Merge pull request #1082 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-element-call-element-call
Translations update from Weblate
This commit is contained in:
17 changed files with 30 additions and 111 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"Create account": "Създай акаунт",
"Debug log": "Debug логове",
"Debug log request": "Заявка за debug логове",
"Description (optional)": "Описание (незадължително)",
"Details": "Детайли",
"Developer": "Разработчик",
"Display name": "Име/псевдоним",
@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
"Full screen": "Цял екран",
"Go": "Напред",
"Grid layout menu": "Меню \"решетков изглед\"",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Имате проблем? Помогнете да го поправим.",
"Home": "Начало",
"Include debug logs": "Включи debug логове",
"Incompatible versions": "Несъвместими версии",
@ -55,7 +53,6 @@
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Необходими са разрешения за микрофона за да можете да се присъедините в разговора.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Микрофон {{n}}",
"More": "Още",
"More menu": "Мено \"още\"",
"Mute microphone": "Заглуши микрофона",
"No": "Не",
"Not now, return to home screen": "Не сега, върни се на началния екран",
@ -76,7 +73,6 @@
"Release to stop": "Отпуснете за да спрете",
"Remove": "Премахни",
"Return to home screen": "Връщане на началния екран",
"Save": "Запази",
"Saving…": "Запазване…",
"Select an option": "Изберете опция",
"Send debug logs": "Изпратете debug логове",
@ -92,7 +88,6 @@
"Spotlight": "Прожектор",
"Stop sharing screen": "Спри споделянето на екрана",
"Submit feedback": "Изпрати обратна връзка",
"Submitting feedback…": "Изпращане на обратна връзка…",
"Take me Home": "Отиди в Начало",
"Talk over speaker": "Говорете заедно с говорителя",
"Talking…": "Говорене…",
@ -103,7 +98,6 @@
"Turn off camera": "Изключи камерата",
"Turn on camera": "Включи камерата",
"Unmute microphone": "Включи микрофона",
"User ID": "Потребителски идентификатор",
"User menu": "Потребителско меню",
"Username": "Потребителско име",
"Version: {{version}}": "Версия: {{version}}",
@ -26,14 +26,12 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Verze: {{version}}",
"Username": "Uživatelské jméno",
"User menu": "Uživatelské menu",
"User ID": "ID uživatele",
"Unmute microphone": "Zapnout mikrofon",
"Turn on camera": "Zapnout kameru",
"Turn off camera": "Vypnout kameru",
"This call already exists, would you like to join?": "Tento hovor již existuje, chcete se připojit?",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Děkujeme! Hned se na to vrhneme.",
"Take me Home": "Domovská obrazovka",
"Submitting feedback…": "Odesílání zpětné vazby…",
"Submit feedback": "Dát feedback",
"Stop sharing screen": "Zastavit sdílení obrazovek",
"Speaker {{n}}": "Reproduktor {{n}}",
@ -48,7 +46,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Posílání ladícího záznamu…",
"Send debug logs": "Poslat ladící záznam",
"Select an option": "Vyberte možnost",
"Saving…": "Ukládání…",
"Save": "Uložit",
"Return to home screen": "Vrátit se na domácí obrazovku",
"Remove": "Odstranit",
@ -102,11 +99,9 @@
"Press and hold spacebar to talk over {{name}}": "Zmáčkněte a držte mezerník, abyste mluvili přes {{name}}",
"Other users are trying to join this call from incompatible versions. These users should ensure that they have refreshed their browsers:<1>{userLis}</1>": "Ostatní uživatelé se pokoušejí připojit k tomuto hovoru s nekompatibilních verzí. Tito uživatelé by se měli ujistit, že stránku načetli znovu:<1>{userLis}</1>",
"Not registered yet? <2>Create an account</2>": "Nejste registrovaní? <2>Vytvořit účet</2>",
"More menu": "Další možnosti",
"Join existing call?": "Připojit se k existujícimu hovoru?",
"Include debug logs": "Zahrnout ladící záznamy",
"Home": "Domov",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Máte problémy? Pomozte nám je spravit.",
"Grid layout menu": "Menu rozložení",
"Go": "Pokračovat",
"Full screen": "Zvětšit na celou obrazovku",
@ -118,7 +113,6 @@
"Display name": "Zobrazované jméno",
"Developer": "Vývojář",
"Details": "Detaily",
"Description (optional)": "Popis (nepovinný)",
"Debug log request": "Žádost o protokoly ladění",
"Debug log": "Protokoly ladění",
"Create account": "Vytvořit účet",
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"Create account": "Konto erstellen",
"Debug log": "Debug-Protokoll",
"Debug log request": "Debug-Log Anfrage",
"Description (optional)": "Beschreibung (optional)",
"Details": "Details",
"Developer": "Entwickler",
"Display name": "Anzeigename",
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
"Full screen": "Vollbild",
"Go": "Los geht’s",
"Grid layout menu": "Grid-Layout-Menü",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Du hast ein Problem? Hilf uns, es zu beheben.",
"Home": "Startseite",
"Include debug logs": "Debug-Protokolle einschließen",
"Incompatible versions": "Inkompatible Versionen",
@ -54,7 +52,6 @@
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Mikrofon-Berechtigung ist erforderlich, um dem Anruf beizutreten.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Mikrofon {{n}}",
"More": "Mehr",
"More menu": "Weiteres Menü",
"Mute microphone": "Mikrofon stummschalten",
"No": "Nein",
"Not now, return to home screen": "Nicht jetzt, zurück zum Startbildschirm",
@ -75,8 +72,6 @@
"Release to stop": "Loslassen zum Stoppen",
"Remove": "Entfernen",
"Return to home screen": "Zurück zum Startbildschirm",
"Save": "Speichern",
"Saving…": "Speichere …",
"Select an option": "Wähle eine Option",
"Send debug logs": "Debug-Logs senden",
"Sending…": "Senden …",
@ -91,7 +86,6 @@
"Spotlight": "Rampenlicht",
"Stop sharing screen": "Beenden der Bildschirmfreigabe",
"Submit feedback": "Rückmeldung geben",
"Submitting feedback…": "Sende Rückmeldung …",
"Take me Home": "Zurück zur Startseite",
"Talk over speaker": "Aktiven Sprecher verdrängen und sprechen",
"Talking…": "Sprechen …",
@ -102,7 +96,6 @@
"Turn off camera": "Kamera ausschalten",
"Turn on camera": "Kamera einschalten",
"Unmute microphone": "Mikrofon aktivieren",
"User ID": "Benutzer-ID",
"User menu": "Benutzermenü",
"Username": "Benutzername",
"Version: {{version}}": "Version: {{version}}",
@ -138,5 +131,6 @@
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Zeige die Entwicklereinstellungen im Einstellungsfenster.",
"Developer Settings": "Entwicklereinstellungen",
"By participating in this beta, you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve the product. You can find more information about which data we track in our <2>Privacy Policy</2> and our <5>Cookie Policy</5>.": "Mit der Teilnahme an der Beta akzeptierst du die Sammlung von anonymen Daten, die wir zur Verbesserung des Produkts verwenden. Weitere Informationen zu den von uns erhobenen Daten findest du in unserer <2>Datenschutzerklärung</2> und unseren <5>Cookie-Richtlinien</5>.",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Du kannst deine Zustimmung durch Abwählen dieses Kästchens zurückziehen. Falls du dich aktuell in einem Anruf befindest, wird diese Einstellung nach dem Ende des Anrufs wirksam."
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Du kannst deine Zustimmung durch Abwählen dieses Kästchens zurückziehen. Falls du dich aktuell in einem Anruf befindest, wird diese Einstellung nach dem Ende des Anrufs wirksam.",
"Feedback": "Rückmeldung"
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
"Share screen": "Κοινή χρήση οθόνης",
"Sending…": "Αποστολή…",
"Select an option": "Επιλέξτε μια επιλογή",
"Saving…": "Αποθήκευση…",
"Remove": "Αφαίρεση",
"Registering…": "Εγγραφή…",
"Press and hold to talk": "Πατήστε παρατεταμένα για να μιλήσετε",
@ -52,7 +51,6 @@
"Spatial audio": "Χωρικός ήχος",
"Sign out": "Αποσύνδεση",
"Settings": "Ρυθμίσεις",
"Save": "Αποθήκευση",
"Return to home screen": "Επιστροφή στην αρχική οθόνη",
"Register": "Εγγραφή",
"Profile": "Προφίλ",
@ -62,7 +60,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "Όχι τώρα, επιστροφή στην αρχική οθόνη",
"No": "Όχι",
"Mute microphone": "Σίγαση μικροφώνου",
"More menu": "Μενού περισσότερα",
"More": "Περισσότερα",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Απαιτούνται δικαιώματα μικροφώνου για συμμετοχή στην κλήση.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Μικρόφωνο {{n}}",
@ -77,7 +74,6 @@
"Full screen": "Πλήρη οθόνη",
"Exit full screen": "Έξοδος από πλήρη οθόνη",
"Details": "Λεπτομέρειες",
"Description (optional)": "Περιγραφή (προαιρετική)",
"Create account": "Δημιουργία λογαριασμού",
"Copy and share this call link": "Αντιγράψτε και μοιραστείτε αυτόν τον σύνδεσμο κλήσης",
"Copy": "Αντιγραφή",
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Versión: {{version}}",
"Username": "Nombre de usuario",
"User menu": "Menú de usuario",
"User ID": "ID de usuario",
"Unmute microphone": "Desilenciar el micrófono",
"Turn on camera": "Encender la cámara",
"Turn off camera": "Apagar la cámara",
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@
"Talking…": "Hablando…",
"Talk over speaker": "Hablar por encima",
"Take me Home": "Volver al inicio",
"Submitting feedback…": "Enviando comentarios…",
"Submit feedback": "Enviar comentarios",
"Stop sharing screen": "Dejar de compartir pantalla",
"Spotlight": "Foco",
@ -49,7 +47,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Enviando registros de depuración…",
"Send debug logs": "Enviar registros de depuración",
"Select an option": "Selecciona una opción",
"Saving…": "Guardando…",
"Save": "Guardar",
"Return to home screen": "Volver a la pantalla de inicio",
"Remove": "Eliminar",
@ -68,7 +65,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "Ahora no, volver a la pantalla de inicio",
"No": "No",
"Mute microphone": "Silenciar micrófono",
"More menu": "Menú Más",
"More": "Más",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Se necesitan permisos del micrófono para unirse a la llamada.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Micrófono {{n}}",
@ -88,7 +84,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "Versiones incompatibles",
"Include debug logs": "Incluir registros de depuración",
"Home": "Inicio",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "¿Tienes problemas? Ayúdanos a resolverlos.",
"Grid layout menu": "Menú de distribución de cuadrícula",
"Go": "Comenzar",
"Full screen": "Pantalla completa",
@ -99,7 +94,6 @@
"Display name": "Nombre a mostrar",
"Developer": "Desarrollador",
"Details": "Detalles",
"Description (optional)": "Descripción (opcional)",
"Debug log request": "Petición de registros de depuración",
"Debug log": "Registro de depuración",
"Create account": "Crear cuenta",
@ -135,5 +129,8 @@
"<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.</0>": "<0>Subir los registros de depuración nos ayudará a encontrar el problema.</0>",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "<0>Ups, algo ha salido mal.</0>",
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Muestra los ajustes de desarrollador en la ventana de ajustes.",
"Developer Settings": "Ajustes de desarrollador"
"Developer Settings": "Ajustes de desarrollador",
"Use the upcoming grid system": "Utilizar el próximo sistema de cuadrícula",
"By participating in this beta, you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve the product. You can find more information about which data we track in our <2>Privacy Policy</2> and our <5>Cookie Policy</5>.": "Al participar en esta beta, consientes a la recogida de datos anónimos, los cuales usaremos para mejorar el producto. Puedes encontrar más información sobre que datos recogemos en nuestra <2>Política de privacidad</2> y en nuestra <5>Política sobre Cookies</5>.",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Puedes retirar tu consentimiento desmarcando esta casilla. Si estás en una llamada, este ajuste se aplicará al final de esta."
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "Ühildumatud versioonid",
"Include debug logs": "Lisa veatuvastuslogid",
"Home": "Avavaatesse",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Kas on probleeme? Aita meil asja parandada.",
"Grid layout menu": "Ruudustikvaate menüü",
"Go": "Jätka",
"Full screen": "Täisekraan",
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@
"Display name": "Kuvatav nimi",
"Developer": "Arendaja",
"Details": "Täpsemalt",
"Description (optional)": "Kirjeldus (valikuline)",
"Debug log request": "Veaotsingulogi päring",
"Debug log": "Veaotsingulogi",
"Create account": "Loo konto",
@ -60,7 +58,6 @@
"Mute microphone": "Summuta mikrofon",
"Your recent calls": "Hiljutised kõned",
"You can't talk at the same time": "Üheaegselt ei saa rääkida",
"More menu": "Rohkem valikuid",
"More": "Rohkem",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Kõnega liitumiseks on vaja lubada mikrofoni kasutamine.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Mikrofon {{n}}",
@ -74,10 +71,8 @@
"Join existing call?": "Liitu juba käimasoleva kõnega?",
"Join call now": "Kõnega liitumine",
"Join call": "Kõnega liitumine",
"User ID": "Kasutajatunnus",
"Turn on camera": "Lülita kaamera sisse",
"Turn off camera": "Lülita kaamera välja",
"Submitting feedback…": "Tagasiside saatmine…",
"Take me Home": "Mine avalehele",
"Submit feedback": "Jaga tagasisidet",
"Stop sharing screen": "Lõpeta ekraani jagamine",
@ -94,8 +89,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Veaotsingulogide saatmine…",
"Send debug logs": "Saada veaotsingulogid",
"Select an option": "Vali oma eelistus",
"Saving…": "Salvestamine…",
"Save": "Salvesta",
"Return to home screen": "Tagasi avalehele",
"Remove": "Eemalda",
"Release to stop": "Peatamiseks vabasta klahv",
@ -138,5 +131,11 @@
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Näita seadistuste aknas arendajale vajalikke seadeid.",
"Developer Settings": "Arendaja seadistused",
"By participating in this beta, you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve the product. You can find more information about which data we track in our <2>Privacy Policy</2> and our <5>Cookie Policy</5>.": "Nõustudes selle beetaversiooni kasutamisega sa nõustud ka toote arendamiseks kasutatavate anonüümsete andmete kogumisega. Täpsemat teavet kogutavate andmete kohta leiad meie <2>Privaatsuspoliitikast</2> ja meie <5>Küpsiste kasutamise reeglitest</5>.",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Sa võid selle valiku eelmaldamisega alati oma nõusoleku tagasi võtta. Kui sul parasjagu on kõne pooleli, siis seadistuste muudatus jõustub pärast kõne lõppu."
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Sa võid selle valiku eelmaldamisega alati oma nõusoleku tagasi võtta. Kui sul parasjagu on kõne pooleli, siis seadistuste muudatus jõustub pärast kõne lõppu.",
"Your feedback": "Sinu tagasiside",
"Thanks, we received your feedback!": "Tänud, me oleme sinu tagasiside kätte saanud!",
"Submitting…": "Saadan…",
"Submit": "Saada",
"If you are experiencing issues or simply would like to provide some feedback, please send us a short description below.": "Kui selle rakenduse kasutamisel tekib sul probleeme või lihtsalt soovid oma arvamust avaldada, siis palun täida alljärgnev lühike kirjeldus.",
"Feedback": "Tagasiside"
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
"Video call": "تماس تصویری",
"Video": "ویدیو",
"Username": "نام کاربری",
"User ID": "آی دی کاربر",
"Turn on camera": "روشن کردن دوربین",
"Turn off camera": "خاموش کردن دوربین",
"Take me Home": "مرا به خانه ببر",
@ -11,7 +10,6 @@
"Sign out": "خروج",
"Sign in": "ورود",
"Settings": "تنظیمات",
"Save": "ذخیره",
"Profile": "پروفایل",
"Password": "رمز عبور",
"No": "خیر",
@ -36,7 +34,6 @@
"Display name": "نام نمایشی",
"Developer": "توسعه دهنده",
"Details": "جزئیات",
"Description (optional)": "توضیحات (اختیاری)",
"Debug log request": "درخواست لاگ عیبیابی",
"Debug log": "لاگ عیبیابی",
"Create account": "ساخت حساب کاربری",
@ -80,7 +77,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "در حال ارسال باگهای عیبیابی…",
"Send debug logs": "ارسال لاگهای عیبیابی",
"Select an option": "یک گزینه را انتخاب کنید",
"Saving…": "در حال ذخیره…",
"Return to home screen": "برگشت به صفحه اصلی",
"Remove": "حذف",
"Release to stop": "برای توقف رها کنید",
@ -97,12 +93,10 @@
"Other users are trying to join this call from incompatible versions. These users should ensure that they have refreshed their browsers:<1>{userLis}</1>": "کاربران دیگر تلاش میکنند با ورژنهای ناسازگار به مکالمه بپیوندند. این کاربران باید از بروزرسانی مرورگرشان اطمینان داشته باشند:<1>{userLis}</1>",
"Not registered yet? <2>Create an account</2>": "هنوز ثبتنام نکردهاید؟ <2>ساخت حساب کاربری</2>",
"Not now, return to home screen": "الان نه، به صفحه اصلی برگردید",
"More menu": "تنظیمات بیشتر",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "برای پیوستن به مکالمه دسترسی به میکروفون نیاز است.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "میکروفون {{n}}",
"Logging in…": "ورود…",
"Include debug logs": "شامل لاگهای عیبیابی",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "با مشکلی رو به رو شدید؟ به ما کمک کنید رفعش کنیم.",
"Grid layout menu": "منوی طرحبندی شبکهای",
"Fetching group call timed out.": "زمان اتصال به مکالمه گروهی تمام شد.",
"You can't talk at the same time": "نمی توانید همزمان صحبت کنید",
@ -122,7 +116,6 @@
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "با تشکر! ما به درستی آن را انجام خواهیم داد.",
"Talking…": "در حال صحبت کردن…",
"Talk over speaker": "روی بلندگو صحبت کنید",
"Submitting feedback…": "در حال ارسال بازخورد…",
"Submit feedback": "بازخورد ارائه دهید",
"Stop sharing screen": "توقف اشتراکگذاری صفحه نمایش",
"Spatial audio": "صدای جهتدار",
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
"Create account": "Créer un compte",
"Debug log": "Journal de débogage",
"Debug log request": "Demande d’un journal de débogage",
"Description (optional)": "Description (facultatif)",
"Details": "Informations",
"Developer": "Développeur",
"Display name": "Nom d’affichage",
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@
"Full screen": "Plein écran",
"Go": "Commencer",
"Grid layout menu": "Menu en grille",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Un problème ? Aidez nous à le résoudre.",
"Home": "Accueil",
"Include debug logs": "Inclure les journaux de débogage",
"Incompatible versions": "Versions incompatibles",
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Accès au microphone requis pour rejoindre l’appel.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Microphone {{n}}",
"More": "Plus",
"More menu": "Menu plus",
"Mute microphone": "Couper le micro",
"No": "Non",
"Not now, return to home screen": "Pas maintenant, retourner à l’accueil",
@ -73,8 +70,6 @@
"Release to stop": "Relâcher pour arrêter",
"Remove": "Supprimer",
"Return to home screen": "Retour à l’accueil",
"Save": "Enregistrer",
"Saving…": "Enregistrement…",
"Select an option": "Sélectionnez une option",
"Send debug logs": "Envoyer les journaux de débogage",
"Sending…": "Envoi…",
@ -87,7 +82,6 @@
"Spotlight": "Premier plan",
"Stop sharing screen": "Arrêter le partage d’écran",
"Submit feedback": "Envoyer des retours",
"Submitting feedback…": "Envoi des retours…",
"Take me Home": "Retouner à l’accueil",
"Talk over speaker": "Parler par dessus l’intervenant",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Merci ! Nous allons nous y attaquer.",
@ -114,7 +108,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Version : {{version}}",
"Username": "Nom d’utilisateur",
"User menu": "Menu utilisateur",
"User ID": "Identifiant utilisateur",
"Unmute microphone": "Allumer le micro",
"Turn on camera": "Allumer la caméra",
"Turn off camera": "Couper la caméra",
@ -138,5 +131,11 @@
"Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Affiche les paramètres développeurs dans la fenêtre des paramètres.",
"Developer Settings": "Paramètres développeurs",
"By participating in this beta, you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve the product. You can find more information about which data we track in our <2>Privacy Policy</2> and our <5>Cookie Policy</5>.": "En participant à cette beta, vous consentez à la collecte de données anonymes, qui seront utilisées pour améliorer le produit. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les données collectées dans notre <2>Politique de vie privée</2> et notre <5>Politique de cookies</5>.",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Vous pouvez retirer votre consentement en décochant cette case. Si vous êtes actuellement en communication, ce paramètre prendra effet à la fin de l’appel."
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>Vous pouvez retirer votre consentement en décochant cette case. Si vous êtes actuellement en communication, ce paramètre prendra effet à la fin de l’appel.",
"Your feedback": "Votre commentaire",
"Thanks, we received your feedback!": "Merci, nous avons reçu vos commentaires !",
"Submitting…": "Envoi…",
"Submit": "Envoyer",
"If you are experiencing issues or simply would like to provide some feedback, please send us a short description below.": "Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, ou vous voulez simplement faire un commentaire, veuillez nous envoyer une courte description ci-dessous.",
"Feedback": "Commentaires"
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
"Create account": "Buat akun",
"Debug log": "Catatan pengawakutuan",
"Debug log request": "Permintaan catatan pengawakutuan",
"Description (optional)": "Deskripsi (opsional)",
"Details": "Detail",
"Developer": "Pengembang",
"Display name": "Nama tampilan",
@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
"Full screen": "Layar penuh",
"Go": "Bergabung",
"Grid layout menu": "Menu tata letak kisi",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Mengalami masalah? Bantu kami memperbaikinya.",
"Home": "Beranda",
"Include debug logs": "Termasuk catatan pengawakutuan",
"Incompatible versions": "Versi tidak kompatibel",
@ -55,7 +53,6 @@
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Izin mikrofon dibutuhkan untuk bergabung ke panggilan ini.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Mikrofon {{n}}",
"More": "Lainnya",
"More menu": "Menu lainnya",
"Mute microphone": "Bisukan mikrofon",
"No": "Tidak",
"Not now, return to home screen": "Tidak sekarang, kembali ke layar beranda",
@ -76,7 +73,6 @@
"Release to stop": "Lepaskan untuk berhenti",
"Remove": "Hapus",
"Return to home screen": "Kembali ke layar beranda",
"Save": "Simpan",
"Saving…": "Menyimpan…",
"Select an option": "Pilih sebuah opsi",
"Send debug logs": "Kirim catatan pengawakutuan",
@ -92,7 +88,6 @@
"Spotlight": "Sorotan",
"Stop sharing screen": "Berhenti membagikan layar",
"Submit feedback": "Kirim masukan",
"Submitting feedback…": "Mengirimkan masukan…",
"Take me Home": "Bawa saya ke Beranda",
"Talk over speaker": "Bicara pada pembicara",
"Talking…": "Berbicara…",
@ -103,7 +98,6 @@
"Turn off camera": "Matikan kamera",
"Turn on camera": "Nyalakan kamera",
"Unmute microphone": "Suarakan mikrofon",
"User ID": "ID pengguna",
"User menu": "Menu pengguna",
"Username": "Nama pengguna",
"Version: {{version}}": "Versi: {{version}}",
@ -24,10 +24,8 @@
"Copied!": "コピーしました!",
"Copy and share this call link": "通話リンクをコピーし共有",
"Copy": "コピー",
"Description (optional)": "概要(任意)",
"Debug log": "デバッグログ",
"Create account": "アカウントを作成",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "問題が起きましたか?修正にご協力ください。",
"Go": "続行",
"Fetching group call timed out.": "グループ通話の取得がタイムアウトしました。",
"Element Call Home": "Element Call ホーム",
@ -57,11 +55,9 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "バージョン:{{version}}",
"Username": "ユーザー名",
"User menu": "ユーザーメニュー",
"User ID": "ユーザーID",
"Unmute microphone": "マイクのミュートを解除",
"Turn on camera": "カメラをつける",
"Turn off camera": "カメラを切る",
"Submitting feedback…": "フィードバックを送信しています…",
"Submit feedback": "フィードバックを送信",
"Stop sharing screen": "画面共有を停止",
"Spotlight": "スポットライト",
@ -72,7 +68,6 @@
"Settings": "設定",
"Sending…": "送信しています…",
"Sending debug logs…": "デバッグログを送信しています…",
"Saving…": "保存しています…",
"Save": "保存",
"Return to home screen": "ホーム画面に戻る",
"Registering…": "登録しています…",
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
"More menu": "Menu \"więcej\"",
"Login": "Zaloguj się",
"Go": "Przejdź",
"By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "Klikając \"Kontynuuj\", wyrażasz zgodę na nasze <2>Zasady i warunki</2>",
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Wersja: {{version}}",
"Username": "Nazwa użytkownika",
"User menu": "Menu użytkownika",
"User ID": "ID użytkownika",
"Unmute microphone": "Wyłącz wyciszenie mikrofonu",
"Turn on camera": "Włącz kamerę",
"Turn off camera": "Wyłącz kamerę",
@ -27,7 +25,6 @@
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Dziękujemy! Zaraz się tym zajmiemy.",
"Talking…": "Mówienie…",
"Take me Home": "Zabierz mnie do strony głównej",
"Submitting feedback…": "Przesyłanie opinii…",
"Submit feedback": "Prześlij opinię",
"Stop sharing screen": "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie ekranu",
"Spotlight": "Centrum uwagi",
@ -43,7 +40,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Wysyłanie dzienników debugowania…",
"Send debug logs": "Wyślij dzienniki debugowania",
"Select an option": "Wybierz opcję",
"Saving…": "Zapisywanie…",
"Save": "Zapisz",
"Return to home screen": "Powróć do strony głównej",
"Remove": "Usuń",
@ -84,7 +80,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "Niekompatybilne wersje",
"Include debug logs": "Dołącz dzienniki debugowania",
"Home": "Strona domowa",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Masz problem? Pomóż nam go naprawić.",
"Grid layout menu": "Menu układu siatki",
"Full screen": "Pełny ekran",
"Freedom": "Wolność",
@ -94,7 +89,6 @@
"Display name": "Nazwa wyświetlana",
"Developer": "Programista",
"Details": "Szczegóły",
"Description (optional)": "Opis (opcjonalne)",
"Debug log request": "Prośba o dzienniki debugowania",
"Debug log": "Dzienniki debugowania",
"Create account": "Utwórz konto",
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
"Register": "Зарегистрироваться",
"Saving…": "Сохранение…",
"Registering…": "Регистрация…",
"Logging in…": "Вход…",
"{{names}}, {{name}}": "{{names}}, {{name}}",
@ -10,7 +9,6 @@
"This call already exists, would you like to join?": "Этот звонок уже существует, хотите присоединиться?",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Спасибо! Мы учтём ваш отзыв.",
"Talking…": "Говорите…",
"Submitting feedback…": "Отправка отзыва…",
"Submit feedback": "Отправить отзыв",
"Sending debug logs…": "Отправка журнала отладки…",
"Select an option": "Выберите вариант",
@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Версия: {{version}}",
"Username": "Имя пользователя",
"User menu": "Меню пользователя",
"User ID": "ID пользователя",
"Unmute microphone": "Включить микрофон",
"Turn on camera": "Включить камеру",
"Turn off camera": "Отключить камеру",
@ -57,7 +54,6 @@
"Sending…": "Отправка…",
"Local volume": "Местная громкость",
"Call type menu": "Меню \"Тип звонка\"",
"More menu": "Полное меню",
"{{roomName}} - Walkie-talkie call": "{{roomName}} - Звонок-рация",
"Include debug logs": "Приложить журнал отладки",
"Download debug logs": "Скачать журнал отладки",
@ -65,7 +61,6 @@
"Debug log": "Журнал отладки",
"Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "У одного из участников звонка есть неполадки. Чтобы лучше диагностировать похожие проблемы, нам нужен журнал отладки.",
"Send debug logs": "Отправить журнал отладки",
"Save": "Сохранить",
"Return to home screen": "Вернуться в Начало",
"Remove": "Удалить",
"Recaptcha not loaded": "Невозможно начать проверку",
@ -96,7 +91,6 @@
"Incompatible versions!": "Несовместимые версии!",
"Incompatible versions": "Несовместимые версии",
"Home": "Начало",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Есть проблема? Помогите нам её устранить.",
"Go": "Далее",
"Full screen": "Полноэкранный режим",
"Freedom": "Свобода",
@ -105,7 +99,6 @@
"Display name": "Видимое имя",
"Developer": "Разработчику",
"Details": "Подробности",
"Description (optional)": "Описание (необязательно)",
"Create account": "Создать аккаунт",
"Copy and share this call link": "Скопируйте и поделитесь этой ссылкой на звонок",
"Copied!": "Скопировано!",
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
"Talking…": "Rozprávanie…",
"Talk over speaker": "Hovor cez reproduktor",
"Take me Home": "Zober ma domov",
"Submitting feedback…": "Odosielanie spätnej väzby…",
"Submit feedback": "Odoslať spätnú väzbu",
"Stop sharing screen": "Zastaviť zdieľanie obrazovky",
"Show call inspector": "Zobraziť inšpektora hovorov",
@ -21,7 +20,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Odosielanie záznamov o ladení…",
"Send debug logs": "Odoslať záznamy o ladení",
"Select an option": "Vyberte možnosť",
"Saving…": "Ukladanie…",
"Save": "Uložiť",
"Return to home screen": "Návrat na domovskú obrazovku",
"Remove": "Odstrániť",
@ -43,7 +41,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "Teraz nie, vrátiť sa na domovskú obrazovku",
"No": "Nie",
"Mute microphone": "Stlmiť mikrofón",
"More menu": "Ponuka viac",
"More": "Viac",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Povolenie mikrofónu je potrebné na pripojenie k hovoru.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Mikrofón {{n}}",
@ -62,7 +59,6 @@
"Incompatible versions!": "Nekompatibilné verzie!",
"Incompatible versions": "Nekompatibilné verzie",
"Home": "Domov",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Máte problém? Pomôžte nám ho opraviť.",
"Grid layout menu": "Ponuka rozloženia mriežky",
"Go": "Prejsť",
"Full screen": "Zobrazenie na celú obrazovku",
@ -80,7 +76,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Verzia: {{version}}",
"Username": "Meno používateľa",
"User menu": "Používateľské menu",
"User ID": "ID používateľa",
"Unmute microphone": "Zrušiť stlmenie mikrofónu",
"Turn on camera": "Zapnúť kameru",
"Turn off camera": "Vypnúť kameru",
@ -95,7 +90,6 @@
"Display name": "Zobrazované meno",
"Developer": "Vývojár",
"Details": "Podrobnosti",
"Description (optional)": "Popis (voliteľné)",
"Debug log request": "Žiadosť o záznam ladenia",
"Debug log": "Záznam o ladení",
"Create account": "Vytvoriť účet",
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
"Create account": "Hesap aç",
"Debug log": "Hata ayıklama kütüğü",
"Debug log request": "Hata ayıklama kütük istemi",
"Description (optional)": "Tanım (isteğe bağlı)",
"Details": "Ayrıntı",
"Developer": "Geliştirici",
"Display name": "Ekran adı",
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@
"Full screen": "Tam ekran",
"Go": "Git",
"Grid layout menu": "Izgara plan menü",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Sorun mu var? Çözmemize yardım edin.",
"Home": "Ev",
"Include debug logs": "Hata ayıklama kütüğünü dahil et",
"Incompatible versions": "Uyumsuz sürümler",
@ -52,7 +50,6 @@
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Aramaya katılmak için mikrofon erişim izni gerek.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "{{n}}. mikrofon",
"More": "Daha",
"More menu": "Daha fazla",
"Mute microphone": "Mikrofonu kapat",
"No": "Hayır",
"Not now, return to home screen": "Şimdi değil, ev ekranına dön",
@ -70,7 +67,6 @@
"Release to stop": "Kesmek için bırakın",
"Remove": "Çıkar",
"Return to home screen": "Ev ekranına geri dön",
"Save": "Kaydet",
"Saving…": "Kaydediliyor…",
"Select an option": "Bir seçenek seç",
"Send debug logs": "Hata ayıklama kütüğünü gönder",
@ -83,7 +79,6 @@
"Spatial audio": "Uzamsal ses",
"Stop sharing screen": "Ekran paylaşmayı terk et",
"Submit feedback": "Geri bildirim ver",
"Submitting feedback…": "Geri bildirimler gönderiliyor…",
"Take me Home": "Ev ekranına gir",
"Talking…": "Konuşuyor…",
"Thanks! We'll get right on it.": "Sağol! Bununla ilgileneceğiz.",
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "Версія: {{version}}",
"Username": "Ім'я користувача",
"User menu": "Меню користувача",
"User ID": "ID користувача",
"Unmute microphone": "Увімкнути мікрофон",
"Turn on camera": "Увімкнути камеру",
"Turn off camera": "Вимкнути камеру",
@ -25,7 +24,6 @@
"Talking…": "Говоріть…",
"Talk over speaker": "Говорити через динамік",
"Take me Home": "Перейти до Домівки",
"Submitting feedback…": "Надсилання відгуку…",
"Submit feedback": "Надіслати відгук",
"Stop sharing screen": "Припинити показ екрана",
"Spotlight": "У центрі уваги",
@ -41,7 +39,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "Надсилання журналу налагодження…",
"Send debug logs": "Надіслати журнал налагодження",
"Select an option": "Вибрати опцію",
"Saving…": "Збереження…",
"Save": "Зберегти",
"Return to home screen": "Повернутися на екран домівки",
"Remove": "Вилучити",
@ -63,7 +60,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "Не зараз, повернутися на екран домівки",
"No": "Ні",
"Mute microphone": "Заглушити мікрофон",
"More menu": "Усе меню",
"More": "Докладніше",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "Для участі у виклику необхідний дозвіл на користування мікрофоном.",
"Microphone {{n}}": "Мікрофон {{n}}",
@ -83,7 +79,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "Несумісні версії",
"Include debug logs": "Долучити журнали налагодження",
"Home": "Домівка",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "Проблеми? Допоможіть нам це виправити.",
"Grid layout menu": "Меню у вигляді сітки",
"Go": "Далі",
"Full screen": "Повноекранний режим",
@ -94,7 +89,6 @@
"Display name": "Показуване ім'я",
"Developer": "Розробнику",
"Details": "Подробиці",
"Description (optional)": "Опис (необов'язково)",
"Debug log request": "Запит журналу налагодження",
"Debug log": "Журнал налагодження",
"Create account": "Створити обліковий запис",
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "版本:{{version}}",
"Username": "用户名",
"User menu": "用户菜单",
"User ID": "用户ID",
"Unmute microphone": "取消麦克风静音",
"Turn on camera": "开启摄像头",
"Turn off camera": "关闭摄像头",
@ -24,7 +23,6 @@
"Talking…": "正在发言……",
"Talk over speaker": "通过扬声器发言",
"Take me Home": "返回主页",
"Submitting feedback…": "正在提交反馈……",
"Submit feedback": "提交反馈",
"Stop sharing screen": "停止屏幕共享",
"Spotlight": "聚焦模式",
@ -58,8 +56,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "正在发送调试日志……",
"Send debug logs": "发送调试日志",
"Select an option": "选择一个选项",
"Saving…": "正在保存……",
"Save": "保存",
"Return to home screen": "返回主页",
"Remove": "移除",
"Release to stop": "松开后停止",
@ -80,7 +76,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "暂不,先返回主页",
"No": "否",
"Mute microphone": "麦克风静音",
"More menu": "更多",
"More": "更多",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "加入通话需要麦克风权限。",
"Microphone {{n}}": "麦克风 {{n}}",
@ -100,7 +95,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "不兼容版本",
"Include debug logs": "包含调试日志",
"Home": "主页",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "遇到麻烦?帮助我们解决问题。",
"Grid layout menu": "网格布局菜单",
"Go": "开始",
"Full screen": "全屏",
@ -112,7 +106,6 @@
"Display name": "显示名称",
"Developer": "开发者",
"Details": "详情",
"Description (optional)": "描述(可选)",
"Debug log request": "调试日志请求",
"Debug log": "调试日志",
"Create account": "创建账户",
@ -130,5 +123,7 @@
"Call type menu": "通话类型菜单",
"Call link copied": "链接已复制",
"By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions</2>": "点击“现在加入”则表示同意我们的<2>条款与条件<2>",
"Avatar": "头像"
"Avatar": "头像",
"<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.</0>": "",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": ""
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
"Version: {{version}}": "版本: {{version}}",
"Username": "使用者名稱",
"User menu": "使用者選單",
"User ID": "使用者 ID",
"Unmute microphone": "取消麥克風靜音",
"Turn on camera": "開啟相機",
"Turn off camera": "關閉相機",
@ -42,7 +41,6 @@
"Talking…": "對話中…",
"Talk over speaker": "以擴音對話",
"Take me Home": "帶我回主畫面",
"Submitting feedback…": "遞交回饋…",
"Submit feedback": "遞交回覆",
"Stop sharing screen": "停止分享螢幕畫面",
"Spotlight": "聚焦",
@ -58,8 +56,6 @@
"Sending debug logs…": "傳送除錯記錄檔中…",
"Send debug logs": "傳送除錯紀錄",
"Select an option": "選擇一個選項",
"Saving…": "儲存中…",
"Save": "儲存",
"Return to home screen": "回到首頁",
"Remove": "移除",
"Release to stop": "放開以停止",
@ -80,7 +76,6 @@
"Not now, return to home screen": "現在不行,回到首頁",
"No": "否",
"Mute microphone": "麥克風靜音",
"More menu": "更多選單",
"More": "更多",
"Microphone permissions needed to join the call.": "加入通話前需要取得麥克風的權限。",
"Microphone {{n}}": "麥克風 {{n}}",
@ -101,7 +96,6 @@
"Incompatible versions": "不相容版本",
"Include debug logs": "包含除錯紀錄",
"Home": "首頁",
"Having trouble? Help us fix it.": "遇到問題嗎?請讓我們協助您。",
"Grid layout menu": "格框式清單",
"Go": "前往",
"Full screen": "全螢幕",
@ -113,7 +107,6 @@
"Display name": "顯示名稱",
"Developer": "開發者",
"Details": "詳細說明",
"Description (optional)": "描述(選擇性)",
"Debug log request": "請求偵錯報告",
"Debug log": "除錯紀錄",
"Create account": "建立帳號",
@ -138,5 +131,11 @@
"Accept camera/microphone permissions to join the call.": "請授權使用您的相機/麥克風以加入對話。",
"<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?</0><1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls</1>": "<0>何不設定密碼以保留此帳號?</0><1>您可以保留暱稱並設定頭像,以便未來通話時使用</1>",
"By participating in this beta, you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve the product. You can find more information about which data we track in our <2>Privacy Policy</2> and our <5>Cookie Policy</5>.": "參與此測試版即表示您同意蒐集匿名資料,我們使用這些資料來改進產品。您可以在我們的<2>隱私政策</2>與我們的 <5>Cookie 政策</5> 中找到關於我們追蹤哪些資料的更多資訊。",
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>您可以透過取消核取此方塊來撤回同意。若您目前正在通話中,此設定將在通話結束時生效。"
"<0></0><1></1>You may withdraw consent by unchecking this box. If you are currently in a call, this setting will take effect at the end of the call.": "<0></0><1></1>您可以透過取消核取此方塊來撤回同意。若您目前正在通話中,此設定將在通話結束時生效。",
"Your feedback": "您的回饋",
"Thanks, we received your feedback!": "感謝,我們已經收到您的回饋了!",
"Submitting…": "正在遞交……",
"Submit": "遞交",
"If you are experiencing issues or simply would like to provide some feedback, please send us a short description below.": "若您遇到問題或只是想提供一些回饋,請在下方傳送簡短說明給我們。",
"Feedback": "回饋"
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