diff --git a/public/locales/de/app.json b/public/locales/de/app.json index 23f5cd8..986c2be 100644 --- a/public/locales/de/app.json +++ b/public/locales/de/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Übermittelte Problemberichte helfen uns, Fehler zu beheben.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Hoppla, etwas ist schiefgelaufen.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Nutze das kommende Rastersystem", - "Privacy Policy": "Datenschutzerklärung", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Zeige die Entwicklereinstellungen im Einstellungsfenster.", - "Developer Settings": "Entwicklereinstellungen", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Mit dem Anwählen dieses Feldes akzeptierst du die Sammlung anonymer Daten, die wir zur Verbesserung deiner Erfahrung verwenden. Weitere Informationen dazu, welche Daten wir sammeln, findest du in unserer " + "Developer Settings": "Entwicklereinstellungen" } diff --git a/public/locales/es/app.json b/public/locales/es/app.json index 3f09430..f7e221b 100644 --- a/public/locales/es/app.json +++ b/public/locales/es/app.json @@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ "This feature is only supported on Firefox.": "Esta característica solo está disponible en Firefox.", "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Subir los registros de depuración nos ayudará a encontrar el problema.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Ups, algo ha salido mal.", - "Privacy Policy": "Política de privacidad", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Muestra los ajustes de desarrollador en la ventana de ajustes.", "Developer Settings": "Ajustes de desarrollador" } diff --git a/public/locales/et/app.json b/public/locales/et/app.json index d2fbab6..8cea1ed 100644 --- a/public/locales/et/app.json +++ b/public/locales/et/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Kui saadad meile vealogid, siis on lihtsam vea põhjust otsida.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Ohoo, midagi on nüüd katki.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Kasuta tulevast ruudustiku-põhist paigutust", - "Privacy Policy": "Privaatsuspoliitika", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Näita seadistuste aknas arendajale vajalikke seadeid.", - "Developer Settings": "Arendaja seadistused", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Selle valiku märkimisel lubad meil koguda anonüümseid andmeid, mida me pruugime sinu kasutajakogemuse parandamiseks. Üksikasjalikumat teavet meie kogutavate andmete kohta leiad siit - " + "Developer Settings": "Arendaja seadistused" } diff --git a/public/locales/fr/app.json b/public/locales/fr/app.json index 5d80df3..bce7ada 100644 --- a/public/locales/fr/app.json +++ b/public/locales/fr/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Soumettre les journaux de débogage nous aidera à déterminer le problème.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Oups, quelque chose s’est mal passé.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Utiliser le futur système de grille", - "Privacy Policy": "Politique de confidentialité", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Affiche les paramètres développeurs dans la fenêtre des paramètres.", - "Developer Settings": "Paramètres développeurs", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "En cochant cette case vous consentez à la collecte de données anonymes, que nous nous utilisons pour améliorer votre expérience. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur les données collectées dans notre " + "Developer Settings": "Paramètres développeurs" } diff --git a/public/locales/id/app.json b/public/locales/id/app.json index 705146f..d1dcb4c 100644 --- a/public/locales/id/app.json +++ b/public/locales/id/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Mengirim catatan pengawakutuan akan membantu kami melacak masalahnya.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Aduh, ada yang salah.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Gunakan sistem kisi yang akan segera datang", - "Privacy Policy": "Kebijakan Privasi kami", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Ekspos pengaturan pengembang dalam jendela pengaturan.", - "Developer Settings": "Pengaturan Pengembang", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Dengan mencentang kotak ini Anda setuju untuk pengumpulan data anonim, yang kami gunakan untuk meningkatkan pengalaman. Anda dapat mempelajari lebih banyak informasi tentang data yang kami lacak di " + "Developer Settings": "Pengaturan Pengembang" } diff --git a/public/locales/pl/app.json b/public/locales/pl/app.json index 21376cd..bb39b51 100644 --- a/public/locales/pl/app.json +++ b/public/locales/pl/app.json @@ -136,6 +136,5 @@ "{{name}} (Connecting...)": "{{name}} (Łączenie...)", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Wyświetlaj opcje programisty w oknie ustawień.", "Element Call Home": "Strona główna Element Call", - "Developer Settings": "Opcje programisty", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Zaznaczając to pole, wyrażasz zgodę na gromadzenie anonimowych danych, które wykorzystujemy do poprawy Twoich doświadczeń. Więcej informacji o tym, jakie dane śledzimy, można znaleźć w naszym " + "Developer Settings": "Opcje programisty" } diff --git a/public/locales/sk/app.json b/public/locales/sk/app.json index 41ae7ff..9d2f70d 100644 --- a/public/locales/sk/app.json +++ b/public/locales/sk/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Odoslanie záznamov ladenia nám pomôže nájsť problém.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Hups, niečo sa pokazilo.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Použiť pripravovaný systém mriežky", - "Privacy Policy": "Zásady ochrany osobných údajov", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Zobraziť nastavenia pre vývojárov v okne nastavení.", - "Developer Settings": "Nastavenia pre vývojárov", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Označením tohto políčka súhlasíte so zhromažďovaním anonymných údajov, ktoré používame na zlepšenie vašich skúseností. Viac informácií o tom, ktoré údaje sledujeme, nájdete v našich " + "Developer Settings": "Nastavenia pre vývojárov" } diff --git a/public/locales/uk/app.json b/public/locales/uk/app.json index cd1894b..3501e00 100644 --- a/public/locales/uk/app.json +++ b/public/locales/uk/app.json @@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>Надсилання журналів зневадження допоможе нам виявити проблему.", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>Йой, щось пішло не за планом.", "Use the upcoming grid system": "Використовувати майбутню сіткову систему", - "Privacy Policy": "Політика приватності", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "Відкрийте налаштування розробника у вікні налаштувань.", - "Developer Settings": "Налаштування розробника", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "Ставлячи прапорець у цьому полі, ви погоджуєтеся на збір анонімних даних, які ми використовуємо для поліпшення роботи. Ви можете знайти більше інформації про те, які дані ми відстежуємо в нашому " + "Developer Settings": "Налаштування розробника" } diff --git a/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json b/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json index f5683c1..b2839a5 100644 --- a/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json +++ b/public/locales/zh-Hant/app.json @@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ "{{count}} people connected|other": "{{count}} 人已連結", "{{count}} people connected|one": "{{count}} 人已連結", "Use the upcoming grid system": "使用即將推出的網格系統", - "Privacy Policy": "隱私權政策", "Expose developer settings in the settings window.": "在設定視窗中顯示開發者設定。", "Developer Settings": "開發者設定", - "By ticking this box you consent to the collection of anonymous data, which we use to improve your experience. You can find more information about which data we track in our ": "勾選這個選取盒,代表您同意我們以匿名方式收集資料,用於改善您的使用體驗。您可以在下列位置找到我們會收集哪些資料的相關資訊: ", "<0>Submitting debug logs will help us track down the problem.": "<0>送出除錯紀錄,可幫助我們修正問題。", "<0>Oops, something's gone wrong.": "<0>喔喔,有些地方怪怪的。", "Your recent calls": "您最近的通話",