Cleaner docs, CORS optional, proxy setup

This commit is contained in:
datalets 2021-09-29 10:59:55 +02:00
parent b9c1cc516e
commit c90fcdfd59
4 changed files with 101 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -38,86 +38,83 @@ At this point you should be ready to start with Docker Compose:
Optimize your dribdat instance with the following environment variables in production:
* `TIME_ZONE` - set if your event is not in UTC time (e.g. "Europe/Zurich" - see [pytz docs](
* `SERVER_URL` - fully qualified domain name where the site is hosted
* `SERVER_SSL` - redirect all visitors to HTTPS, applying CSP
* `SERVER_PROXY` - set to True to use an [external proxy]( and static files server
* `CSP_DIRECTIVES` - configure content security policy - see [Talisman docs](
* `TIME_ZONE` - set if your event is not in UTC time (e.g. "Europe/Zurich" - see [pytz docs](
* `SERVER_URL` - fully qualified domain name where the site is hosted.
* `DATABASE_URL` - connects to PostgreSQL or another database via `postgresql://username:password@...` (in Heroku this is set automatically)
* `CACHE_TYPE` - speed up the site with Redis or Memcache - see [Flask-Caching](
* `DRIBDAT_ENV` - 'dev' to enable debugging, 'prod' to optimise assets for production
* `DRIBDAT_SECRET` - a long scary string for hashing your passwords - in Heroku this is set automatically.
* `DRIBDAT_ENV` - 'dev' to enable debugging, 'prod' to optimise for production.
Advanced configurations are used to improve the **production setup**:
* `SERVER_SSL` - redirect all visitors to HTTPS, applying [CSP rules](
* `SERVER_PROXY` - set to True to use an [external proxy]( and static files server.
* `SERVER_CORS` - set to False to disable the [CORS whitelist]( for external API access.
* `CSP_DIRECTIVES` - configure content security policy - see [Talisman docs](
* `CACHE_TYPE` - speed up the site with Redis or Memcache - see [Flask-Caching](
The following options can be used to toggle **application features**:
* `DRIBDAT_THEME` - can be set to one of the [Bootswatch themes](
* `DRIBDAT_STYLE` - provide the address to a CSS stylesheet for custom global styles
* `DRIBDAT_CLOCK` - use 'up' or 'down' to change the position, or 'off' to hide the countdown clock
* `DRIBDAT_SECRET` - a long scary string for hashing your passwords - in Heroku this is set automatically
* `DRIBDAT_APIKEY` - for connecting clients to the remote [API](#api)
* `DRIBDAT_USER_APPROVE` - set to True so that any new non-SSO accounts are inactive until approved by an admin
* `DRIBDAT_NOT_REGISTER` - set to True to hide the registration, so new users can only join this server via SSO
* `DRIBDAT_ALLOW_EVENTS` - set to True to allow regular users to suggest new events on this site (which only admins can then edit and promote)
* `DRIBDAT_THEME` - can be set to one of the [Bootswatch themes](
* `DRIBDAT_STYLE` - provide the address to a CSS stylesheet for custom global styles.
* `DRIBDAT_CLOCK` - use 'up' or 'down' to change the position, or 'off' to hide the countdown clock.
* `DRIBDAT_APIKEY` - a secret key for connecting bots with write access to the remote [API](#api).
* `DRIBDAT_USER_APPROVE` - set to True so that any new non-SSO accounts are inactive until approved by an admin.
* `DRIBDAT_NOT_REGISTER` - set to True to hide the registration, so new users can only join this server via SSO.
* `DRIBDAT_ALLOW_EVENTS` - set to True to allow regular users to suggest new events on this site (which only admins can then edit and promote).
Support for **Web analytics** can be configured using one of the following variables:
* `ANALYTICS_FATHOM` ([Fathom]( - with optional `ANALYTICS_FATHOM_SITE` if you use a custom site)
* `ANALYTICS_SIMPLE` ([Simple Analytics](
* `ANALYTICS_GOOGLE` (starts with "UA-...")
* `ANALYTICS_HREF` - an optional link in the footer to a public dashboard for your analytics
* `ANALYTICS_HREF` - an optional link in the footer to a public dashboard for your analytics.
OAuth 2.0 support for **Single Sign-On** (SSO) is currently available using [Flask Dance](, and requires SSL to be enabled (using `SERVER_SSL`=1 in production or `OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT` in development). Register your app with the provider (see SSO tips below), and set the following variables:
* `OAUTH_TYPE` - e.g. 'Slack', 'GitHub', 'Azure'
* `OAUTH_ID` - the Client ID of your app
* `OAUTH_SECRET` - the Client Secret of your app
* `OAUTH_DOMAIN` - (optional) subdomain of your Slack instance, or AD tenant for Azure
* `OAUTH_SKIP_LOGIN` - (optional) when enabled, the dribdat login screen is not shown at all
* `OAUTH_ID` - the Client ID of your app.
* `OAUTH_SECRET` - the Client Secret of your app.
* `OAUTH_DOMAIN` - (optional) subdomain of your Slack instance, or AD tenant for Azure.
* `OAUTH_SKIP_LOGIN` - (optional) when enabled, the dribdat login screen is not shown at all.
For **uploading images** and other files directly within dribdat, you can configure S3 through Amazon and compatible providers:
* `S3_KEY` - the access key (20 characters, all caps)
* `S3_SECRET` - the generated secret (long, mixed case)
* `S3_BUCKET` - the name of your S3 bucket
* `S3_REGION` - defaults to 'eu-west-1'
* `S3_FOLDER` - skip unless you want to store to a subfolder
* `S3_HTTPS` - URL for web access to your bucket's public files
* `S3_ENDPOINT` - alternative endpoint for self-hosted Object Storage
* `MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH` - defaults to 1048576 bytes (1 MB) file size
* `S3_BUCKET` - the name of your S3 bucket.
* `S3_REGION` - defaults to 'eu-west-1'.
* `S3_FOLDER` - skip unless you want to store to a subfolder.
* `S3_HTTPS` - URL for web access to your bucket's public files.
* `S3_ENDPOINT` - alternative endpoint for self-hosted Object Storage.
* `MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH` - defaults to 1048576 bytes (1 MB) file size.
To customize some of the default content, you can edit the template include files, for example the default [quickstart](dribdat/templates/includes/ or [stages](dribdat/templates/includes/stages.yaml) - as long as you're not limited by ephemeral storage of your deployment.
## API
There are a number of API calls that admins can use to easily get to the data in Dribdat in CSV or JSON format. These are linked in the About page in a running app. Additionally, the site has a See GitHub issues for development status.
There are a number of API calls that admins can use to easily get to the data in Dribdat in various formats. The full list of calls is shown in the **About** or Search page in a running app. For example, to get basic data on an event:
Basic data on an event:
- `/api/event/<EVENT ID>/info.json`
- `/hackathon.json`
- `/api/event/current/info.json`
Retrieve data on all projects from an event:
- `/api/event/<EVENT ID>/projects.csv`
- `/api/event/<EVENT ID>/projects.json`
- `/api/event/current/projects.json`
Recent activity in projects (all or specific):
- `/api/event/<EVENT ID>/info.json`
- `/api/project/activity.json`
- `/api/<PROJECT ID>/activity.json`
Search project contents:
To search all project contents:
- `/api/project/search.json?q=<text_query>`
Use the `limit` query parameter to get more or less than 10 results.
For more details see [](dribdat/public/
## Write access (beta)
If you would like to use external clients, like the chatbot, to remote control Dribdat you need to set `DRIBDAT_APIKEY`. The (experimental) call used to push data into projects is:
- `/api/project/push.json`
For more details see [](dribdat/public/
# Developer guide
Install Python, Virtualenv and Pip, or [Poetry]( to start working with the code.
@ -210,6 +207,48 @@ To get client keys, go to the [Slack API](, [Azure p
Cannot determine SSO callback for app registration? Try `<my server url>/oauth/slack/authorized` (replace `slack` with your OAuth provider).
### Using a proxy server
Besides encouraging the use of [Gunicorn]( to run the applocation, a web proxy server is typically used in production to optimize your deployment, add SSL certificates, etc. Here is an example configuration using [nginx]( if you are running your application on port 5000:
upstream dribdat-cluster {
server localhost:5000;
server {
listen 80;
# File size limit for uploads
client_max_body_size 10m;
keepalive_timeout 0;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;
# Configure compression
gzip on; gzip_vary on;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
location / {
# In case archived URLs were bookmarked
rewrite ^(.*).html$ $1;
# Set up the Proxy
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_pass http://dribdat-cluster;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
location /static {
# To host assets directly from Nginx
expires 2d;
alias /srv/dribdat/dribdat/static;
### Restore admin access
Create a user account if you do not already have one. From the console, run `./ shell` then to promote to admin and/or reset the password of a user called "admin":

View File

@ -34,14 +34,15 @@ def init_app(config_object=ProdConfig):
# Set up cross-site access to the API
CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
if app.config['SERVER_CORS']:
CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})
app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type'
# Set up using an external proxy/static server
if app.config['SERVER_PROXY']:
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app, x_for=1, x_host=1)
# Set up for optimized static file hosting
# Internally optimize static file hosting
app.wsgi_app = WhiteNoise(app.wsgi_app, prefix='static/')
for static in ('css', 'img', 'js', 'public'):
app.wsgi_app.add_files('dribdat/static/' + static)

View File

@ -43,8 +43,10 @@ class Config(object):
# Server settings
SERVER_NAME = os_env.get('SERVER_URL', '')
SERVER_SSL = os_env.get('SERVER_SSL', None)
SERVER_CORS = bool(os_env.get('SERVER_CORS', True))
SERVER_PROXY = bool(os_env.get('SERVER_PROXY', False))
CSP_DIRECTIVES = os_env.get('CSP_DIRECTIVES', "default-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data:")
CSP_DIRECTIVES = os_env.get(
'CSP_DIRECTIVES', "default-src * 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data:")
TIME_ZONE = os_env.get('TIME_ZONE', 'UTC')
MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = int(os_env.get('MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH', 1 * 1024 * 1024))
@ -71,16 +73,18 @@ class ProdConfig(Config):
ENV = 'prod'
DEBUG = False
DEBUG_TB_ENABLED = False # Disable Debug toolbar
PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'https' # For generating external URLs
PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = 'https' # For generating external URLs
CACHE_TYPE = os_env.get('CACHE_TYPE', 'simple')
CACHE_REDIS_URL = os_env.get('CACHE_REDIS_URL', 'simple')
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os_env.get('DATABASE_URL', 'postgresql://localhost/example')
'DATABASE_URL', 'postgresql://localhost/example')
if SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI.startswith('postgres:'):
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI.replace('postgres:', 'postgresql:')
'postgres:', 'postgresql:')
class DevConfig(Config):

View File

@ -4,20 +4,23 @@
import os
import click
from flask import Flask
from flask.cli import FlaskGroup
from import init_app
from dribdat.settings import DevConfig, ProdConfig
from dribdat.database import db
HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEST_PATH = os.path.join(HERE, 'tests')
def shell_context():
"""Return context dict for a shell session"""
from dribdat.user.models import User, Event, Project, Category, Activity
return {'User': User, 'Event':Event, 'Project':Project, 'Category':Category, 'Activity':Activity}
return {
'User': User, 'Event': Event, 'Project': Project,
'Category': Category, 'Activity': Activity
def create_app(script_info=None):
"""Initialise the app object"""
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ def create_app(script_info=None):
return app
def featuretest():
"""Run feature tests."""
@ -35,6 +39,7 @@ def featuretest():
feat_test = os.path.join(TEST_PATH, '')
return pytest.main([feat_test, '--disable-warnings'])
def test():
"""Run all tests."""
@ -48,6 +53,7 @@ def test():
def cli():
"""This is a management script for this application."""