diff --git a/public/locales/bg/app.json b/public/locales/bg/app.json index 4555edb..34561ab 100644 --- a/public/locales/bg/app.json +++ b/public/locales/bg/app.json @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Друг потребител в този разговор има проблем. За да диагностицираме този проблем по-добре ни се иска да съберем debug логове.", "Audio": "Звук", "Avatar": "Аватар", - "By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Натискайки \"Влез в разговора сега\", се съгласявате с нашите <2>Правила и условия", "Call link copied": "Връзка към разговора бе копирана", "Call type menu": "Меню \"тип на разговора\"", "Camera": "Камера", diff --git a/public/locales/cs/app.json b/public/locales/cs/app.json index 86ad632..3857c05 100644 --- a/public/locales/cs/app.json +++ b/public/locales/cs/app.json @@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ "Create account": "Vytvořit účet", "Copy": "Kopírovat", "Call type menu": "Menu typu hovoru", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Kliknutím na \"Pokračovat\", odsouhlasíte naše <2>Terms and conditions", "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Jiný uživatel v tomto hovoru má problémy. Abychom mohli diagnostikovat problém, rádi bychom shromáždili protokoly ladění.", "<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?<1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls": "<0>Proč neskončit nastavením hesla, abyste mohli účet použít znovu?<1>Budete si moci nechat své jméno a nastavit si avatar pro budoucí hovory ", "<0>Join call now<1>Or<2>Copy call link and join later": "<0>Připojit se<1>Or<2>Zkopírovat odkaz a připojit se později", diff --git a/public/locales/de/app.json b/public/locales/de/app.json index 6d5f71a..9318c12 100644 --- a/public/locales/de/app.json +++ b/public/locales/de/app.json @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Ein anderer Benutzer dieses Anrufs hat ein Problem. Um es besser diagnostizieren zu können, würden wir gerne ein Debug-Protokoll erstellen.", "Audio": "Audio", "Avatar": "Avatar", - "By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Wenn du auf „Anruf beitreten“ klickst, akzeptierst du unsere <2>Geschäftsbedingungen", "Call link copied": "Anruflink kopiert", "Call type menu": "Anruftyp Menü", "Camera": "Kamera", diff --git a/public/locales/es/app.json b/public/locales/es/app.json index 9150469..d402792 100644 --- a/public/locales/es/app.json +++ b/public/locales/es/app.json @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ "Register": "Registrarse", "Not registered yet? <2>Create an account": "¿No estás registrado todavía? <2>Crear una cuenta", "Login to your account": "Iniciar sesión en tu cuenta", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Al hacer clic en \"Comenzar\" aceptarás nuestros <2>Términos y condiciones", "Yes, join call": "Si, unirse a la llamada", "Walkie-talkie call name": "Nombre de la llamada Walkie-talkie", "Walkie-talkie call": "Llamada Walkie-talkie", diff --git a/public/locales/et/app.json b/public/locales/et/app.json index 1c0ac65..778f685 100644 --- a/public/locales/et/app.json +++ b/public/locales/et/app.json @@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ "Camera": "Kaamera", "Call type menu": "Kõnetüübi valik", "Call link copied": "Kõne link on kopeeritud", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Klõpsides „Jätka“nõustud sa meie <2>kasutustingimustega", "Avatar": "Tunnuspilt", "Audio": "Heli", "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Ühel teisel selles kõnes osalejal on lahenduse kasutamisel tekkinud probleem ning selle põhjuse leidmiseks me sooviksime koguda silumislogisid.", diff --git a/public/locales/fa/app.json b/public/locales/fa/app.json index 782e1f3..4014d69 100644 --- a/public/locales/fa/app.json +++ b/public/locales/fa/app.json @@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ "Camera": "دوربین", "Call type menu": "منوی نوع تماس", "Call link copied": "لینک تماس کپی شد", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "با کلیک بر روی برو، شما با <2>شرایط و قوانین استفاده موافقت می‌کنید", "Avatar": "آواتار", "Audio": "صدا", "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "کاربر دیگری در این تماس مشکلی دارد. برای تشخیص بهتر مشکل، بهتر است ما لاگ عیب‌یابی را جمع‌آوری کنیم.", diff --git a/public/locales/ja/app.json b/public/locales/ja/app.json index 1686ac3..e1d01ea 100644 --- a/public/locales/ja/app.json +++ b/public/locales/ja/app.json @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>何かがうまく行きませんでした。", "Camera": "カメラ", "Call link copied": "通話リンクをコピーしました", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "「続行」をクリックすると、 <2>利用規約に同意したとみなされます", "Avatar": "アバター", "Audio": "音声", "Confirm password": "パスワードを確認", diff --git a/public/locales/ru/app.json b/public/locales/ru/app.json index c6bd023..e4dda88 100644 --- a/public/locales/ru/app.json +++ b/public/locales/ru/app.json @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ "Select an option": "Выберите вариант", "Other users are trying to join this call from incompatible versions. These users should ensure that they have refreshed their browsers:<1>{userLis}": "Другие пользователи пытаются присоединиться с неподдерживаемых версий программы. Этим участникам надо перезагрузить браузер: <1>{userLis}", "Grid layout menu": "Меню \"Расположение сеткой\"", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "Нажимая \"Далее\", вы соглашаетесь с нашими <2>положениями и условиями", "<0>Why not finish by setting up a password to keep your account?<1>You'll be able to keep your name and set an avatar for use on future calls": "<0>Почему бы не задать пароль, тем самым сохранив аккаунт?<1>Так вы можете оставить своё имя и задать аватар для будущих звонков.", "<0>Create an account Or <2>Access as a guest": "<0>Создать аккаунт или <2>Зайти как гость", "<0>Already have an account?<1><0>Log in Or <2>Access as a guest": "<0>Уже есть аккаунт?<1><0>Войти с ним или <2>Зайти как гость", diff --git a/public/locales/tr/app.json b/public/locales/tr/app.json index 975251a..b2494fe 100644 --- a/public/locales/tr/app.json +++ b/public/locales/tr/app.json @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "Bu aramadaki başka bir kullanıcı sorun yaşıyor. Sorunu daha iyi çözebilmemiz için hata ayıklama kütüğünü almak isteriz.", "Audio": "Ses", "Avatar": "Avatar", - "By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "\"Şimdi katıl\"a tıklayarak, <2>hükümler ve koşulları kabul etmiş sayılırsınız", "Call link copied": "Arama bağlantısı kopyalandı", "Call type menu": "Arama tipi menüsü", "Camera": "Kamera",