
36 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

# Run without arguments or scroll down for instructions
if [ "$1" = "psql" ]; then
echo "Force migrating database"
rm -rf migrations/
psql -c "DROP TABLE alembic_version;" $DATABASE_URL
python "${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py" db init 2>&1 >/dev/null
python "${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py" db migrate
python "${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py" db upgrade
echo "Upgrade complete, 10 second cooldown"
sleep 10
elif [ "$1" = "heroku" ]; then
if [ -z "$2" ]; then
echo "Specify the app you wish to upgrade as a second parameter."
echo "Migrating Heroku DB on $2 in 5 seconds - Ctrl-C to abort."
sleep 5s
heroku pg:psql -a $2 -c "drop table alembic_version"
heroku run -a $2 "python ${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py db init && python ${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py db migrate && python ${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py db upgrade"
elif [ "$1" = "local" ]; then
echo "Resetting local SQLite DB (dev.db)"
rm -rf "${APPDIR:-.}/dev.db"
python "${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py" db migrate
python "${APPDIR:-.}/manage.py" db upgrade
echo "Use this script with the following arguments to refresh the DB schema:"
echo " psql - in production (such as your server ssh console)"
echo " heroku - to modify a locally configured remote app"
echo " local - wipe and reset your development SQLite file (dev.db)"