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What is a remote uncloud client?

Systems that configure themselves for the use with uncloud

Examples are VMHosts, VPN Servers, cdist control server, etc.

Which access do these clients need?

They need read / write access to the database

Possible methods


pros cons
SSL based Once setup, can access all django parts natively, locally X.509 infrastructure
SSH -L tunnel All nodes can use [::1]:5432 SSH setup can be fragile
ssh djangohost manage.py All DB ops locally Code is only executed on django host
https + token Rest alike / consistent access Code is only executed on django host
from_django Everything is on the django host main host can become bottleneck

remote vs. local Django code execution

  • If manage.py is executed locally (= on the client), it can check/modify local configs
  • However local execution requires a pyvenv + packages + db access
  • Local execution also could make use of postgresql notify for triggering actions (which is quite neat)
  • Remote execution (= on the primary django host) can acess the db via unix socket
  • However remote execution cannot check local state


  • might reuse existing methods like celery
  • reduces the amount of things to be installed on the client to almost zero
  • follows the opennebula model
  • has a single point of failurebin