
91 lines
2.8 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Jinja formatters for Oneboxes and Embeds."""
import re
import pystache
import logging
from flask import url_for
from micawber.parsers import standalone_url_re, full_handler
def format_webembed(url):
if url.lower().startswith('<iframe '):
# Allow IFRAMEs
# TODO: add a setting
return url
if url.startswith('https://query.wikidata.org/'):
# Fix WikiData queries
url = url.replace('https://query.wikidata.org/',
elif url.startswith('https://youtu.be/'):
# Fix YouTube mobile link
url = url.replace('https://youtu.be/',
elif url.startswith('https://www.youtube.com/watch?'):
# Fix YouTube web link
url = url.replace('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=',
# TODO: add more embeddables here
return '<iframe src="%s"></iframe>' % url
<div class="onebox">
<a href="{{link}}">
<img src="{{image_url}}" />
<h5 class="name">{{name}}</h5>
<div class="phase">{{phase}}</div>
def repl_onebox(mat=None, li=[]):
if mat is None:
li[:] = []
if mat.group(1):
url = mat.group(1).strip()
# Try to parse a project link
if '/project/' in url:
project_link = mat.group(1)
project_id = int(url.split('/')[-1])
from .user.models import Project
project = Project.query.filter_by(id=project_id).first()
if not project:
return mat.group()
pd = project.data
# project.url returns a relative path?
pd['link'] = project_link
return pystache.render(TEMPLATE_PROJECT, pd)
return mat.group()
def make_onebox(raw_html):
url = re.escape(url_for('public.home', _external=True))
regexp = re.compile('<a href="(%s.+?)">(%s.+?)</a>' % (url, url))
return re.sub(regexp, repl_onebox, raw_html)
def make_oembedplus(text, oembed_providers, **params):
lines = text.splitlines()
parsed = []
home_url = re.escape(url_for('public.home', _external=True))
home_url_re = re.compile('(%s.+)' % home_url)
for line in lines:
if home_url_re.match(line):
line = re.sub(home_url_re, repl_onebox, line)
elif standalone_url_re.match(line):
url = line.strip()
response = oembed_providers.request(url, **params)
except Exception:
logging.info("OEmbed could not parse: <%s>" % url)
line = full_handler(url, response, **params)
return '\n'.join(parsed)