
349 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Collecting data from third party API repositories
from .apievents import FetchGithubCommits
from flask import url_for
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
from base64 import b64decode
from flask_misaka import markdown
from bleach.sanitizer import ALLOWED_TAGS, ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import re
import requests
import bleach
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
def FetchGitlabProject(project_url):
WEB_BASE = "https://gitlab.com/%s"
API_BASE = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/%s"
url_q = quote_plus(project_url)
data = requests.get(API_BASE % url_q)
if data.text.find('{') < 0:
return {}
json = data.json()
if 'name' not in json:
return {}
readmeurl = "%s/raw/master/README.md" % (WEB_BASE % project_url)
readmedata = requests.get(readmeurl)
readme = readmedata.text or ""
return {
'type': 'GitLab',
'name': json['name'],
'summary': json['description'],
'description': readme,
# 'homepage_url': "",
'source_url': json['web_url'],
'image_url': json['avatar_url'],
'contact_url': json['web_url'] + '/issues',
def FetchGitlabAvatar(email):
apiurl = "https://gitlab.com/api/v4/avatar?email=%s&size=80"
data = requests.get(apiurl % email)
if data.text.find('{') < 0:
return None
json = data.json()
if 'avatar_url' not in json:
return None
return json['avatar_url']
def FetchGithubProject(project_url):
API_BASE = "https://api.github.com/repos/%s"
data = requests.get(API_BASE % project_url)
if data.text.find('{') < 0:
return {}
json = data.json()
if 'name' not in json or 'full_name' not in json:
return {}
repo_full_name = json['full_name']
default_branch = json['default_branch'] or 'main'
readmeurl = "%s/readme" % (API_BASE % project_url)
readmedata = requests.get(readmeurl)
if readmedata.text.find('{') < 0:
return {}
readme = readmedata.json()
if 'content' not in readme:
readme = ''
readme = b64decode(readme['content']).decode('utf-8')
# Fix relative links in text
imgroot = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com"
readme = re.sub(
r"<img src=\"(?!http)",
"<img src=\"%s/%s/%s/" % (imgroot, repo_full_name, default_branch),
readme = re.sub(
# TODO check why we are using \g escape here?
r"![\g<1>](%s/%s/%s/" % (imgroot, repo_full_name, default_branch),
return {
'type': 'GitHub',
'name': json['name'],
'summary': json['description'],
'description': readme,
'homepage_url': json['homepage'],
'source_url': json['html_url'],
'image_url': json['owner']['avatar_url'],
'contact_url': json['html_url'] + '/issues',
'download_url': json['html_url'] + '/releases',
'commits': FetchGithubCommits(repo_full_name)
def FetchBitbucketProject(project_url):
WEB_BASE = "https://bitbucket.org/%s"
API_BASE = "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/%s"
data = requests.get(API_BASE % project_url)
if data.text.find('{') < 0:
print('No data at', project_url)
return {}
json = data.json()
if 'name' not in json:
print('Invalid format at', project_url)
return {}
readme = ''
for docext in ['.md', '.rst', '.txt', '']:
readmedata = requests.get(
API_BASE % project_url + '/src/HEAD/README.md')
if readmedata.text.find('{"type":"error"') != 0:
readme = readmedata.text
web_url = WEB_BASE % project_url
contact_url = json['website'] or web_url
if json['has_issues']:
contact_url = "%s/issues" % web_url
image_url = ''
if 'project' in json and \
'links' in json['project'] \
and 'avatar' in json['project']['links']:
image_url = json['project']['links']['avatar']['href']
elif 'links' in json and 'avatar' in json['links']:
image_url = json['links']['avatar']['href']
return {
'type': 'Bitbucket',
'name': json['name'],
'summary': json['description'],
'description': readme,
'homepage_url': json['website'],
'source_url': web_url,
'image_url': image_url,
'contact_url': contact_url,
DP_VIEWER_URL = 'http://data.okfn.org/tools/view?url=%s'
def FetchDataProject(project_url):
""" Tries to load a Data Package formatted JSON file """
# TODO: use frictionlessdata library!
data = requests.get(project_url)
if data.text.find('{') < 0:
return {}
json = data.json()
if 'name' not in json or 'title' not in json:
return {}
if 'homepage' in json:
readme_url = json['homepage']
readme_url = project_url.replace('datapackage.json', 'README.md')
text_content = ""
if readme_url.startswith('http') and readme_url != project_url:
text_content = requests.get(readme_url).text
if not text_content and 'description' in json:
text_content = json['description']
contact_url = ''
if 'maintainers' in json and \
len(json['maintainers']) > 0 and \
'web' in json['maintainers'][0]:
contact_url = json['maintainers'][0]['web']
return {
'type': 'Data Package',
'name': json['name'],
'summary': json['title'],
'description': text_content,
# 'homepage_url': DP_VIEWER_URL % project_url,
'source_url': project_url,
'image_url': url_for('static', filename='img/datapackage_icon.png',
'contact_url': contact_url,
# Basis: https://github.com/mozilla/bleach/blob/master/bleach/sanitizer.py#L16
'img', 'font', 'center', 'sub', 'sup', 'pre',
'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5',
'p', 'u', 'b', 'em', 'i',
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['h1'] = ['id']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['h2'] = ['id']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['h3'] = ['id']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['h4'] = ['id']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['h5'] = ['id']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['a'] = ['href', 'title', 'class', 'name']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['img'] = ['src', 'width', 'height', 'alt', 'class']
ALLOWED_HTML_ATTR['font'] = ['color']
def FetchWebProject(project_url):
data = requests.get(project_url)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
print("Could not connect to %s" % project_url)
return {}
# Google Document
if project_url.startswith('https://docs.google.com/document'):
return FetchWebGoogleDoc(data.text, project_url)
# CodiMD / HackMD
elif data.text.find('<div id="doc" ') > 0:
return FetchWebCodiMD(data.text, project_url)
# DokuWiki
elif data.text.find('<meta name="generator" content="DokuWiki"/>') > 0:
return FetchWebDokuWiki(data.text, project_url)
# Etherpad
elif data.text.find('pad.importExport.exportetherpad') > 0:
return FetchWebEtherpad(data.text, project_url)
# Instructables
elif project_url.startswith('https://www.instructables.com/'):
return FetchWebInstructables(data.text, project_url)
def FetchWebGoogleDoc(text, url):
doc = pq(text)
ptitle = doc("div#title") or doc("div#header")
if len(ptitle) < 1:
return {}
content = doc("div#contents")
if len(content) < 1:
return {}
html_content = bleach.clean(content.html().strip(), strip=True,
obj = {}
# {
# 'type': 'Google', ...
# 'name': name,
# 'summary': summary,
# 'description': html_content,
# 'image_url': image_url
# 'source_url': project_url,
# }
obj['type'] = 'Google Docs'
obj['name'] = ptitle.text()
obj['description'] = html_content
obj['source_url'] = url
obj['image_url'] = url_for(
'static', filename='img/document_icon.png', _external=True)
return obj
def FetchWebCodiMD(text, url):
doc = pq(text)
ptitle = doc("title")
if len(ptitle) < 1:
return {}
content = doc("div#doc").html()
if len(content) < 1:
return {}
obj = {}
obj['type'] = 'Markdown'
obj['name'] = ptitle.text()
obj['description'] = markdown(content)
obj['source_url'] = url
obj['image_url'] = url_for(
'static', filename='img/codimd.png', _external=True)
return obj
def FetchWebDokuWiki(text, url):
doc = pq(text)
ptitle = doc("span.pageId")
if len(ptitle) < 1:
return {}
content = doc("div.dw-content")
if len(content) < 1:
return {}
html_content = bleach.clean(content.html().strip(), strip=True,
obj = {}
obj['type'] = 'DokuWiki'
obj['name'] = ptitle.text().replace('project:', '')
obj['description'] = html_content
obj['source_url'] = url
obj['image_url'] = url_for(
'static', filename='img/dokuwiki_icon.png', _external=True)
return obj
def FetchWebEtherpad(text, url):
ptitle = url.split('/')[-1]
if len(ptitle) < 1:
return {}
text_content = requests.get("%s/export/txt" % url).text
obj = {}
obj['type'] = 'Etherpad'
obj['name'] = ptitle.replace('_', ' ')
obj['description'] = text_content
obj['source_url'] = url
obj['image_url'] = url_for(
'static', filename='img/document_white.png', _external=True)
return obj
def FetchWebInstructables(text, url):
doc = pq(text)
ptitle = doc(".header-title")
if len(ptitle) < 1:
return {}
content = doc(".main-content")
if len(content) < 1:
return {}
html_content = ""
for step in content.find(".step"):
step_title = pq(step).find('.step-title')
if step_title is not None:
html_content += '<h3>' + step_title.text() + '</h3>'
# Grab photos
for img in pq(step).find('noscript'):
if '{{ file' not in pq(img).html():
html_content += pq(img).html()
# Iterate through body
step_content = pq(step).find('.step-body')
if step_content is None:
for elem in pq(step_content).children():
if elem.tag == 'pre':
if elem.text is None:
html_content += '<pre>' + elem.text + '</pre>'
p = pq(elem).html()
if p is None:
p = bleach.clean(p.strip(), strip=True,
html_content += '<%s>%s</%s>' % (elem.tag, p, elem.tag)
obj = {}
obj['type'] = 'Instructables'
obj['name'] = ptitle.text()
obj['description'] = html_content
obj['source_url'] = url
obj['image_url'] = url_for(
'static', filename='img/instructables.png', _external=True)
return obj