text }}

View file

@ -9,8 +9,6 @@
<!-- Bootstrap + helpers2 -->
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="stylesheet"
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/u/static/images/favicon.ico"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/u/static/generic-header.css"/>
@ -92,9 +90,6 @@
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/u/events/">EVENTS</a>
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link" href="/u/contact/">CONTACT</a>
<form class="form-inline my-2 my-lg-0"
action="" method="get">
@ -104,14 +99,8 @@
{# Priority:
If slider given, take slider.
If headline1/2/3 given, take the headline.
Else default to boxed title + subtitle
{% if this.headline1 or this.headline2 or this.headline3 %}
<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid headlinebold" style="background-color: {{this.header_background_color}};">
<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid" style="background-color: {{this.header_background_color}};">
<div class="container-fluid">
<h1 class="display-1 generic-header {{this.header_text_color}}" style="font-weight: bolder;">
{% if this.headline1 %}
@ -148,7 +137,7 @@
<div class="container">
<span class="text-muted">Copyright
<a class=footer-link href="">ungleich
glarus ag</a>. All prices excluding VAT if not specified otherwise.</span>
glarus ag</a>.</span>

View file

@ -119,7 +119,6 @@
{% if this.description5 %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row mb-3">
@ -129,54 +128,4 @@
{% endif %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-md-4">
{% if this.offer4_title and this.offer4_text and this.offer4_link %}
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{ this.offer4_title }}</h5>
<p class="card-text">{{ this.offer4_text }}</p>
<a href="{{ this.offer4_link }}" class="btn btn-primary">Order</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-4">
{% if this.offer5_title and this.offer5_text and this.offer5_link %}
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{ this.offer5_title }}</h5>
<p class="card-text">{{ this.offer5_text }}</p>
<a href="{{ this.offer5_link }}" class="btn btn-primary">Order</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="col-md-4">
{% if this.offer6_title and this.offer6_text and this.offer6_link %}
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{ this.offer6_title }}</h5>
<p class="card-text">{{ this.offer6_text }}</p>
<a href="{{ this.offer6_link }}" class="btn btn-primary">Order</a>
{% endif %}
{% if this.description6 %}
<div class="container">
<div class="row mb-3">
<div class="col-md-12">
{{ this.description6 }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

View file

@ -6,22 +6,6 @@
<div class="container">
{% for childpage in this.children %}
{# Setup default settings for the overview #}
{% if childpage.header_background_color %}
{% set div_style = 'background-color:' + childpage.header_background_color + ';' %}
{% else %}
{% set div_style = 'background-color: #6FB0E5;' %}
{% endif %}
{% if childpage.header_text_color %}
{% set div_classes = childpage.header_text_color %}
{% else %}
{% set div_classes = 'text-light' %}
{% endif %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="row mb-3">
{% endif %}
@ -32,13 +16,8 @@
<img class="card-img-top" src="{{ childpage.image }}"
alt="{{ childpage.title }}">
{% else %}
<div style="{{ div_style }} font-weight: bold; padding-left:
12px; padding-right: 6px; text-transform: uppercase;"
class="{{ div_classes }} display-4 headlinebold">
{{ childpage.title }}<sup style="font-weight: normal;"></sup><br/>
<img class="card-img-top" src="/u/image/cards/placeholder.jpg"
alt="{{ childpage.title }}">
{% endif %}
<div class="card-body">