
568 lines
20 KiB

(function($, window) {
// Initialize project data loader
$('#autotext_url').each(function() {
var checkAutotext = function(val, $ind) {
if (typeof val !== 'string') return;
if (val.trim() === '') return;
.removeClass('fa-circle-o fa-check-circle-o')
.css('color', 'red');
$('#is_autoupdate').click(function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked'))
if (!$indicator.find('button').click())
// Toggle status indicator
var $inputfield = $(this);
var $indicator = $inputfield.parent()
.prepend('<span class="autotext-indicator d-none float-right">' +
'<a title="Status" class="btn-disabled"><i class="fa fa-circle-o"></i></a>' +
'<button class="btn btn-lg btn-light" type="button">Sync</button>' +
// On load
checkAutotext($inputfield.val(), $indicator);
// On keypress
$inputfield.on('keyup', function(e) {
checkAutotext($inputfield.val(), $indicator);
// Clear template selection
$('.template-select label input').prop('checked', false);
// Update button
$indicator.find('button').click(function(e) {
var url = $inputfield.val();
var $button = $(this);
$indicator.find('i').css('color', 'blue');
$button.attr('disabled', 'disabled').html('Please wait ...');
// Call updater API
$.getJSON('/api/project/autofill?url=' + url, function(data) {
if (!data || typeof data.name === 'undefined' || data.name === '') {
window.alert('Enter a valid link to sync from a supported site.');
$('#is_autoupdate').prop('checked', false);
$indicator.find('i').css('color', 'red');
$indicator.find('i').css('color', 'green');
// Set form values
if (!$('input#name').val())
if (!$('input#summary').val())
if (!$('input#webpage_url').val())
if (!$('input#source_url').val())
if (!$('input#contact_url').val())
if (!$('input#download_url').val())
if (!$('input#image_url').val())
return true;
}); // -autotext_url each
// Allow project progress on acknowledge
if ($('.projectpost .stage-conditions .stage-no').length == 0) {
$('.form-project-post label[for="has_progress"] input').click();
} else {
$('.form-project-post label[for="has_progress"]').parent().hide();
/*each(function() {
var vparent = $(this).parent().parent().hide();
var vinput = $(this).parent().find('input')[0];
vinput.checked = false;
$('.form-project-confirm input[type="checkbox"]').click(function() {
all_checked = $('.form-project-confirm input[type="checkbox"]:not(:checked)').length === 0;
vinput.checked = all_checked;
// Make the custom color field HTML5 compatible
$('input#logo_color[type=text]').attr('type', 'color');
// Open up the README on click
$('.project-autotext').click(function() {
// Push template selection to form
$('.template-select label input').change(function() {
// Upload images
$('#uploadImage').each(function() {
var $dialog = $(this);
var $togglebtn = $('button[data-target="#uploadImage"]');
// Enable the available fields
var $longtext = $('.fld-longtext');
if ($longtext.length > 0) {
} else {
var $imageurl = $('.fld-image_url,.fld-logo_url');
if ($imageurl.length > 0) {
// Image url field
} else {
var $postnote = $('.fld-note');
if ($postnote.length > 0 && $('body').hasClass('projectpost')) {
// Post note
} else {
// Set up the file dialog
var $inputfd = $dialog.find('input[type="file"]');
$inputfd.change(function() {
var imgfile = $inputfd[0].files[0];
// Check file size limits
var maxsize = parseInt($inputfd.data('maxsize'));
if (imgfile.size > maxsize) {
return alert("Please upload a smaller file (reduce resolution, save as JPEG)");
// Create upload object
var fdd = new FormData();
fdd.append('file', imgfile);
url: '/api/project/uploader',
type: 'post',
data: fdd,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(response) {
if (response.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
return alert('File could not be uploaded :(\n' + response);
$dialog.find(".preview img").attr("src", response);
$dialog.find(".preview input").val(response);
$('#img-confirm').show().find('button').off("click").click(function() {
if ($(this).data('target') == 'cover') {
// Replace the cover
} else if ($(this).data('target') == 'post') {
// Append to post
var imglink = '![ ](' + response + ')';
$('#note').val(imglink + ' ' + $('#note').val());
} else if ($(this).data('target') == 'pitch') {
// Append to pitch
var filename = response.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop().replaceAll('_', ' ');
if (typeof window.toasteditor !== 'undefined') {
// As an image
window.toasteditor.exec('addImage', {
imageUrl: response, altText: filename
} else {
var imglink = '![' + filename + '](' + response + ')';
$('#longtext').val($('#longtext').val() +
'\n\n' + imglink);
} else {
// Copy to clipboard
if (navigator.clipboard) {
} else {
$dialog.find(".preview input").click().select();
error: function(e) {
alert("Sorry, an error has occurred.\n" + e.statusText);
}); // -ajax
}); // -change
}); // -#uploadImage
// Upload a presentation file
$('#uploadFile').each(function() {
var $dialog = $(this);
var $togglebtn = $('button[data-target="#uploadFile"]');
// Enable the available fields
var $webpageurl = $('.fld-webpage_url');
// Append button to the editor
// Set up the file dialog
var $inputfd = $dialog.find('input[type="file"]');
$inputfd.change(function() {
var thefile = $inputfd[0].files[0];
// Check file size limits
var maxsize = parseInt($inputfd.data('maxsize'));
if (thefile.size > maxsize) {
return alert("Please upload a smaller file (1 MB limit)");
// Create upload object
var fdd = new FormData();
fdd.append('file', thefile);
url: '/api/project/uploader',
type: 'post',
data: fdd,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(response) {
if (response.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
return alert('File could not be uploaded :(\n' + response);
// Parse the file name and size
var filename = response.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop().replaceAll('_', ' ');
var fileext = filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
var filesize = Math.round(thefile.size/102.4)/10;
filesize = (filesize>1000) ? (Math.round(filesize/102.4)/10) + ' MB' : filesize + ' KB';
// Get the form ready
$dialog.find(".preview input").val(response);
// Preview values
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filename').html(filename);
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filesize').html(filesize);
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype *').addClass('hidden');
// Special file types
if (filename.indexOf('datapackage.json')>0) {
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype-frictionless').removeClass('hidden');
} else {
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype-' + fileext).removeClass('hidden');
// User confirms the file upload
$('#file-confirm').show().find('button').off("click").click(function() {
if ($(this).data('target') == 'weblink') {
// Replace the cover
} else {
// Copy to clipboard
if (navigator.clipboard) {
} else {
$dialog.find(".preview input").click().select();
error: function(e) {
alert("Sorry, an error has occurred.\n" + e.statusText);
}); // -ajax
}); // -change
}); // -#uploadFile
// Upload a dataset file
$('#uploadPackage').each(function() {
var $dialog = $(this);
var $togglebtn = $('button[data-target="#uploadPackage"]');
// Enable the available fields
var $longtext = $('.fld-longtext');
// Append button to the pitch editor
// Set up the file dialog
var $inputfd = $dialog.find('input[type="file"]');
$inputfd.change(function() {
var thefile = $inputfd[0].files[0];
// Check file size limits
var maxsize = parseInt($inputfd.data('maxsize'));
if (thefile.size > maxsize) {
return alert("Please upload a smaller file (1 MB limit)");
// Create upload object
var fdd = new FormData();
fdd.append('file', thefile);
url: '/api/project/uploader',
type: 'post',
data: fdd,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function(response) {
if (response.indexOf('http') !== 0) {
return alert('File could not be uploaded :(\n' + response);
// Parse the file name and size
var filename = response.split(/(\\|\/)/g).pop().replaceAll('_', ' ');
var fileext = filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
var filesize = Math.round(thefile.size/102.4)/10;
filesize = (filesize>1000) ? (Math.round(filesize/102.4)/10) + ' MB' : filesize + ' KB';
// Get the form ready
$dialog.find(".preview input").val(response);
// Preview values
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filename').html(filename);
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filesize').html(filesize);
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype *').addClass('hidden');
// Special file types
const isDataPackage = filename.indexOf('datapackage.json') >= 0;
if (isDataPackage) {
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype-frictionless').removeClass('hidden');
} else {
$dialog.find('.file-preview .filetype-' + fileext).removeClass('hidden');
// User confirms the file upload
$('#data-confirm').show().find('button').off("click").click(function() {
if ($(this).data('target') == 'pitch') {
// Determine file extension
//var fileExt = filename.split('.');
//fileExt = (fileExt.length > 1) ? fileExt[fileExt.length - 1] : '?';
// ... ' (' + fileExt.toUpperCase() + ')';
// Append to pitch
if (typeof window.toasteditor !== 'undefined') {
if (isDataPackage) {
} else {
window.toasteditor.exec('addLink', {
linkUrl: response, linkText: filename
} else {
// Create Markdown link with a paperclip emoji
var fileLink = '📎 [' + filename + '](' + response + ')';
if (isDataPackage) {
fileLink = response;
$('#longtext').val($('#longtext').val() +
'\n\n' + fileLink);
} else {
// Copy to clipboard
if (navigator.clipboard) {
} else {
$dialog.find(".preview input").click().select();
error: function(e) {
alert("Sorry, an error has occurred.\n" + e.statusText);
}); // -ajax
}); // -change
}); // -#uploadPackage
// Media upload
$('#uploadMedia').each(function() {
var $dialog = $(this);
var $togglebtn = $('button[data-target="#uploadMedia"]');
// Append button to the pitch editor
var $longtext = $('.fld-longtext');
// Set up the dialog
var $inputfd = $dialog.find('input[type="url"]');
var $submitb = $dialog.find('button[data-target="insert"');
$submitb.click(function() {
var theurl = $inputfd.val();
if (theurl.indexOf('https://') !== 0) {
return window.alert('Invalid address');
// Add some spaces
theurl = '\n' + theurl + '\n';
// Append to pitch
if (typeof window.toasteditor !== 'undefined') {
} else {
theurl = '\n' + theurl + '\n'; // More spaces
$('#longtext').val($('#longtext').val() + theurl);
}); // -#uploadMedia
// Admin button tips
$('.admin-defaults button').click(function() {
// Admin event import
// this is the id of the form
$("#importEvent form").submit(function(e) {
var $form = $(this);
if ($form.find('input[type="file"]').val().length>0) return;
var url = $form.attr('action');
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: $form.serialize(),
success: function(data) {
// Handle response
if (data.status == 'Error') {
} else {
error: function(err) {
}); // -importEvent form
// Initialize rich editor for Markdown
function activate_editor() {
if (typeof toastui !== 'object') return;
const Editor = toastui.Editor;
const $longtext = $('#longtext');
if (!$longtext.length) return;
$longtext.after('<div id="mdeditor" style="text-align:left"></div>');
const toasteditor = window.toasteditor = new Editor({
el: document.querySelector('#mdeditor'),
height: '500px',
previewStyle: 'tab',
initialEditType: 'wysiwyg',
initialValue: $longtext.hide().text(),
usageStatistics: false,
toolbarItems: [
['heading', 'bold', 'italic'],
['hr', 'quote', 'strike'],
['ul', 'ol'],
['table', 'link'],
['code', 'codeblock'],
// Handle form submission
$longtext.parents('form').submit(function() {
// Save settings
localStorage.setItem('markdownhelper', '1');
const $activateEditor = $('#activateEditor');
$activateEditor.find('[data-do="reset"]').show().click(function() {
if (window.confirm('Save changes first! Continue?')) {
localStorage.setItem('markdownhelper', '0');
console.info('editor ready.');
// Characters remaining, thanks to James Bruton
function markRequired() {
var control = $(this).find(".form-control");
var label = $(this).children("label");
if (control.attr("required") == "required") {
function countCharacters() {
var max = $(this).attr("maxlength");
// Ignore for big fields
if (!max || max > 1000) return;
var length = $(this).val().length;
var counter = max - length;
var helper = $(this).next().find(".form-text");
helper = helper.length ? helper :
$(this).next().append("<span class='form-text'></span>").find(".form-text");
// Switch to the singular if there's exactly 1 character remaining
if (counter !== 1) {
helper.text(counter + " characters remaining");
} else {
helper.text(counter + " character remaining");
// Make it red if there are 0 characters remaining
if (counter === 0) {
} else {
function init_forms() {
function init_editor() {
const $activateEditor = $('#activateEditor');
const $longtext = $('#longtext');
// Move button to editing area
// Handle activation button
.show().on('click', activate_editor);
// Clear button
$activateEditor.find('[data-do="clear"]').show().click(function() {
if (window.toasteditor) { window.toasteditor.reset(); }
// Enable by default
if (localStorage.getItem('markdownhelper') === null) {
localStorage.setItem('markdownhelper', '1');
// Load settings
if (localStorage.getItem('markdownhelper') == '1') {
setTimeout(activate_editor, 100);
} //- init_editor
// Bootup
}).call(this, jQuery, window);