/* Copyright 2023 New Vector Ltd Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { appendItems, column, cycleTileSize, fillGaps, forEachCellInArea, Grid, resize, row, tryMoveTile, } from "../../src/video-grid/model"; import { TileDescriptor } from "../../src/video-grid/VideoGrid"; /** * Builds a grid from a string specifying the contents of each cell as a letter. */ function mkGrid(spec: string): Grid { const secondNewline = spec.indexOf("\n", 1); const columns = secondNewline === -1 ? spec.length : secondNewline - 1; const cells = spec.match(/[a-z ]/g) ?? ([] as string[]); const areas = new Set(cells); areas.delete(" "); // Space represents an empty cell, not an area const grid: Grid = { columns, cells: new Array(cells.length) }; for (const area of areas) { const start = cells.indexOf(area); const end = cells.lastIndexOf(area); const rows = row(end, grid) - row(start, grid) + 1; const columns = column(end, grid) - column(start, grid) + 1; forEachCellInArea(start, end, grid, (_c, i) => { grid.cells[i] = { item: { id: area } as unknown as TileDescriptor, origin: i === start, rows, columns, }; }); } return grid; } /** * Turns a grid into a string showing the contents of each cell as a letter. */ function showGrid(g: Grid): string { let result = "\n"; g.cells.forEach((c, i) => { if (i > 0 && i % g.columns == 0) result += "\n"; result += c?.item.id ?? " "; }); return result; } function testFillGaps(title: string, input: string, output: string): void { test(`fillGaps ${title}`, () => { expect(showGrid(fillGaps(mkGrid(input)))).toBe(output); }); } testFillGaps( "does nothing on an empty grid", ` `, ` ` ); testFillGaps( "does nothing if there are no gaps", ` ab cd ef`, ` ab cd ef` ); testFillGaps( "fills a gap", ` a b cde f`, ` cab fde` ); testFillGaps( "fills multiple gaps", ` a bc defgh ijkl mno`, ` aebch difgl monjk` ); testFillGaps( "fills a big gap", ` abcd e f g h ijkl`, ` abcd elhf gkji` ); testFillGaps( "only moves 1×1 tiles", ` aa bc`, ` bc aa` ); testFillGaps( "prefers moving around large tiles", ` a bc ddde dddf ghij k`, ` abce dddf dddj kghi` ); testFillGaps( "moves through large tiles if necessary", ` a bc dddd efgh i`, ` afbc dddd iegh` ); testFillGaps( "keeps a large tile from hanging off the bottom", ` abcd efgh ii ii`, ` abcd iigh iief` ); testFillGaps( "pushes a chain of large tiles upwards", ` abcd e fg hh hh ii ii`, ` hhcd hhfg aiib eii` ); testFillGaps( "gives up on pushing large tiles upwards when not possible", ` aabb aabb cc cc`, ` aabb aabb cc cc` ); function testCycleTileSize( title: string, tileId: string, input: string, output: string ): void { test(`cycleTileSize ${title}`, () => { expect(showGrid(cycleTileSize(tileId, mkGrid(input)))).toBe(output); }); } testCycleTileSize( "does nothing if the tile is not present", "z", ` abcd efgh`, ` abcd efgh` ); testCycleTileSize( "expands a tile to 2×2 in a 3 column layout", "c", ` abc def ghi`, ` acc bcc def ghi` ); testCycleTileSize( "expands a tile to 3×3 in a 4 column layout", "g", ` abcd efgh`, ` abcd eggg fggg h` ); testCycleTileSize( "restores a tile to 1×1", "b", ` abbc dbbe fghi jk`, ` abhc djge fik` ); testCycleTileSize( "expands a tile even in a crowded grid", "c", ` abb cbb dde ddf ghi klm`, ` abb gbb dde ddf cci cch klm` ); testCycleTileSize( "does nothing if the tile has no room to expand", "c", ` abb cbb dde ddf`, ` abb cbb dde ddf` ); test("appendItems appends 1×1 tiles", () => { const grid1 = ` aab aac d`; const grid2 = ` aab aac def`; const newItems = ["e", "f"].map( (i) => ({ id: i } as unknown as TileDescriptor) ); expect(showGrid(appendItems(newItems, mkGrid(grid1)))).toBe(grid2); }); function testTryMoveTile( title: string, from: number, to: number, input: string, output: string ): void { test(`tryMoveTile ${title}`, () => { expect(showGrid(tryMoveTile(mkGrid(input), from, to))).toBe(output); }); } testTryMoveTile( "refuses to move a tile too far to the left", 1, -1, ` abc`, ` abc` ); testTryMoveTile( "refuses to move a tile too far to the right", 1, 3, ` abc`, ` abc` ); testTryMoveTile( "moves a large tile to an unoccupied space", 3, 1, ` a b ccd cce`, ` acc bcc d e` ); testTryMoveTile( "refuses to move a large tile to an occupied space", 3, 1, ` abb ccd cce`, ` abb ccd cce` ); function testResize( title: string, columns: number, input: string, output: string ): void { test(`resize ${title}`, () => { expect(showGrid(resize(mkGrid(input), columns))).toBe(output); }); } testResize( "contracts the grid", 2, ` abbb cbbb ddde dddf gh`, ` af bb bb ch dd dd eg` ); testResize( "expands the grid", 4, ` af bb bb ch dd dd eg`, ` bbbc bbbf addd hddd ge` );