diff --git a/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json b/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json index 3e17d33..fccd94a 100644 --- a/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json +++ b/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json @@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ "Camera": "相機", "Call type menu": "通話類型選單", "Call link copied": "已複製通話連結", - "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>Terms and conditions": "當您按下「前往」,你也同意了我們的條款與細則", "Avatar": "大頭照", "Audio": "語音", "Another user on this call is having an issue. In order to better diagnose these issues we'd like to collect a debug log.": "這通對話中的另一位使用者遇到了某些問題。為了診斷問題,我們將會建立除錯紀錄。", @@ -113,5 +112,8 @@ "{{displayName}}, your call has ended.": "{{displayName}},您的通話已結束。", "How did it go?": "進展如何?", "{{displayName}} is presenting": "{{displayName}} 正在展示", - "Show connection stats": "顯示連線統計資料" + "Show connection stats": "顯示連線統計資料", + "By clicking \"Go\", you agree to our <2>End User Licensing Agreement (EULA)": "點擊「前往」即表示您同意我們的<2>終端使用者授權協議 (EULA)", + "By clicking \"Join call now\", you agree to our <2>End User Licensing Agreement (EULA)": "點擊「立刻加入通話」即表示您同意我們的<2>終端使用者授權協議 (EULA)", + "This site is protected by ReCAPTCHA and the Google <2>Privacy Policy and <6>Terms of Service apply.<9>By clicking \"Register\", you agree to our <12>End User Licensing Agreement (EULA)": "此網站被 ReCAPTCHA 保護,並適用 Google 的<2>隱私權政策與<6>服務條款。<9>點擊「註冊」即表示您同意我們的<12>終端使用者授權協議 (EULA)" }