import { Resizable } from "re-resizable"; import React, { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from "react"; import { useCallback } from "react"; import ReactJson from "react-json-view"; function getCallUserId(call) { return call.getOpponentMember()?.userId || call.invitee || null; } function getCallState(call) { return { id: call.callId, opponentMemberId: getCallUserId(call), state: call.state, direction: call.direction, }; } function getHangupCallState(call) { return { ...getCallState(call), hangupReason: call.hangupReason, }; } const dateFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat([], { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", fractionalSecondDigits: 2, }); const defaultCollapsedFields = [ "", "", "calls", "callStats", "hangupCalls", "toDeviceEvents", "sentVoipEvents", "content", ]; function shouldCollapse({ name, src, type, namespace }) { return defaultCollapsedFields.includes(name); } export function GroupCallInspector({ client, groupCall, show }) { const [roomStateEvents, setRoomStateEvents] = useState([]); const [toDeviceEvents, setToDeviceEvents] = useState([]); const [sentVoipEvents, setSentVoipEvents] = useState([]); const [state, setState] = useState({ userId: client.getUserId(), }); const updateState = useCallback( (next) => setState((prev) => ({ ...prev, })), [] ); useEffect(() => { function onUpdateRoomState(event) { if (event) { setRoomStateEvents((prev) => [ ...prev, { timestamp: dateFormatter.format(new Date()), eventType: event.getType(), stateKey: event.getStateKey(), content: event.getContent(), }, ]); } const roomEvent = .getStateEvents("", groupCall.groupCallId) .getContent(); const memberEvents = Object.fromEntries( .getStateEvents("") .map((event) => [event.getStateKey(), event.getContent()]) ); updateState({ [""]: roomEvent, [""]: memberEvents, }); } function onCallsChanged() { const calls = groupCall.calls.reduce((obj, call) => { obj[ `${call.callId} (${call.getOpponentMember()?.userId || call.sender})` ] = getCallState(call); return obj; }, {}); updateState({ calls }); } function onCallHangup(call) { setState(({ hangupCalls, }) => ({, hangupCalls: { ...hangupCalls, [`${call.callId} (${ call.getOpponentMember()?.userId || call.sender })`]: getHangupCallState(call), }, })); } function onToDeviceEvent(event) { const eventType = event.getType(); if ( !( eventType.startsWith("") || eventType.startsWith("") ) ) { return; } const content = event.getContent(); if (content.conf_id && content.conf_id !== groupCall.groupCallId) { return; } setToDeviceEvents((prev) => [ ...prev, { timestamp: dateFormatter.format(new Date()), eventType, content, sender: event.getSender(), }, ]); } function onSendVoipEvent(event) { setSentVoipEvents((prev) => [ ...prev, { timestamp: dateFormatter.format(new Date()), ...event }, ]); } client.on("", onUpdateRoomState); groupCall.on("calls_changed", onCallsChanged); groupCall.on("send_voip_event", onSendVoipEvent); client.on("state", onCallsChanged); client.on("hangup", onCallHangup); client.on("toDeviceEvent", onToDeviceEvent); onUpdateRoomState(); }, [client, groupCall]); const toDeviceEventsByCall = useMemo(() => { const result = {}; for (const event of toDeviceEvents) { const callId = event.content.call_id; const key = `${callId} (${event.sender})`; result[key] = result[key] || []; result[key].push(event); } return result; }, [toDeviceEvents]); const sentVoipEventsByCall = useMemo(() => { const result = {}; for (const event of sentVoipEvents) { const callId = event.content.call_id; const key = `${callId} (${event.userId})`; result[key] = result[key] || []; result[key].push(event); } return result; }, [sentVoipEvents]); useEffect(() => { let timeout; async function updateCallStats() { const callIds = (call) => `${call.callId} (${call.getOpponentMember()?.userId || call.sender})` ); const stats = await Promise.all( => call.peerConn ? call.peerConn .getStats(null) .then((stats) => Object.fromEntries( Array.from(stats).map(([_id, report], i) => [ report.type + i, report, ]) ) ) : Promise.resolve(null) ) ); const callStats = {}; for (let i = 0; i < groupCall.calls.length; i++) { callStats[callIds[i]] = stats[i]; } updateState({ callStats }); timeout = setTimeout(updateCallStats, 1000); } if (show) { updateCallStats(); } return () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; }, [show]); if (!show) { return null; } return ( ); }