Merge pull request #182 from levivm/feature/new_digitalglarus
added more translations
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 95 additions and 73 deletions
Binary file not shown.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-02-26 16:32-0500\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-03-27 12:09-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
@ -18,75 +18,76 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:10
#: templates/alplora/index.html:13
msgid "Find your animal anywhere, anytime"
msgstr "Finde deine Tiere"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:88 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:100 templates/alplora/
msgid "About"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:91 templates/alplora/
msgid "Usecase"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:94 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:103 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:516
msgid "Why Alplora?"
msgstr "Warum Alplora"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:97 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:106 templates/alplora/
msgid "Usecase"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:109 templates/alplora/
msgid "Testimonials"
msgstr "Referenzen"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:100 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:456
#: templates/alplora/index.html:112 templates/alplora/
#: templates/alplora/index.html:523
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontakt"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:103
#: templates/alplora/index.html:115
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Login"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:125
msgid "Perfect fit for Swiss Alps"
msgstr "Perfekt für die Schweizer Alpen"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:126
#: templates/alplora/index.html:138
msgid "Find your herd anytime, anywhere"
msgstr "Finde deine Herde jederzeit und überall"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:146
#: templates/alplora/index.html:139
msgid "Perfect fit for Swiss Alps"
msgstr "Perfekt für die Schweizer Alpen"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:164
msgid "What is Alplora?"
msgstr "Was ist Alplora?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:147
#: templates/alplora/index.html:165
msgid ""
"Alplora is an animal tracker made for outdoor grazing animals in Swiss Alps."
msgstr ""
"Alplora ist ein Sender, der speziell für Weidetiere in den Schweizer Alpen "
"entwickelt wurde."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:148
#: templates/alplora/index.html:166
msgid "Alplora is just like a cattle bell, but much better."
msgstr "Alplora ist wie eine Kuhglocke, nur viel besser."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:157
#: templates/alplora/index.html:175
msgid "LOST"
msgstr "VERLOREN"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:166
#: templates/alplora/index.html:184
msgid "WOLF"
msgstr "WOLF"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:174
#: templates/alplora/index.html:192
msgid "INJURED"
msgstr "VERLETZT"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:185
#: templates/alplora/index.html:203
msgid "How does Alplora track my animals?"
msgstr "Wie kann Alplora meine Tiere verfolgen und ausfindig machen ?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:186
#: templates/alplora/index.html:204
msgid ""
"Each animal will be wearing a small tracker,<P></P>and the tracker will be "
"sending signal every 30 to 60 minutes."
@ -94,28 +95,32 @@ msgstr ""
"Jedes Tier wird einen kleinen Sender tragen, <P></P> welcher alle 30 bis 60 "
"Minuten einSignal senden wird."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:195
#: templates/alplora/index.html:213
msgid "Access app"
msgstr "Zugang zur App"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:197
#: templates/alplora/index.html:215
msgid ""
"You can see the animal locations on a map by logging into our Alplora app."
msgstr ""
"Du kannst den Standort deiner Tiere jederzeit auf einer Karte verfolgen, in "
"dem du dich in unsere Alplora App einloggst."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:205
#: templates/alplora/index.html:223
msgid "Get an alarm"
msgstr "Erhalte ein Warnsignal"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:207
#: templates/alplora/index.html:225
msgid ""
"When certain signals for danger are detected Alplora send an alarm to you."
msgstr ""
"Wenn Anzeichen von Gefahr bestehen, sendet dir die Alplora App einen Alarm."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:218
#: templates/alplora/index.html:233
msgid "Find your animal"
msgstr "Sind deine Tiere..."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:236
msgid ""
"You can locate the animal in trouble by the realtime map and can take "
"actions for keeping the animal safe."
@ -123,11 +128,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Du kannst dein Tier in Notsituationen auf einer Echtzeit-Karte lokalisieren "
"und dabeiMassnahmen ergreifen um es in Sicherheit zu bringen."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:235
#: templates/alplora/index.html:253
msgid "Perfect fit for Swiss mountains"
msgstr "Die perfekt für die Schweizer Alpen"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:237
#: templates/alplora/index.html:255
msgid ""
"Alplora is made and tested for Swiss Alps. It is a perfect fit for Swiss "
@ -135,74 +140,85 @@ msgstr ""
"Alplora wurde speziell für die Schweizer Alpen entwickelt und vor Ort "
"getestet. DasProdukt passt perfekt in die Schweiz!"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:245
msgid ""
"Alplora uses the latest LoraWAN technology for efficient and secure tracking."
msgstr ""
"Alplora nutzt die neusten LoraWAN-Technologien für effizientes und sicheres "
#: templates/alplora/index.html:261
msgid "Energy Efficient"
msgstr "Energieeffizient"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:251
#: templates/alplora/index.html:263
msgid ""
"Alplora uses the latest wireless technology, our batteries last the whole "
"alp season."
msgstr ""
"Alplora arbeitet mit den neuesten Technologien, so dass der Akku die gesamte "
"Alpsaison überdauert."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:269
msgid "Made with love"
msgstr "Mit Liebe gemacht"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:253
#: templates/alplora/index.html:271
msgid ""
"With a lot of love and respect for Swiss agriculture and nature, Alplora is "
"made by Swiss company."
msgstr ""
"With a lot of love and respect for Swiss agriculture and nature, Alplora is "
"made bySwiss company."
"Alplora wurde mit viel Liebe und Respekt für die Schweizer Natur und "
"Landwirtschaft von einer Schweizer Firma entwickelt.."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:266
#: templates/alplora/index.html:283
msgid "Who needs Alplora?"
msgstr "Wer benötigt Alplora?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:284
#: templates/alplora/index.html:299
msgid " Are your animals..."
msgstr "Sind deine Tiere..."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:287
#: templates/alplora/index.html:302
msgid "sheep, goats, cows or llamas living freely in the Alps?"
msgstr "Schafe, Ziegen, Kühe oder Lamas, die frei in den Alpen leben?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:289
#: templates/alplora/index.html:304
msgid "wearing bells?"
msgstr "solche, die Glocken tragen?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:291
#: templates/alplora/index.html:306
msgid ""
"sometimes getting confused and going too far away from where they are "
"supposed to be?"
msgstr ""
"manchmal verwirrt und entfernen sich zu weit vonihrem vorgesehenen Standort?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:315
#: templates/alplora/index.html:330
msgid "Do you..."
msgstr "Möchtest du..."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:320
#: templates/alplora/index.html:333
msgid "have animals which are staying outdoor during some time of the year?"
msgstr ""
"deine Tiere, die eine längere Zeit im Jahr unbeobachtet Draussen verbringen, "
"schützen und überwachen können?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:335
msgid "want to get an alarm when your animal is hurt, or in danger?"
msgstr ""
"alarmiert werden, wenn sich eines deiner Tiere verletzt oder in Gefahr "
"befindet ?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:322
#: templates/alplora/index.html:337
msgid "want to see where your animals are on your cell phone map?"
msgstr ""
"sehen können, wo sich deine Tiere auf der Karte auf deinem Smartphone "
#: templates/alplora/index.html:324
#: templates/alplora/index.html:339
msgid "want to make sure 24/7 that your animals are safe?"
msgstr ""
"sicherstellen, dass sich deine Tiere rund um die Uhr in Sicherheit befinden?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:341
#: templates/alplora/index.html:357
msgid "What our customers say"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:361
#: templates/alplora/index.html:377
msgid ""
"“Alplora is an innovation in looking after my cows. I can check where my "
"cows have been in the higher mountain all day while doing other works at the "
@ -214,11 +230,11 @@ msgstr ""
"selben Zeit andereDinge auf dem Hof unten im Dorf erledigen. Dank Alplora "
"kann ich meinen Kühenmehr Sicherheit gewährleisten."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:364
#: templates/alplora/index.html:380
msgid "Farmer in canton Glarus"
msgstr "Bauern im Kanton Glarus"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:370
#: templates/alplora/index.html:386
msgid ""
"\"Alplora is exactly what I was waiting for. I have lost my sheep almost "
"every year. Finally I have a way when I want to locate them.\""
@ -227,11 +243,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Schafe fastjedes Jahr aus den Augen verloren. Nun habe ich endlich die "
"Möglichkeit, sie zulokalisieren.\""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:373
#: templates/alplora/index.html:389
msgid "Owner of 50 sheep "
msgstr "Besitzerin von 50 Schafen"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:379
#: templates/alplora/index.html:395
msgid ""
"\"I have a farm down all the way down in the village and y goats are always "
"freely grazing in the Alps. There are times that I am worried about them but "
@ -245,34 +261,40 @@ msgstr ""
"noch um meineanderen Tiere kümmern muss. Mit Alplora kann ich nun ohne "
"Probleme beides tun.\""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:383
#: templates/alplora/index.html:399
msgid "Farmer at Berner Oberland"
msgstr "Bauer aus dem Berner Oberland"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:401
#: templates/alplora/index.html:416
msgid "How do I get Alplora?"
msgstr "Wie kriege ich Zugriff zu Alplora?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:402
#: templates/alplora/index.html:417
msgid "Click the below button and leave us your contact."
msgstr "Klicke unten auf Kontakt und hinterlasse uns deine Angaben."
#: templates/alplora/index.html:402
#: templates/alplora/index.html:417
msgid "Team Alplora will contact you and visit you with tracking device. "
msgstr "Klicke unten auf Kontakt und hinterlasse uns deine Angaben. Kontakt"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:471
msgid "Request Sent"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:439
#: templates/alplora/index.html:474
msgid "Thank you, we will contact you as soon as possible"
msgstr ""
#: templates/alplora/index.html:506
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Startseite"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:449
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Who needs Alplora?"
msgid "Why Alplora? "
msgstr "Wer benötigt Alplora?"
#: templates/alplora/index.html:452
#: templates/alplora/index.html:519
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Testimonials"
msgid "Testimonials "
msgstr "Referenzen"
msgid "Message Successfully Sent"
msgstr ""
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
<div class="col-sm-4">
<div class="team-member wow fadeInDown" data-wow-delay="1.5s">
<img src="{% static 'alplora/img/arms.svg'%}" data-replaced="img/services/linux.png" class="img-responsive img-toggle cursor-pointer" alt="">
<h4 class="portfolio-caption">Find your animal</h4>
<h4 class="portfolio-caption">{% trans 'Find your animal' %}</h4>
<p class="text-muted"> </p>
<div class="team-member-caption inline-block">
<p>{% trans 'You can locate the animal in trouble by the realtime map and can take actions for keeping the animal safe.' %}</p>
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 text-center portfolio-item wow fadeInDown" data-wow-delay="1s">
<img src="{% static 'alplora/img/cow.png'%}" class="img-responsive inline-block" alt="">
<div class="portfolio-caption inline-block">
<h4>Energy Efficient</h4>
<h4>{% trans 'Energy Efficient' %}</h4>
<p> </p>
<p class="team-member">{% trans 'Alplora uses the latest wireless technology, our batteries last the whole alp season.' %}</p>
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
<h2 class="section-heading">{% trans 'Do you...'%}</h2>
<ul class="fa-ul">
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg"></i>
<p class="lead">have animals which are staying outdoor during some time of the year?</p></li>
<p class="lead">{% trans 'have animals which are staying outdoor during some time of the year?'%}</p></li>
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg"></i>
<p class="lead">{% trans 'want to get an alarm when your animal is hurt, or in danger?'%}</p></li>
<li><i class="fa-li fa fa-check-square-o fa-lg"></i>
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
<a href="#about">{% trans 'Usecase'%}</a></li>
<a href="#about">{% trans 'Why Alplora? '%}</a></li>
<a href="#about">{% trans 'Why Alplora?'%}</a></li>
<li class="footer-menu-divider">⋅</li>
<a href="#services">{% trans 'Testimonials '%}</a>
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