
190 lines
7.1 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Public facing forms."""
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import (
SubmitField, BooleanField,
StringField, TextAreaField,
SelectField, HiddenField,
from wtforms.fields import (
TimeField, DateField,
URLField, DateTimeLocalField
# from wtforms_html5 import AutoAttrMeta
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, length
from ..user.validators import UniqueValidator
from dribdat.user.models import Project, Event
from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta
class ProjectNew(FlaskForm):
"""Create a project form."""
id = HiddenField('id')
autotext_url = URLField(
u'Readme', [length(max=2048)],
description="[Optional] Link to a code repository or online document. "
+ "The content will be automatically synced here 💡 Tips: dribdat.cc/sync")
name = StringField(
[length(max=80), UniqueValidator(Project, 'name'), InputRequired()],
description=u"A short team or project name - you may change "
+ "this later.")
summary = TextAreaField(
u'Summary', [length(max=2048)],
description="A short, plain-text description of your project or challenge.")
category_id = SelectField(
u'Category', coerce=int, description=u"Select the category that your "
+ " challenge addresses.")
contact_url = StringField(
u'Contact', [length(max=2048)],
description="On which channel, or in which room, to find you.")
template = HiddenField('template')
submit = SubmitField(u'Save')
class ProjectForm(FlaskForm):
"""Edit a project form."""
id = HiddenField('id')
summary = StringField(
u'Summary', [length(max=2048)],
render_kw={'maxlength': 2048},
description="A short, plain-text description of your topic.")
webpage_url = URLField(
u'Presentation', [length(max=2048)],
description="URL to a live demo, presentation, or a link to get "
+ "more information.")
is_webembed = BooleanField(u'Embed the Presentation on page')
longtext = TextAreaField(
u'Pitch', [length(max=64000)],
description="Markdown supported. Put a link"
+ " to supported sites (SpeakerDeck, YouTube,..) on a line for a preview."
+ " No copypasta - use the 'Upload Image' button.")
autotext_url = URLField(
u'Readme link', [length(max=255)],
description="URL to a code repository, document, or wiki to Sync with. 💡 Tips: dribdat.cc/sync")
note = TextAreaField(
u'What changed?',
render_kw={'maxlength': 280, 'rows': 3},
description=u'(Optional) A short update for the project log')
submit = SubmitField(u'Save changes')
is_minoredit = BooleanField(u'This is a minor edit') # No log entry if checked
class ProjectDetailForm(FlaskForm):
"""Edit a project detail form."""
id = HiddenField('id')
name = StringField(
[length(max=80), UniqueValidator(Project, 'name'), InputRequired()],
render_kw={'maxlength': 80, 'required': 'required'},
description="A short name for your project or challenge.")
source_url = URLField(
u'Source', [length(max=255)],
description="Link to the original source code of your project.")
# Note: contact_url could be an e-mail or room number -> StringField
contact_url = StringField(
u'Contact', [length(max=255)],
description="How to reach you via website or e-mail.")
download_url = URLField(
u'Demo', [length(max=255)],
description="Link to online demo or download area for this project.")
hashtag = StringField(
u'Affiliation', [length(max=140)],
description="Your organization, channel, or social media hashtag.")
# Note: relative links allowed in image_url -> StringField
image_url = StringField(
u'Cover image', [length(max=255)],
description="Link to an image showing in the project overview and at the top of the page.")
logo_color = StringField(
u'Outline color',
description="Customize the color scheme of your project page.")
logo_icon = StringField(
u'Named icon',
[length(max=20)], description='Select an icon from FontAwesome'
+ ': https://fontawesome.com/v4/cheatsheet')
category_id = SelectField(u'Challenge category', coerce=int,
description="If available, which category does your project belong to.")
submit = SubmitField(u'Save changes')
class ProjectPost(FlaskForm):
"""Add a post to a project."""
id = HiddenField('id')
has_progress = BooleanField(u"Level up")
note = TextAreaField(
'How are the vibes in your team right now?',
[length(max=280), InputRequired()],
render_kw={'maxlength': 280},
description=u'A short note for your project log.')
submit = SubmitField(u'Save post')
class ProjectComment(FlaskForm):
"""Add a comment to a project."""
id = HiddenField('id')
note = TextAreaField(
u'Comments and reviews',
[length(max=280), InputRequired()],
render_kw={'maxlength': 280},
description=u'A suggestion or constructive feedback for the team.'
+ ' Please note the Code of Conduct.')
submit = SubmitField(u'Save comment')
class ProjectBoost(FlaskForm):
"""Add a boost to a project."""
id = HiddenField('id')
note = TextAreaField(u'Short praise and comments', [
length(max=280), InputRequired()])
boost_type = SelectField(u'Select booster pack', [InputRequired()])
submit = SubmitField(u'Energize!')
class EventNew(FlaskForm):
"""Add a new Event."""
next = HiddenField()
id = HiddenField('id')
name = StringField(
[length(max=80), UniqueValidator(Event, 'name'), InputRequired()])
starts_at = DateTimeLocalField(u'Starting', [InputRequired()])
ends_at = DateTimeLocalField(u'Finishing', [InputRequired()])
summary = StringField(
description=u'A short overview of the upcoming event')
hostname = StringField(
u'Hosted by', [length(max=80)],
description=u'Organization responsible for the event')
location = StringField(
u'Located at', [length(max=255)],
description=u'The event locale or virtual space')
hashtags = StringField(
u'Hashtags', [length(max=255)],
description=u'Social media hashtags for this event')
description = TextAreaField(
u'Description', description=u'Markdown and HTML supported')
logo_url = URLField(
u'Host logo link', [length(max=255)],
description=u'Link to a small logo file (max 688x130)')
gallery_url = URLField(
u'Gallery links',
description=u'URL to large background image (max 1920x1080)')
webpage_url = URLField(
u'Home page link', [length(max=255)],
description=u'Link to register and get information about the event')
community_url = URLField(
u'Community link', [length(max=255)],
description=u'Link to connect to a community forum or hashtag')
submit = SubmitField(u'Save')