/* Copyright 2021 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; import styles from "./Room.module.css"; import { useLocation, useParams, useHistory, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import { Button, CopyButton, HangupButton, MicButton, VideoButton, ScreenshareButton, } from "./button"; import { Header, LeftNav, RightNav, RoomHeaderInfo, RoomSetupHeaderInfo, } from "./Header"; import { GroupCallState } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/webrtc/groupCall"; import VideoGrid, { useVideoGridLayout, } from "matrix-react-sdk/src/components/views/voip/GroupCallView/VideoGrid"; import SimpleVideoGrid from "matrix-react-sdk/src/components/views/voip/GroupCallView/SimpleVideoGrid"; import "matrix-react-sdk/res/css/views/voip/GroupCallView/_VideoGrid.scss"; import { useGroupCall } from "matrix-react-sdk/src/hooks/useGroupCall"; import { useCallFeed } from "matrix-react-sdk/src/hooks/useCallFeed"; import { useMediaStream } from "matrix-react-sdk/src/hooks/useMediaStream"; import { fetchGroupCall } from "./ConferenceCallManagerHooks"; import { ErrorModal } from "./ErrorModal"; import { GroupCallInspector } from "./GroupCallInspector"; import * as Sentry from "@sentry/react"; import { OverflowMenu } from "./OverflowMenu"; import { GridLayoutMenu } from "./GridLayoutMenu"; import { UserMenu } from "./UserMenu"; const canScreenshare = "getDisplayMedia" in navigator.mediaDevices; // There is currently a bug in Safari our our code with cloning and sending MediaStreams // or with getUsermedia and getDisplaymedia being used within the same session. // For now we can disable screensharing in Safari. const isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent); function useLoadGroupCall(client, roomId, viaServers) { const [state, setState] = useState({ loading: true, error: undefined, groupCall: undefined, }); useEffect(() => { setState({ loading: true }); fetchGroupCall(client, roomId, viaServers, 30000) .then((groupCall) => setState({ loading: false, groupCall })) .catch((error) => setState({ loading: false, error })); }, [roomId]); return state; } export function Room({ client, onLogout }) { const { roomId: maybeRoomId } = useParams(); const { hash, search } = useLocation(); const [simpleGrid, viaServers] = useMemo(() => { const params = new URLSearchParams(search); return [params.has("simple"), params.getAll("via")]; }, [search]); const roomId = maybeRoomId || hash; const { loading, error, groupCall } = useLoadGroupCall( client, roomId, viaServers ); useEffect(() => { window.groupCall = groupCall; }, [groupCall]); if (loading) { return (
Loading room...
Entering room...
Warning, you are signed into this call on another device.
)}Webcam/microphone permissions needed to join the call.
)} {state === GroupCallState.InitializingLocalCallFeed && (Accept webcam/microphone permissions to join the call.
)} {state === GroupCallState.LocalCallFeedInitialized && ( <>Or
Waiting for other participants...