2017-11-23 09:45:38 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generated by Django 1.9.4 on 2017-11-23 08:11
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from django . db import migrations , models
import django . db . models . deletion
import djangocms_text_ckeditor . fields
import filer . fields . image
class Migration ( migrations . Migration ) :
dependencies = [
2017-11-23 11:35:39 +01:00
( ' filer ' , ' 0004_auto_20160328_1434 ' ) ,
2017-11-23 09:45:38 +01:00
( ' cms ' , ' 0014_auto_20160404_1908 ' ) ,
( ' ungleich_page ' , ' 0011_ungleichproduct_ungleichproductitem ' ) ,
operations = [
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' UngleichCustomer ' ,
fields = [
( ' service_ptr ' , models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' ungleich_page.Service ' ) ) ,
( ' section_class ' , models . CharField ( blank = True , default = ' ' , max_length = 100 ) ) ,
( ' carousel_data_interval ' , models . IntegerField ( default = 3000 ) ) ,
( ' bottom_text ' , djangocms_text_ckeditor . fields . HTMLField ( default = ' <h3 class= " section-subheading text-muted " >*ungleich means not equal to (≠) U+2260.</h3> ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' abstract ' : False ,
} ,
bases = ( ' ungleich_page.service ' , ) ,
) ,
migrations . CreateModel (
name = ' UngleichCustomerItem ' ,
fields = [
( ' cmsplugin_ptr ' , models . OneToOneField ( auto_created = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . CASCADE , parent_link = True , primary_key = True , serialize = False , to = ' cms.CMSPlugin ' ) ) ,
( ' url ' , models . URLField ( blank = True , default = ' ' , max_length = 300 ) ) ,
( ' description ' , djangocms_text_ckeditor . fields . HTMLField ( ) ) ,
( ' image ' , filer . fields . image . FilerImageField ( blank = True , null = True , on_delete = django . db . models . deletion . SET_NULL , related_name = ' customer_item_image ' , to = ' filer.Image ' ) ) ,
] ,
options = {
' abstract ' : False ,
} ,
bases = ( ' cms.cmsplugin ' , ) ,
) ,